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Utah gives Ryan Benson $2 million

In an effort to keep the greater sage grouse off the endangered species list, Utah lawmakers are planning to pay another $2 million to a consultant responsible for fighting the protection status.

The state Department of Natural Resources hired attorney Ryan Benson last July to lead the fight against listing the sage grouse under the protections of the Endangered Species Act. Benson, an anti-wolf activist who is associated with Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife, is being paid $2 million in consulting fees.

State lawmakers are planning to pay Benson an additional $2 million this year for his services. Part of his duties include filing reports, preparing advertising and coordinating lobbying efforts in Washington, D.C. To date, he has provided one report to the state.

The high consultant fees for Benson are drawing concern from some state lawmakers.

"We worry that wine, women and song in D.C. is involved. When I hear lobbying money, it makes me very nervous," said state Sen. Jim Dabakis, a Democrat. "I don't know how we exclude the executive appropriations committee from a detailed listing of where this money is going."

State officials are trying to get Congress to intervene with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's decision to list the sage grouse due to its decline in 10 Western states. The agency plans to propose a listing by mid-September, but Utah wants 10 years to show its own conservation plan to boost the bird's population

That is easily and in many cases cheaply mitigated. Brush management along the fencelines is very helpful. Locating them where they are more easily seen by the birds is probably tops IME and more important than distance of use areas such as leks, brooding habitat, etc. Adding reflectors/visual cues helps. Also, reducing the number of avian predator perches in an area.

I worked with/along side the guy that may have been the first to document/publish this fact. He related to me once that he almost regrets publishing it as that is the one thing from that pub that people continually latch on to. Lots of other good info in there about the management of habitat for sage grouse.

Is this what the little alternating black and white reflectors I see on south central Idaho fences are for? The area I see them in has the highest grouse population I know of.

Why does Idaho have to be so close to Utah? I swear our legislature get stupider everytime we get a strong wind blowing out of the south. Viral?
Why does Idaho have to be so close to Utah? I swear our legislature get stupider everytime we get a strong wind blowing out of the south. Viral?

No Kidding. I was thinking this same thought today. Some legislators are trying to turn Idaho into Northern Utah.
We aren't all crazy......a lot of us in Utah are pretty sick of everything that's going on politically and with our wildlife.
Looks like it is something in the water down there. Check out the Ken Ivory franchise model. Ivory is the guy hailed as the hero, the face and voice, the brains behind the public land transfer idea. This link has some interesting information as to how legislators are making nice incomes promoting the scheme to screw you out of your public lands. Makes you wonder what other western legislators are skimming a little cream off the wages and consulting payments from this group and the dark money funders.


In 2013, his family pulled in six figures of income from the non-profit organization he formed to promote his political rambles. Given how much he has been out on the speaking circuit the last year or so, I can only imagine it is getting more profitable by the month.

Conflict of interest seems to stay low on the list of worries among Utah politicians.
Is this what the little alternating black and white reflectors I see on south central Idaho fences are for? The area I see them in has the highest grouse population I know of.

Why does Idaho have to be so close to Utah? I swear our legislature get stupider everytime we get a strong wind blowing out of the south. Viral?
Yep! I saw some in that part of the state last fall as well.
Those reflectors are a great way to pin point sage-grouse hunting locations. I hate seeing agencies proudly wave a banner on how many miles of fence they have marked. Even more humorous when they show pics of the marked fence with a background of herbaceous cover 2-3" in height.
Now global warming is killing sage grouse. I Guess if you believe in global warming you will believe anything. ? Really ? Wait im still laughing. Utah has done a great job managing there deer and elk. They have a great predator control program thanks to organizations like SFW and BGF.
Now global warming is killing sage grouse. I Guess if you believe in global warming you will believe anything. ? Really ? Wait im still laughing. Utah has done a great job managing there deer and elk. They have a great predator control program thanks to organizations like SFW and BGF.

I have some lovely beach front property in Nevada I'd like to talk to you about buying.
I'm not sure there's a conflict of interest with UT politicians since it really looks like their interest is making as much money as possible for themselves and friends while in office.
Now global warming is killing sage grouse. I Guess if you believe in global warming you will believe anything. ? Really ? Wait im still laughing. Utah has done a great job managing there deer and elk. They have a great predator control program thanks to organizations like SFW and BGF.

I hope you aren't serious.....about any of the items in your post. The rest of us are still laughing. I live in Utah, and things are just ok here IN SPITE of, not THANKS to SFW and BGF. Just ok turns into real bad real fast if things keep going the way they have been..

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