Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Very, Very NOT right

This myth of Republicans waging a "war on women" is just disgusting and untrue. The media spin and liberal propaganda is absurd. For example, recent supreme Court ruling regarding Hobby Lobby. Democrats are already telling lies about a decent corporation. Apparently the left is OK if an insurance company tells a patient they won't cover a medication or procedures but if the company footing the bill wants to exclude the morning after pill and 2 IUD's but cover most every other form of birth control, the media and Hillary won't tell the truth. Instead, they use it as an opportunity to bash Republicans when this is a supreme Court ruling. And everyone buys it, all Republicans hate women when in fact, it is quite the opposite.

Here's the thing: IT doesn't matter. What matters is who controls the narrative. R's lost this narrative back with Romney & his binders full of women.

In politics, when you're responding, you're dying. That's where R's are with this issue.

Unlike energy - where the lies from the R's are more convincing than the D response.
Here's the thing: IT doesn't matter. What matters is who controls the narrative. R's lost this narrative back with Romney & his binders full of women.

In politics, when you're responding, you're dying. That's where R's are with this issue.

Unlike energy - where the lies from the R's are more convincing than the D response.

The Women vote decreased for the Dem President by two points from 2008 to 2012 according to Gallup.

The Dems are losing the women vote.

Do you really want me to list the lies told by Democrats?
The flow at the border is a bipartisan problem. If the idea is to get more people to vote Dem by letting them cross the border it seems odd that the last Republican president signed the law that makes us deal with minors crossing the border.

I think throwing the term "hypocritical" around is usually a sign that you are losing an argument. What exactly does being an outdoorsman have to do with any of this?

Do you support everything the Republicans do?


Have you ever hunted near the Southern Border?

And yes, it is a bipartisan problem but we should have listened to Duncan Hunter.
I'm going to step forward here and say that this was never intended to be an indictment of any particular party. I've served proudly under both. It just chaps my a$$ to no end that any politico would hold themselves to a pedestal above the people they are supposed to represent.

Take a look at your own family. If a Mom or Dad unilaterally proclaimed that no one in the house would be allowed to eat popcorn, and they would do what ever was within their means to keep popcorn out of the house, how long do you think it would take for some of the family to sneak popcorn ?

Jamming an ideal down someones throat isn't going to keep the popcorn out of the house.......
A nation with no borders is not a nation for long. Deport criminal invaders, actively patrol the borders, and arrest corporate executives who are hiring the criminals. Saw some interesting data on the downward wage pressure in the IT industry by foreigners on work visas. Why would we depress our wages here by bringing in unlimited numbers of skilled and and unskilled workers? Surely the labor unions are opposed to this right?
I have been watching this and some of the other political threads in between research. Which btw, I got my documentation on the Turner bison that was infected with brucellosis from an RB51 vaccine bloom and confirmation from their vet, Dr. Hunter who used to work for Idaho's Fish & Game that it was RB51.

Anyway, there are a number of issues that are running here and could comment on, but having lived in Texas, growing up with immigration issues on my back door, AND being a woman (most of which was in the South), and having grown up Republican, I can say a few things with certainty.

Not everything is as cut an dried as it may seem. :p I knew illegals that could not have gone through a legal process for immigration for a number of reasons and chanced getting here to survive, then file. I also know many of your US white citizens, some Republicans, who routinely take advantage of illegals like slave labor. My married in family in Texas, the one with the farming and ranching land in south central Texas, always hired illegals, though I think they were better treated than most landowners I knew. The illegals lived in shacks with no electricity or running water. I would not wish those living conditions on anyone. Grandma and Grandpa would defend those conditions as being better than most saying, "We take care of our wetbacks so we dont have to go without help."

Even as far north as San Antonio, when I was 14 (we lived out of the city), I was woken up in the night by a woman (illegal) screaming, banging on our door. She was seriously cut up, bruised and bleeding, barefoot and barely dressed. My dad spoke better Spanish than I did, but she had been working nearby (housekeeping) and was being abused/raped by the white US citizen that hired her. My dad took her to some friends to get taken care of and get help. We knew the man who had done this and he was a nasty piece of humanity (also a Republican, but thats not what made him trash). Yet in public, this man would complain about illegal immigration and border woes.

Having spent most of my life in the South, and being a woman, I can tell you from my experience and that observed of most women I knew in the south, I would say there is a war on women. While that may be predominately represented by a party, I have a hard time with "party" lines. I hate boxes. I prefer to judge people individually, not lump people into groups. Like everything in life, things change, they are fluid, so identities of parties change as well.

After I moved here to Montana, I was contracted for a website by a Democrat man who had on one of his pages all his platforms on women. The guy loved the site and because I knew he was paying for the PAC site out of his own pocket and was stressed for money, I let him pay half then and half the next month. When it came time to pay the rest, he said he could have set the site up himself and didnt want to pay. So I left him with his blog I created and some of the graphics, removed his site he hadnt paid for so he could do just that. I thought, how hypocritical to have all this bs on there about women, equal pay, opportunities and then you steal from a woman who is trying to make a living, the very thing you are supposed to be advocating for?

The party doesnt matter, the issues do, which is part of the reason that I hate a two party system controlling so much. It preys on people choosing sides, an us against them, yet I know people from both parties that have the same values, same beliefs. I think the focus should be on issues rather than political labels. I know that is not popular in an election year.

As to a woman I would vote for, it would not be Hillary Clinton and would not be because she was a woman, she just happens to be a woman who has stood up for the citizens and the issues - Elizabeth Warren. I have watched her before she ever became a senator.

As to if popcorn would outlawed in the home, I would so sneak popcorn. :) okay, back to work now, the elk are up tomorrow.
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My experience, as a man, is scumbags are scumbags and will abuse and take advantage of anyone they can, regardless of sex. The only area where this doesn't seem to be true is sexual abuse, but I don't think that has anything to do with a "war on women". The open border is a big problem and getting worse. It was once mostly about people seeking work with some drug and human trafficking. Now, its about drug and human trafficking, people seeking free benefits without work, terrorists entering the country and a few people seeking work. Our government is acting as an agent for the human traffickers by busing and flying illegals from the border areas into the interior. They even chartered private planes to move illegals from TX to here in AZ. I appreciate Randy letting people express their views on social issues and if anyone is offended, just skip these threads. What happens along the border effects hunting in that area, hunters that live in that area and, ultimately, hunters throughout the nation.
Yeah, the border is a mess and a humanitarian crisis, but we created it. If we do not secure our borders, even more will come and make things worse than they already are. My step-brother works border patrol in California and you would not believe the stories he has told me, why anyone is for an open border is beyond me. At least this is finally getting some attention, only took 20 years. Maybe our politicians will get something right in this issue for once.
Yeah, the border is a mess and a humanitarian crisis, but we created it. If we do not secure our borders, even more will come and make things worse than they already are. My step-brother works border patrol in California and you would not believe the stories he has told me, why anyone is for an open border is beyond me. At least this is finally getting some attention, only took 20 years. Maybe our politicians will get something right in this issue for once.

What area does he work? When I lived out there and worked for Ma Bell I covered everything from TJ to El Centro. Every day was a new adventure. Got to talk to lots of BP out there, they see some crazy stuff. My hats off to all of them, especially at night.
I think the House has done a GREAT job. Before this group got in there Obama pushed through every socialistic agenda he wanted with the Dems all lock stepped right in behind him, like lemmings over a cliff. They have ground things to a halt, and I think it's MARVELOUS!
Jus' sayin!
What area does he work? When I lived out there and worked for Ma Bell I covered everything from TJ to El Centro. Every day was a new adventure. Got to talk to lots of BP out there, they see some crazy stuff. My hats off to all of them, especially at night.

He lives in San Diego, but I'm not sure where exactly he patrols.
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