Weaponizing sound and light over private land air space.

Nope, from what I’ve learned she was a hot mess too. She swindled the property thru an affair of sorts. Lots of resentment with the other neighbors and they were glad to see her go and us move in.

The neighbor, I’m having a problem to is in no relation to any of that drama.

Are there any real estate disclosure laws in your state that would've related to the crazy neighbor? Past criminal complaints, restraining orders, etc.? Would she have any exposure to a civil claim for not disclosing the history there?
Are there any real estate disclosure laws in your state that would've related to the crazy neighbor? Past criminal complaints, restraining orders, etc.? Would she have any exposure to a civil claim for not disclosing the history there?
I will ask the attorney on Friday.
I had one of those neighbors when I first moved in where I still live. This guy hated me and everything about my family and my life. My dog would give one bark when he wanted to come in the house. In ten minutes, the cops would be at my door for noise ordinance violations. He would throw dead mice and birds in my yard and yell profanities at me every time he saw me. My girls were little, and my wife did day care for three other little girls at the time. There was a 4 ft. high wood fence between our properties. One day he drove finish nails in the top of that fence every 6 inches or so and left them sticking up an inch. then he clipped the heads off, so they were nice and sharp. When I discovered that, I totally lost it. I went on a very loud profanity laced tirade, complete with red face and bulging forehead veins. It ended with me informing him that if he ever tried to hurt my girls again, I was going to burn his f---ing house down in the middle of the night with him and his wife in it.

I never had another problem with him, and he move out shortly after that. I later found out that it wasn't just me, he hated everyone.
He kinda reminds me of various ranchers I know.

Likely he thinks you're the a-hole, these various interactions for any reasonable person are totally benign... any reasonable person wouldn't even notice.

He's clearly not reasonable, and given the above list I'm assuming sees his property as sacrosanct.

In these situations being in the right doesn't matter. I mean it might matter in a court of law, might matter to you, but in the context of navigating this relationship you have to realize that he thinks he's right, and likely to an absurd degree.

My conjecture, and obviously arm chairing at a distance, the most frustrating and yet probably most effective way to deal with the issue is just to capitulate.

He wants an apology for all the slights, anything you say to try explain mitigating circumstances will likely just piss him off. I think in large part folks miss the point of an apology, it's not to 'atone' for what you think you did wrong, the point is to make the aggrieved party feel better/heard.

"I'm sorry my dog chased your chickens, clearly I was negligent in not keeping him restrained. I will talk to my kids about being more considerate of others in public... yada yada..."

Clearly the dude is a huge dick/ piece of work, but I imagine if you apologize for all the things he's frustrated about, regardless of how you feel about them, you might be able to de-escalate the problem.

I think that's the route you'd have to go to bury the hatchet.

Up to you whether that is a bridge to far, and it legitimately might be... me I would just put myself in the mind set that I'm trying to talk down a toddler and just try to put an end to it. Folks can only get to you it you give them the right.


but yeah all that being said #*^@#* that guy
I always knew you had French blood.
I’ve been in this situation before and the problem with legal routes is that it just escalated everything. It might have stopped for a month but then it was just something new and started all over.
I finally moved away before the all-consuming thoughts of disappearing a body took root.
I’ve been in this situation before and the problem with legal routes is that it just escalated everything. It might have stopped for a month but then it was just something new and started all over.
I finally moved away before the all-consuming thoughts of disappearing a body took root.
I am worried about that. Logic and reason have no merit in his thoughts.
I had one of those neighbors when I first moved in where I still live. This guy hated me and everything about my family and my life. My dog would give one bark when he wanted to come in the house. In ten minutes, the cops would be at my door for noise ordinance violations. He would throw dead mice and birds in my yard and yell profanities at me every time he saw me. My girls were little, and my wife did day care for three other little girls at the time. There was a 4 ft. high wood fence between our properties. One day he drove finish nails in the top of that fence every 6 inches or so and left them sticking up an inch. then he clipped the heads off, so they were nice and sharp. When I discovered that, I totally lost it. I went on a very loud profanity laced tirade, complete with red face and bulging forehead veins. It ended with me informing him that if he ever tried to hurt my girls again, I was going to burn his f---ing house down in the middle of the night with him and his wife in it.

I never had another problem with him, and he move out shortly after that. I later found out that it wasn't just me, he hated everyone.
This is my kind of guy....always be open to give violence a chance :)
I truly don’t know. The story changes. First it was me target practicing. So he set timers and started firing the at 5 min intervals every time someone visited. I got a membership at the gun range to stop my part which was minimal and legal.

Then it was me farming my property and driving on the other neighbors when I made my turns.

Then it was draining water off my field. I did not do anything but disc the area cleared to plant it.

Then it was when my GSP chased his loose chickens on my property across to his.

Then it was my kids being noisy while they played outside with their friends.

Need I go on?
So what direction is the dominant wind and how many hogs are you allowed to have on your property at once?
I am worried about that. Logic and reason have no merit in his thoughts.
Wish you the best, I think its easier to hurt a human than a pet animal, so if he is already shooting at your pets, who knows. May wanna act fast, especially with kids. Crazy is crazy and it will never change. There is always the train station. 👀😀
So, what is so special about the 150 feet?
It used to be so thick a rabbit was scared to enter. I cleared it to put in a deer food plot and thin mosquitoes out.

I don’t hunt the wildlife, have never had any interest in it at the house. We just like seeing them and I don’t want to mow it.

It all started around that point. He moved semi trailers in to act as a fence along his side. That is what the alarms are stuck to.

Best part is he hunts and has killed nice bucks since I put the food plot in. Seems like a funny thing to be mad that your hunting has improved. Lol
I have problems with a guy at a private lake that has some public ground around it. The guy even was part of running @ccc23454 off this year. All the land around the lake is public other than the lots with homes. The guy runs everyone off claiming all the ground is private. I keep posting ads on Craigslist about “Family fishing days”. Hoping people from Omaha come down and flood the lake, also saying all the grassy areas are open to the public for fishing, camping, picnics, etc. I print them out and put them on the community bulletin board at the lake which I know he sees. I heard it was a meeting item at the next board meeting at the lake. I’m pretty easy to get along with, but when you decide to try to buffalo me I’ll go to great lengths to make your life hell.
When I was younger I had a problem with a guy. He kept calling me when he was drunk trying to start shit but would avoid me whenever we would see each other around town.
I got pissed one night and posted a few craigslist ads.
Something like
" 98 honda civic price -too good to be true.
I work nights and sleep days please call in middle of night if no answer leave a message. If you really want it keep calling. Selling due to a divorce. Mention how shitty my wife is and get a $100 discount.

He knew who did it because he never bugged me again.
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