Caribou Gear Tarp

Thoughts on this shot? - Tim Wells

My personal worst experience with meat loss was on this cow. Due to a case of mistaken identity after I shot her, I didn’t recover her until 2 pm the following day.

If you look closely in the video you will see a calf with a broken leg limping in the herd. Someone else had shot the calf in the foreleg days before.

The cow I shot ran with the herd for @ 200 yards before pealing off and dying in a dry wash 30 yards from the path the herd took. As I was following tracks there was very limited blood. About 20 minutes after my shot I saw the calf limping along the hillside. In the fading light, I assumed it was my cow. I spent the night at the trailhead. The next morning there was fresh snow and no new tracks. I grid searched the timber where the calf had disappeared into and after several hours I found her bedded. Still thinking it was my cow, I finished her off only to become even more confused over what was happening.

I ended up concluding( correctly) that I must have another dead elk back down the ravine. I butchered the calf, and ended up finding the cow. Turns out I was less than 30 yards from her the evening before.

Long story short, I was able to salvage all four quarters and her back straps but lost the trim meat. Temps were @ low teens that night. Her quarters were cool to the touch but the body cavity was still steaming.

There was no problem telling what portions were soured. Once you smell it it’s unmistakable.

Post script for anyone concerned about the legality of it all. I called this in to the warden as soon as I got back into service. He ended up confiscating the meat from the calf and gave me a written warning.
I would never take a 100 yrd shot with a bow on any animal to many things can go wrong doesnt matter how well I group em on a target at that range targets dont move
IMO its not responsible
I have seen 1 where we only lost meat around the hip sockets and pelvis. It was souring from the pelvis into the rear qtr. Shot at last light bumped in the dark and lived for at least part of the night. Moved onto private and died. Recovered at sunrise when we could get permission. It was very cold I want to say sub zero.
December bull tag drawn by another HT member.
It was a great day to recover that bull. Looking back I now understand why you were anxious to get that bull quartered as quick as possible. Sometimes getting the perfect camera angle isn't important...even if it is your first bull.
Wasn't there videos on Facebook of terrorists decapitating people? There's worse shit in video games. If they don't like it don't look for it
That’s a naive response. Non hunters are having their opinions of hunters shaped and reshaped every day. Pretty sure Al Qaeda doesn’t care what people think nor are they concerned about the future of terrorism.
You don't think it's a little shocking to be available to the general public?
No I really don't. It's a spear in an animal (I'm guessing I didn't watch it). If someone doesn't like it don't click on it. Animals die, its what they do. Can't remember a time I went looking for something to watch that I didn't want to see.
No I really don't. It's a spear in an animal (I'm guessing I didn't watch it). If someone doesn't like it don't click on it. Animals die, its what they do. Can't remember a time I went looking for something to watch that I didn't want to see.
I think this is a case where being correct isn't correct.

There are times we need to be censored or to censor those who would use it against us. Ole spearchucker needs to be banned from YT.
No I really don't. It's a spear in an animal (I'm guessing I didn't watch it). If someone doesn't like it don't click on it. Animals die, its what they do. Can't remember a time I went looking for something to watch that I didn't want to see.
For me, personally, I agree. I've seen quite a few animals die, and I'm not sure an arrow or a bullet is that much different, although I don't exactly go looking for this stuff.

However, I think content like that can be used to great effect when its put in front of people who aren't used to seeing animals die, for purposes not in our favor.

Just my opinion.

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