Caribou Gear

Trick or Treat: Halloween Ram instead of Buck Year 3


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
For those long term members, you will remember the annual Halloween Deer Hunting tradition.

Three years ago, Ovis and I were able to have a good day hunting and still get back in time for Ovis to take his daughter Trick or Treating, while still covered in grime from packing out the deer.

Then 2 years ago, without Ovis, I was forced to do it myself, and connected on a nice 4x4.

Last year was a skip, so this year I went back.

I think the reason for hunting Halloween is that it is the last day of the hunting season in the Unit I hunt, so by the time I get everybody else done hunting, I end up with 1 day to hunt.

Well, the closest I came to a set of horns was the Ram hood badge on this Dodge product that came flying around a corner about 50mph. I stopped, but he just skidded for about 60 feet before whacking the front corner of my pick-up.

Both his airbags deployed, his radiator was drained in about 5 seconds, and the vehicle was a mess. Him and his passenger weren't hurt.

We had to put a tow chain on my bumper to pull it out to get my wheel to turn so I could drive us to the local backcountry bar to try and use their Sat Phone to call the Sheriff's office.

Lots of bad Karma on this one, :eek: , as I passed on a little buck early, was late getting to my spot, which was occupied by someone else, so I tried a new spot, then while driving back to my old spot, this yahoo came flying around the corner driving WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to fast on a narrow road.


Thanks for resizing. I thought maybe you wanted a poster of it.....

We should have a contest for how much the damage to my PU will run.....

Any guesses?
I'll go with $1200...those bumpers and all the junk that goes in under them can be expensive. My wife's expedition had about the same amount of damage and it was almost $1000, but she didn't have any damage to that upper body piece. I'll say it will only be about $650 if you do the work yourself and just buy parts.
That sucks...

I'll bet it will be around $1500 give or take, was there any damage to the quarter panel?
I saw the title of this post and thought...sweeet, he kept the tradition alive.

Bum deal! Glad everyone was okay...just one question though. Where the hell are your flip flops?

I say the estimate will be about $2,450. I can hit one of those bumpers with a hammer and do $1,500 worth of damage. Sucks about the PU but sure sounds like the other party is going to be paying for your repair bills.

Did you have a tag for that model?? Bad deal Jose...hopefull no frame damage or those $1500-$2000 ests will just be the down payment.... :(
I bet it was a MEXICAN that hit your car..... That would be funny .... :D :D

His car looks like it's on the Left side of the road. Shouldn't you be on the right side ?!?! MAybe I'm looking at the Picture wrong ?
Judging by the guys tire tracks in the sand looks like you were probably in his lane, at least if I was an insurance agent thats what I would go on. He may have came a bit wide around the corner but his tracks are straight and along his side of the road until the impact it looks like.
About $3500...tough luck on screwing up your one day to hunt. Bad karma is a good description. Glad no one was injured.
At least 3500$ Hire some mexicans and get it done for 6$ an hour
Your looking at about $2500, give or take. Good thing it was a FORD, or the the repairs would of been twice as much!!;)
Sorry about your bad luck!!:( :(
SRT-4 hahahaha, effin idiots fwd and trying to drive like that those cars dont have good traction as it is
It was $1800 and change, then got a call that they found hidden damage, and that is added on to straighten the "bull end" or something on the front of the frame. Not sure how much extra to put it on the frame straightner and cold straighten it.

I'll let you know when I get it back. Supposed to be this week.