Water on the head... (LONG !!)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So in Soccer, I was thinking we lost 1 or 2 games. I knew we were doing pretty good but sometimes at the end since it's a Recreation league and no scores are openly kept, it's hard to know if it was 3-2 or 2-3 (At least for me). I found out yesterday (From those keeping better track) that we hadn't lost any games I guess and tied 2 of them. Anyways, I guess our team is undefeated. You would think I would keep better track of that....... and now I am, Since we jsut played our last season game ;) I'll start out be telling you it's not me as a coach, but that we have good players that work hard.

Anyway, yesterday Zachs team (The one I assistant coach for) started to come together. I know they only win about 50% of their games if that, but I love working with that age group (7 years old). Usually the scores are like 8-10 or so because there are no goalies, smaller fields, etc. Well it ended up as 1-0. Zach made the only goal the entire game. (He usually scores 6 of the 7 points they get but he's real aggrressive and practices with my older team 2 times a week too) But what I was proud of is they started using tricks and moves we were teaching them. Every player was, not just one or two. Stopping the ball, turning the balls direction, Etc. It was a proud moment as a coach !!!!

Then 1/2 hour later we had Oscars Game. I found out one of the top 3 players twisted his Ankle and was jsut watching. (I hate to classify players as top because I like all the players but they are the top 3). The other 2 were NOT in site, ANYWHERE !!!. Game was starting and the top 3 players were not there. After watching the other team warm up I knew we were going to get beat, just I didn't know how bad. So I had the Pep talk, Work hard, do your Best, Out play them by passing, not working harder, but by working smarter, etc.

It was a hot day to be running around and I felt bad for the kids. One new kid wanted to play goaly. I thought since we were probably going down, give him a shot, put the other kid or two that swapped out as goalie up front so we have good legs up there.. Some quick lessons and the game whistle blew. Behind me I see one of the 3 top guys showing up. So now we have enough for 3 subs but still missing 2 good players.

The game started, several close calls but after 5 mins into the game 0-0, YES !!!! Kids are passing, life is good. Then Bang, one of their kids kick the ball and it rolls past the defenders and right past out goaly. not wizz's past him but rolls past him. I yelled the "Don't worry about it, get it next time" comment but I was thinking What the heck ? Then 2 mins later the same thing happened. 0-2. I rallied the troops and the defending coach lined out the goalie and someone kicked a Smoker at him.....and he stopped it !!!!! The crowd goes wild and you can see the kids Face light up with a new Passion. As kids were coming off the field I had a huge water thing that I was Throwing water ice water in their face to cool them down. I would high five them and give each and every one a Pep talk as well as watching the game.

It was one of those days that the Kids lit on FIRE !!! We kicked towards their goal and..... GOOOOAAAAAALLLLL !!! 1-2 YES !!!!

So the kids all run and scream and as coaches we're yelling for the possitions and we catch the weakness on the other team and ........ GOAAAAAAAALLLLLL !!!! 2-2 !!! Tied game !!!

So 1/2 time comes and we have a talk, I gather them around, laughing and telling them about how I have been watching this other team and they play better the 2nd half and our team needs to step up the game. (OK, SO I LIED !!!) ;) I'm splashing water on our kids and we're just laughing and having a good time even though it's HOT and everyones tiered.

One kid said we needed to huttle but he said he wanted us Coaches to leave . I'm all about whatever so I told them to huttle and me and the other coach talked possitioning and everything. the kjids were laughing and pointing and then called us over. We finished the 1/2 break and I thought that as long as they were happy I didn't need to know.....

So we line the kids up and the game continues.... Our kids easily kicked 5 shots to their goal and are missing it my only by a foot or two. I figure as long as we're pounding it who cares. I make a little comment about how the goal is 10' wide and they need to put the ball "IN" it, not outside of it. The kids were laughing and all was good.

Then .... GOOOAAAAAALLLLLLLLL 3-2. The other team almost stopped. The momentum of 2-0 for them had been crushed. Our new Goalie was stopping the balls kicked to him and he was sending it back downfield for the fowards to work it.

We were swapping kids positions out left and right for water breaks and I splashed each kid in the face with water and joked around as well as yelling at the kids out playing trying to make sure they are motivated and playing their position. They continued pounding the ball at the other goal and more misses happened then you would imagine !!! But they kept at it and kept it down field.

(I have to admit I need to be more quiet and not yell towards the field all the time......but it's hard..... WAY HARD :D :D )

Then.... GOOOAAAAAAAALLLLLL !!!!!!! 4-2 !!! I was like a Kid myself. I almost ran the feild. It was a 2 point safe lead.

Now, We've been ahead and one game we were ahead by 3 and in the last 10 minutes the other team came in and scored 3 on us. The kids were already partying over the win in that past game and ended up Tieing instead of winning. We had a long talk about that and I think they've learned alot since that day.

The other team made a Beautifull point on us. One the goalie couldn't get so now it was 4-3. And we kept pounding the goal and one of their players touched the ball inside their goal area so it was a Free kid-goalie kick. Jackson McKenzie (State Senators Curt McKenzies kid) who is a great player lined up and BANG !!!!! 5-3. A few min's went by and the Whistle blew for game. High fiving everyone as they came off the field and walking out to shake hands with our new possitioned goaly I got snuck up from behind and "SPLASH" !!! Ice cold water was poured all over me. they had taken the Big bucket that I had been sprinkling them with and throwing water at all game to keep them cool and now the rest was all over me. The one day I didn't have my camera out there... HAHA !! It was awesome !!!

It was truely a FUN, GOOD game. The kids at 1/2 time huttled up and planned the Water throw and I think they played even that much harder to make sure they won.

Next week is KIDS CUP. The following week I'll have both teams over to my place for Trophies and a party and then Hopefully I will free up 4 days a week I was using to coach so I can maybe go chase a bear ;)
Cool, sounds they they are about ready to try a sport.;)

Seriously, congrats to the kids.:)
It's still just a bunch of kids running around kicking each other in the shins. Yawn...I'll pass.

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