Uncle Ted on Fair Chase

the real definition of an "uncle ted" is someone who walks into an empty restroom full of empty stalls, other than the one you are in, and opts to drop a major duece in the stall right next to you, which in turn annoys the f#@k out of you just like uncle ted does.
On the surface, I don't agree with the animal disease opinion of Ted, but the hatred for Ted from the Democrats on this board baffles me.

Why do you Democrats hate him?

Baffles me as to how it is that someone is tagged a Democrat if they have little use for Nugent's actions, words, and hypocrisy on hunting issues, yet if you support his advocacy for gun issues, you are tagged a Republican.

I have never been a Democrat, but most times when Nugent opens his mouth about hunting topics, public lands, game laws, or issues affecting the average hunter, I shake my head. I find myself hoping that the media does not look at him as a voice or model for hunting.

When he debates Peirs Morgan on gun issues, I laugh and say, "Go get 'em Ted."

Point is, you can agree with his opinions on certain issues and disagree with his opinions on other issues, and it doesn't make you a Republican or Democrat. I would opine it makes you an independent thinker; someone who isn't going to bow down to a public personality and ignore some pretty striking violations of hunting laws and some behavior that many hunters feel is not beneficial to the future of hunting.

IMO, worship of any person, and worship is a close term to explain the manner in which some view Nugent, is never a healthy thing. I'm baffled by the mindset of those who like to categorize anyone who might have a different opinion than Nugent.

Put me in whatever category suits you. Nugent is not the person I would choose to represent hunting. He has earned the position he holds toward the bottom of many hunter's list.

As a life member of the NRA, I am fine with him being on the Board of Directors of the NRA.
On the surface, I don't agree with the animal disease opinion of Ted, but the hatred for Ted from the Democrats on this board baffles me.

Why do you Democrats hate him?

Guess Fox didn't tell you about this rant?

NUGENT: I have obviously failed to galvanize and prod, if not shame enough Americans to be ever vigilant not to let a Chicago communist raised communist educated communist nurtured subhuman mongrel like the ACORN community organizer gangster Barack Hussein Obama to weasel his way into the top office of authority in the United States of America. I am heartbroken but I am not giving up. I think America will be America again when Barack Obama, [Attorney General] Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, [Sen.] Dick Durbin, [former New York City Mayor] Michael Bloomberg and all of the liberal Democrats are in jail facing the just due punishment that their treasonous acts are clearly apparent.

So a lot of people would call that inflammatory speech. Well I would call it inflammatory speech when it's your job to protect Americans and you look into the television camera and say what difference does it make that I failed in my job to provide security and we have four dead Americans. What difference does that make? Not to a chimpanzee or Hillary Clinton, I guess it doesn't matter.

Nugent should do his next show wearing his Klan outfit. Hateful racist hiding among Second Amendment Sect.

For the record I'm also disgusted by the comments Michael Moore and several rabid liberals made about President Bush. Ok to question decisions but the personal attacks of our President are unacceptable; in my opinion.
Baffles me as to how it is that someone is tagged a Democrat if they have little use for Nugent's actions, words, and hypocrisy on hunting issues, yet if you support his advocacy for gun issues, you are tagged a Republican.

I have never been a Democrat, but most times when Nugent opens his mouth about hunting topics, public lands, game laws, or issues affecting the average hunter, I shake my head. I find myself hoping that the media does not look at him as a voice or model for hunting.

When he debates Peirs Morgan on gun issues, I laugh and say, "Go get 'em Ted."

Point is, you can agree with his opinions on certain issues and disagree with his opinions on other issues, and it doesn't make you a Republican or Democrat. I would opine it makes you an independent thinker; someone who isn't going to bow down to a public personality and ignore some pretty striking violations of hunting laws and some behavior that many hunters feel is not beneficial to the future of hunting.

IMO, worship of any person, and worship is a close term to explain the manner in which some view Nugent, is never a healthy thing. I'm baffled by the mindset of those who like to categorize anyone who might have a different opinion than Nugent.

Put me in whatever category suits you. Nugent is not the person I would choose to represent hunting. He has earned the position he holds toward the bottom of many hunter's list.

As a life member of the NRA, I am fine with him being on the Board of Directors of the NRA.

I understand Randy, but are you going to deny that the Democrats that posted in this thread hate him because of his 2nd Amendment rights views?

Everyone has an opinion, but I will say you don't hate Ted. There are posters in this thread that do.

Hate is a strong word and they truly do hate him.

I don't remember any Democrats saying Piers Morgan should shut up.

That is why I am singling out Democrats in this thread.

You said it all in your first post in this thread yet they still post the hate.
Guess Fox didn't tell you about this rant?

Nugent should do his next show wearing his Klan outfit. Hateful racist hiding among Second Amendment Sect.

For the record I'm also disgusted by the comments Michael Moore and several rabid liberals made about President Bush. Ok to question decisions but the personal attacks of our President are unacceptable; in my opinion.

So you hate Nugent because of political reasons.

Great. That's your choice, but this is a hunting forum.
I understand Randy, but are you going to deny that the Democrats that posted in this thread hate him because of his 2nd Amendment rights views?

Yeah, I am going to deny that. In fact, I would state that the motivation for comments some have made about Nugent's hunting activities, would be Nugent's hunting activities.

In fact, I don't know many Democrats who posted in this thread. I know some hunters who posted on this thread. I know some independents who posted in this thread.

I don't know any of them to have ever stated, on this forum, any resentment for people with strong 2nd Amendment views. I do know people on this forum who have never held back from posting resentment for those who do things that endanger or dim the future of hunting, even if it was people they normally would agree with.

So yes, I am denying, and disagreeing with, what you stated above.
Yeah, I am going to deny that. In fact, I would state that the motivation for comments some have made about Nugent's hunting activities, would be Nugent's hunting activities.

In fact, I don't know many Democrats who posted in this thread. I know some hunters who posted on this thread. I know some independents who posted in this thread.

I don't know any of them to have ever stated, on this forum, any resentment for people with strong 2nd Amendment views. I do know people on this forum who have never held back from posting resentment for those who do things that endanger or dim the future of hunting, even if it was people they normally would agree with.

So yes, I am denying, and disagreeing with, what you stated above.

Ok. I have only been here a short time.

How many have said they disagree with Piers Morgan?

I think my point is Ted is as big a public figure as Piers was. Was there outrage about Piers from certain people here?

I am mostly referring to 2nd amendment rights.


How many TV hunters have been more involved in getting women and children involved in hunting? Not many that I can recall.
Ok. I have only been here a short time.
And made lots of new friends!

How many have said they disagree with Piers Morgan?
Did Piers have an article on fair chase?

I think my point is Ted is as big a public figure as Piers was. Was there outrage about Piers from certain people here? Did Piers have the same interview about the P& Y or B&C clubs?

I am mostly referring to 2nd amendment rights.
Were we talking about the 2nd amendment?


How many TV hunters have been more involved in getting women and children involved in hunting? Not many that I can recall.

I can't speak for Randy, these are my thoughts and opinions>
He's smarter at a far younger age..
Big congrats to your son and you! That'll be hard to top in the Dad of the Year Awards...

PS- I think it's his name... ;)
I didn't know that was your son Greenhorn. Congratulations, that is awesome.

On the surface, I don't agree with the animal disease opinion of Ted, but the hatred for Ted from the Democrats on this board baffles me.

Why do you Democrats hate him?

In the name of tribalism, you can prop up a strawman all you want. Nobody as of yet has said they hate him, and nobody has brought up political parties.

In the same way Nugent is a danger to the perception of hunters to the rest of the country, he is a danger to those of us who support the 2nd Amendment and care about its future. It does not follow that just because someone aligns with you on a social issue, that you want that individual on your side. Nugent comes across as a frothy-mouthed zealot. He says wholly inappropriate things and insults anyone who disagrees with him. He is not a good spokesman for much of anything. He will claim anything as fact as long as it supports his pre-ordained conclusions.

I was raised in a very conservative household by a very conservative military veteran. Being a loudmouth jerk was frowned upon regardless of political affiliation or cause. It seems that value is thrown out the door by most, as long as that loudmouth jerk is on your side.

When emotions go up - Content goes down. And Ted Nugent seems to always be on the verge of tears or orgasm.
The Nuge likes to toot his horn and I'm fine with him promoting and supporting the 2nd amendment. His hunting style and tactics are not my own so he can have his high fence hunts. I'll stay out west and do my thing like most of us here.

Democrat or Republican I could care less. Ted talks so much that he can't help but piss someone off regardless of their affiliation. He seems to subscribe to the any press is good press motto.

The one thing he does that I always laugh at is when he rips off a clip on full auto and says you can't do that in France. For some reason I always laugh at that.
So you hate Nugent because of political reasons.

Great. That's your choice, but this is a hunting forum.

You asked the political question so don't be shocked when you get an answer. Don't start something you can't finish!

Back to hunting; Nugent is an embarrassment to sportsmen. Check out Sunrize Acres. Wild Exotic Ram Hunts?? Really; where I grew up that's a sheep!

High fence hunting of domestic animals? What next chase house cats with hounds and tell stories about his exploits?

p.s Not Democrat but independent. Voted; Reagan twice, Bush #1, Clinton twice, GW Bush twice and Obama twice. I don't hate Nugent but rather am disgusted he rants about 2nd amendment and the gun minions turn a blind eye to his toxic hate speech.


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p.s Not Democrat but independent. Voted; Reagan twice, Bush #1, Clinton twice, GW Bush twice and Obama twice.

Wow, you're 100% since the 80's. That's quite the voting record. Let me know who the next President will be when you decide. :)
Wow, you're 100% since the 80's. That's quite the voting record. Let me know who the next President will be when you decide. :)

Hillary Wins

I really wanted McCain in 2008 but the thought of Mama Bear with Nukes caused me concern and Huntsman in 2012 but the BASE of his party didn't embrace. The best Governor Utah has had in my lifetime.

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