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Trophy Hunting

Gerald Martin

Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
With all the angst surrounding so called trophy hunting I encountered a new dilemna this evening when I logged into Hunttalk. I found I had received another trophy for accomplishing the high mark of having someone like one of my posts! (Lopehunter, you are my new BFFL.)

This got me thinking about the ethics of trophy hunting on internet forums and what constitutes fair chase. I must confess as a newbie to this sport I don't know where the boundaries of acceptable behavior lie and don't want to be "that guy" when I venture into the wilds of the Al Gore's internet.

Do you think point creep might be an issue as more and more posters become selective in their writing as they attempt to stock their trophy walls? I sure hope no species become endangered from the cruel, selfish actions of self-perceived "elite" hunters of trophies. I've always considered myself more of a meat hunter, but I must admit the challenge of finding appropriate recipes is making it hard to justify the killing of rare trophies anymore.

What do you guys think about this?
You should be ok as long as you keep your forum trophies stacked in your garage rafters and don't hang them in your house like you're proud of them.
With all the angst surrounding so called trophy hunting I encountered a new dilemna this evening when I logged into Hunttalk. I found I had received another trophy for accomplishing the high mark of having someone like one of my posts! (Lopehunter, you are my new BFFL.)

This got me thinking about the ethics of trophy hunting on internet forums and what constitutes fair chase. I must confess as a newbie to this sport I don't know where the boundaries of acceptable behavior lie and don't want to be "that guy" when I venture into the wilds of the Al Gore's internet.

Do you think point creep might be an issue as more and more posters become selective in their writing as they attempt to stock their trophy walls? I sure hope no species become endangered from the cruel, selfish actions of self-perceived "elite" hunters of trophies. I've always considered myself more of a meat hunter, but I must admit the challenge of finding appropriate recipes is making it hard to justify the killing of rare trophies anymore.

What do you guys think about this?

A story spun of metaphor a Texas deer feeder, there's no telling what it pulls in;)
A story spun of metaphor a Texas deer feeder, there's no telling what it pulls in;)
Or the law of unintended consequences.:oops:

Subtle handle you carry now days, Harley. For the purposes of this thread is should prob read
'Trophy hunting, member' eh.
No grip and grin photos please. When taking photos be sure the logos of all gear used in obtaining the trophy are well placed to be easily identified to maintain prostaff status.
If you get a trophy for people liking a post you made in a locked thread is that like poaching? Asking for a friend...
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