Virginia Gun Grab

The bottom line on all of the caca de toro, is that you get what you vote for. The liberal left will stop at nothing, until they get their way on gun issues. There are some here that seem willing to have the gun grab thing happen, but real Americans are starting to stand up and say enough is enough. GET OUT AND VOTE! This crap happens when good people don't vote.

It's no surprise that a political party in power over-reaches on policy issues. You see it all the time. Kansas ruined their government over a blind adherence to ideologically driven tax policies from libertarian think tanks. VA is going down the same over-reach road on guns, and Ohio passed a law that criminalized the ending of ectopic pregnancies due to anti-abortion fervor.

As with all things, it takes a thoughtful, considered approach to make good policy, which is why I'm a big fan of split governance between the two parties. Compromise& consensus bring America the longest-lasting & best policy decisions. Tribal politics is going to kill this nation.
It'll be political suicide if it passes. A fairly clean sweep in the next election, and I bet it would all get reversed. 91 out of 95 counties have passed sanctuary status which would be interesting between any hypothetical passage of a bill and it's repeal.

Richmond and other large cities dominate the political process.....this is why we can “never” allow the socialist to get rid of the “Electoral College”! memtb
How is this gun control different than the others? It’s not IMO. Gun control then and gun control now infringes on the 2A. Infringement is infringement. Not apples and oranges.

Different laws covering different regulations introduced at different levels of government proposed in vastly different historical and social contexts. I agree infringement is infringement, but I don't think the situation on the ground is comparable.
The electoral college doesn't prevent large cities from dominating your state legislature.

EXACTLY......This is what I was trying to say. Perhaps I worded it poorly”! I was referring to th national election for president! memtb
Compromise& consensus bring America the longest-lasting & best policy decisions. Tribal politics is going to kill this nation.

In spirit, this sounds great. In reality, everybody has hills they will die on and those hills aren’t always the same. For some, that hill is public lands. For others, those hills could be free government handouts or abortion. And for others (including me), it’s the 2nd Amendment.

I will compromise on most things, but I am ok dying on this one. There has been enough compromise on the 2nd and I am perfectly content being a tribal member to the 2nd Amendment.
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EXACTLY......This is what I was trying to say. Perhaps I worded it poorly”! memtb

It doesn't even prevent large cities from dominating congress. The senate is the backstop for that, with equal representation.

The E-college is a great invention, but that too is influenced by population centers within those states. Those population centers will largely outnumber rural voters within the next decade, as rural areas bleed populations and people migrate to those cities. That means little for super-red states, but for purple states like Colorado, Michigan, etc, it means those states will soon become solidly blue, sending those electoral votes to the democratic candidate.

Lots of faith in the electoral college to save the Republican party, but that saving grace is really easy to manipulate. Trump's victory was due to Clinton's poor campaigning more than anything else. More time in the rust belt, and we'd be saying Madam President.
It doesn't even prevent large cities from dominating congress. The senate is the backstop for that, with equal representation.

The E-college is a great invention, but that too is influenced by population centers within those states. Those population centers will largely outnumber rural voters within the next decade, as rural areas bleed populations and people migrate to those cities. That means little for super-red states, but for purple states like Colorado, Michigan, etc, it means those states will soon become solidly blue, sending those electoral votes to the democratic candidate.

Lots of faith in the electoral college to save the Republican party, but that saving grace is really easy to manipulate. Trump's victory was due to Clinton's poor campaigning more than anything else. More time in the rust belt, and we'd be saying Madam President.

The Dems didn't have a problem with big the E....the map was, right here in River City and all over the 'media', poll'd blue Benjamin. Their problem was not realizing they had the worst...I say worst candidate ever losing to the second worst ever. back to our regularly scheduled programming.
The Dems didn't have a problem with big the E....the map was, right here in River City and all over the 'media', poll'd blue Benjamin. Their problem was not realizing they had the worst...I say worst candidate ever losing to the second worst ever. back to our regularly scheduled programming.

It takes a village to make sure that Epstein didn't kill himself.
As the Montana Legislature considers going to annual sessions instead of ninety days every two years, the old proposal has once again come up suggesting they meet two days every ninety years.

The threat of the governor to use the National Guard would not fly as the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits use of military for law enforcement. It's just a bad idea on the face of it anyhow.

They can use the National Guard as Law Enforcement.


  • Guard-Status-9.27.18.pdf
    123.9 KB · Views: 4
The bottom line on all of the caca de toro, is that you get what you vote for. The liberal left will stop at nothing, until they get their way on gun issues. There are some here that seem willing to have the gun grab thing happen, but real Americans are starting to stand up and say enough is enough. GET OUT AND VOTE! This crap happens when good people don't vote.
So you're not a "real America" if you don't share your point of view? Please define a "real American" for me?

There's no such thing as a real American or an unreal American.

Now I will agree that more people should get out and vote, but I will strong disagree on whatever real american means.
Most all civil unrest (aka riots) have National Guard for property protection.
Most all natural disasters have National Guard for the same as well as humanitarian operations. Fires to hurricanes.

Local, county, State law enforcement would be severely overwhelmed w/o.

I differ from your perspective it's a bad idea. Worked side by side with them and it's well appreciated though of course, respect your opinion.
I stand corrected, although I think it is a rare occurrence and IMO, a bad idea.
Actually used all the time by states. Most states during natural disasters use the National Guard for anti-looting, evacuations and those types of functions. They are also used as additional security at large scale events (Olympics).
Lot of Virginia commentary on here from folks not in Virginia, so I'll throw in a few cents...

1. On the use of National Guard in the enforcement of gun control - this was not the Governor who said to use the National Guard. That stupid comment came from one of our esteemed members of Congress, who basically lit a match and dropped it into a tank of gasoline and then calmly walked away. The dems who have proposed the anti-gun measures have been trying to walk that one back from day one, but the fire was lit and it spread across the state in the form of 2nd Amendment Sanctuaries
2. Senator Saslaw's SB 16, the "assault weapons" bill that was pulled from consideration was one of the most egregious bills introduced, but there are plenty of other "common sense" bills that will pass without the democrats batting an eye. One that I am particularly concerned about makes it a crime to allow a person under 18 to use a firearm without direct supervision.
3. None of this is a surprise. The 2019 election was based almost exclusively around the democrats taking control so that they could "finally" pass some sensible gun regulations and a vast amount of money came into Virginia from outside of the state to make that happen. What passes at the end of the day remains to be seen, but they will pass some bills including increasing background checks, criminalizing unsecured weapons in your home, a red flag law, bans on bump stocks, and eliminating concealed carry reciprocity with other states.
4. The state of emergency declared by the governor which bans firearms on that Capitol grounds is a direct result of out of state whackos posting ridiculous comments about going to Virginia armed and "not coming back". No these are probably not credible threats, but in a state that had the situation in Charlottesville in recent memory, this was all the ammunition (pun intended) that they needed.

Predictions: the actual number of pro gun folks in Richmond on Monday is going to be in 5,000 - 7,500 range. Someone will get arrested because they play right into the hands of the anti gun crowd who will be baiting people into conflict. The large number of people and their attitude and attire will do more harm than good because the elected officials from Northern Virginia believe they are smarter and more sophisticated than those gun loving rednecks. What I wish would happen is 1,000 people in suits armed with iPads and statistics come to have reasonable conversations instead of the 5,000 people with modern sporting rifles and 1911s in hip holsters who will have stay outside of the capitol grounds.

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