Caribou Gear Tarp

Two tags, two states, nine days


New member
Dec 23, 2000
I hit the road in about 48 hours, pick up my brother at 2am, Friday morning, and head for unit 16A, New Mexico. We will stay until Thursday morning, if necessary, then pack up camp and backtrack to northern Arizona, unit 7W and hunt Friday & Saturday.
Sunday, unfortunately, I have to head home and be back to work Monday.
If I can’t fill my Az. tag in two days, I can be back the following Friday, till noon Sunday .
I wish I could put more time into the Arizona tag, but with the way vacation time lines up with the seasons, my only choices were this way, or burn the New Mexico tag and put in 8 days in Az. With the extra three day weekend, I should have a total of 5 ½ days hunting in New Mexico and 4 ½ in Arizona.
Good luck to you A-con. Sounds like you will have to get back to work to get some rest.
Good luck A-con. Hopefully you can tag out early in NM so you can hunt longer in Az. Hopefully you get what you are looking for.
I remmber the Phone call when you drew.. It seemed like just yesterday.. Glad the time is here !! 48 hours and counting !!!! Good luck Friend !!!
Thanks everybody,
I'm trying to not get TOO excited. I keep reminding myself that I've never killed a bull with a bow, and even one small bull would be great.
Another great thing about this hunt is going with my brother. Twenty years ago, he used to go with me and my friends camping, hunting & fishing. Then he moved to Southern Ca. and I only see him 2 or 3 times a year for a day or two. Before I drew these tags, he called me and said " hey, we havn't been camping togather in 20 years, lets plan a trip and get away from the city for a week".
Good luck A-Con - I am sure you can do better in AZ that you did that first hunt soooooo long ago. Remember, shoot till he's down, don't get stomped into the dirt after your shot :D
Good luck. Hopefully there is alot of packing in your near future, could be alot of fun packing out two big bulls in one week.