This is why we can't have nice things

Yup. Expect a lot of deleted accounts in the next week.

When some of our most valuable members write me and ask to be removed from the forum, it is a wake up call for me. I think my effort to be tolerant has reached the point of being a detriment to the value the forum could have.

The topics being started, the multi-registrations I can't catch when I'm on the road, the infiltration of the Facebook-esque political bitching and moaning that results in completely unacceptable behavior is enough.

It's been seven tough months for me. I'm at the crossroads where I either close this forum or I just start deleting threads and banning the habitual offenders, no matter if they're my family, my neighbor, my hunting friends, or a complete stranger.

That's where it's at. I fund this forum with other sources of income, as I had always hoped it had value, and it has over the years. Sitting in the SLC airport this morning, reading the mountains of reported threads and posts, then going back to the recent trends of that in the last year, was more than I cared to deal with.

I sent some PMs asking folks to behave and interact according the rules in post #1 above. So far today the replies were GFY, to I might be headed for an ass kicking, to a bunch of defensive complaints about me and how I run a forum. I've had enough.

To get an email from a friend who has contributed great value to this forum for many years, stating that he no longer has any use for the topics discussed and the level of juvenile behavior, is the wake up for me.

Expect a lot of closed threads and a lot of banned members. No warnings, no reasons, just hitting the reset button. The forum interactions and the topics have slowly moved to a place that does not reflect who I am and what our goals are for this forum.
Big Fin, Please do not delete this forum. Honestly, it has helped keep me while going through a tough time (multiple surgeries, rehab, loss of mobility). Heck, I even made a friend of a neighbor off of this. Shout out to JLS. I appreciate you, your passion, and personality so much. It’s what our hunting community needs, a level head.

Set those granite boundaries, act swift, and I for one will stand with you. Is there something more we can do? Could there be an added flag button? Maybe only certain people get access to it? Data could be collected and trends identified and reacted to. That would be a first line of defense for you. Maybe this is a hierarchy where you are at the top?

Thank you for all you do.
Thanks Finn. Because of the number of anti-mining, grazing, ranching, etc. I have been reluctant to share my experiences on the forum. It is your forum that we share and thank you. I like hunting but I am sick of politics. I believe we all have valuable experiences and thoughts to share however there are some that believe that THEY have the only valid thought. I choose to pick through the shared thoughts for what improves my hunt. I don't demand that I have the only functioning opinion. I find the forum to be valuable and entertaining. I would prefer the political battles be on a differant media. Neither side will be changed by the in fighting.
That sucks. Wouldn’t it be great if this was a place where we could talk about hard stuff respectfully? A sign of a healthy relationship is open peaceful conversation around challenging topics. I for one know that I need to learn multiple perspectives. I want to hear your side. I want to learn and understand.
I came here originally because of the video series regarding public land transfers from Federal to State to private. These forums provide a platform for each of us to have more of a voice when trying to effect change or even maintain the status quo regarding policies affecting public land. It would be disheartening, to say the least, to lose this vehicle for interaction with the movers, shakers, and decision makers (sounds like a George Thorogood lyric) where public land policy is concerned. So, Big Fin, do what you've got to do, but please know that many, many of us appreciate the work you put in, we echo your sentiments regarding public land policy, we revere the wild places we and you have trod through and we can get past the contentiousness we're all currently experiencing both in the real and virtual worlds.
I’m new here and contribute little compared to some of the other Hunt-talk locals… I appreciate Newberg, his crews and countless projects, as well as this awesome forum where we can share our knowledge and unimaginable experiences with others around the world! I’ve had to tell folks to take their attitude back to Facebook more than once already..

That said, I have observed that a large handful of even the HT “Locals” are obsessed with material they can look down their nose at… The friend that expressed his or her concerns about the occurrence or reoccurrence of subject matter or personal attacks is absolutely correct in doing so. The thought of having a flag button, however, handed out only selectively- sounds like a good way to keep a chat box full of only those “accepted” ones. Clique-y and void of diversity.. I couldn’t imagine if we only gave the button to hunt talks “highest reaction” members. Lol keep moderators unknown and omniscient. Just my opinion. Don’t like it just say Shut Up, Jeff!
The reality... this banter is nothing new.

Politics were arrogantly preached and snarky direct personal attacks were a common theme from some of the "valued members". We could quote away though... those of earlier years know the reality.

I think as the Big man audience captured more and more interest, those who fit the DIY theme and the conservation / public land joined.

Sheesh personal attacks were par for the course. Personally, what I think annoys the "old guard" so to say, new people with differing opinions raising old hackles.

People questioning some of those "valued members" who hold a following. The pom pom squad or hyenas come out with a tribal roar - the power of the conch.

Earlier it was the same old farts ranting political jabs about the NRA, Liberals, Conservatives...

Nothing changed other than new blood questioning old blood and Big Fin drawing a new line in the sand that's included specifically kicking friends and others of the "old guard" if they can't keep their chit in check.
The reality... this banter is nothing new.

Politics were arrogantly preached and snarky direct personal attacks were a common theme from some of the "valued members". We could quote away though... those of earlier years know the reality.

I think as the Big man audience captured more and more interest, those who fit the DIY theme and the conservation / public land joined.

Sheesh personal attacks were par for the course. Personally, what I think annoys the "old guard" so to say, new people with differing opinions raising old hackles.

People questioning some of those "valued members" who hold a following. The pom pom squad or hyenas come out with a tribal roar - the power of the conch.

Earlier it was the same old farts ranting political jabs about the NRA, Liberals, Conservatives...

Nothing changed other than new blood questioning old blood and Big Fin drawing a new line in the sand that's included specifically kicking friends and others of the "old guard" if they can't keep their chit in check.
Perhaps if it wasn't for the "old farts" diligently working for years with fish & game departments, the young people with disrespectful opinions would not have a platform to expound their "Wisdom"
It takes years to have "knowledge" opinions not so much.
Old farts used liberally... hell, I consider myself an old fart. I was involved just as much with the yammering of NRA, Liberals, and Conservatives.

Re-read the paragraph. Nothing to do with conservation, public lands, etc. Much ado about general political banter.

Better yet, re-read the entire post. It essentiay shares... the same content, per capita, as now.

This OffPoint? Hah!
Old farts used liberally... hell, I consider myself an old fart. I was involved just as much with the yammering of NRA, Liberals, and Conservatives.

Re-read the paragraph. Nothing to do with conservation, public lands, etc. Much ado about general political banter.

Better yet, re-read the entire post. It essentiay shares... the same content, per capita, as now.

This OffPoint? Hah!
"Political banter" I think should be left to politics.
I thought this forum was for hunting and related topics.
In 75 1/2 years of living I've never seen any discussion that injected political or religious Opinion turn out well. Someone always gets there nickers in a twist.
Political discussion is eventually devisive.
And divided we will all fall.
Jumped right in! lol I bit my nails for a week coming up with 13 posts… 😂
Like a good wine, sometimes it's an aquired taste. Extra Dry or not, to each their own.😂 I like a good Merlot, goes with anything 😋
With age and adventures comes with many stories, some told, some not.
Testing the water helps.
Like when I scuba dive, you need to have an idea of the temperature at the depth your going to be in, in order to select the thickness of your wetsuit 😉
Touché Mr. Case. I hope I’m scuba diving at 75! That’s awesome!
It's easy when you were born and raised in Seattle in the 50s ( different place then ) everywhere Water and Snow, ski on water in the morning go up to Snoqualmie Pass in the afternoon and ski the snow.
We didn't have scuba gear back then just snorkeling gear.
The first time I sat on the bottom of Lake Chelan at 30' I was hooked, I was able to hold my breath for 5 1/2 min back then, it was like my first Elk hunt at 12,000 feet in the Rockies, absolutely amazing. Or being in the presents of an Elk herd moving north at 2 o'clock in the morning 10 miles north of Teanaway, Washington as they ran for Canada the night before opening day. The ground shook with such force we thought it was a earthquake. For a 8 year old it was monumental. Deer, Elk and anything else together, 50 yards from our tent. The joy and thrill of just being there.
This is what "Hunting" has been for me.

Wow, Life Full Of Surprises 😂😂😂

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