The Bundys are baa-aaack...

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History notwithstanding, and respectfully, tell me more about this actual reality.
You mean like that here in America we socialize the risk and privatize the profit to increase the gaps in economic class separation? Or that the we've used the democratic principals outlined in our founding documents to willfully limit our own individual freedoms to ensure the greater freedom of the collective? To use those same principals to perpetuate a legal system where corporations, worth billions, don't pay taxes but are allowed to buy elections between lifelong politicians with a small handful of last names? Those are the realities I see at play.
It’s a good question Gerald. Socialism is where govt tells society and the economy what it will produce and how and where the people will live, work etc. Only one political party is allowed; the socialist party of whatever name; we’ll just say NAZI because that’s familiar to all. Communism is where the Party controls every facet of peoples lives and the State seizes total authority. All means of production and property are seized be the State for the benefit of the people, Party and State. You do what you are told and gladly or you’re deemed an enemy of the State and then poof you’re gone. Off to the camps, gulag or if you have an IQ in the 3 digit range the pit. C & S are 2 sides of the same coin. As Ayn Rand noted it’s only the difference between murder and suicide. They both lead straight to the grave, always. I’ve never heard of the term Constitutional Terrorist before. Is that what they call USA patriots now in college?

It never ceases to impress how many things you have wrong. Most put the Nazis in the facist category of political thought. Examples would be the Hitler regime, Franco in Spain, Mussolini in Italy. Private ownership of property is allowed, until one runs afoul of the government. Then you could expect problems,,, like losing it and maybe tossed into jail etc. They are almost always ruled by an autocrat. Generally it is considered to be right of center, politically speaking.

I could have guessed you were an Ayn Rand devotee.
An investigation did determine the government murdered the guy they shot in the suburban who was part of the Bundy crew. The government then lied about said murder. They have reason to be paranoid now......

Who was the investigator? Just curious.
Were the Communists and the Nazis allies in World War 2? - asking for a friend....

My history books taught an early unholy alliance between Russia and Germany for the purpose of consuming Poland then all out war....

Would it be safer for me to conclude that “commie socialists“ is hyperbole to describe individuals who have beliefs different than your own rather than an actual reality in America?

Hitler and Stalin signed on to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which divided Poland between them. It was an incredibly shrewd move by Hitler that put Stalin at ease with the NAZI regime. He was lulled into a false sense of security by that and thus stayed out of any conflict with the Germans vs the West. You will recall that WWII started when the Germans invade Poland on 9-01-1939. Thus Hitler was able to avoid a 2 front war. The USSR invaded Poland and the Poles believed they came in to assist them in the fight against the Germans. The Russians stopped at the agreed line and solidified their positions and the Poles waited in vein for support that never came. Only later did they realize they'd been deceived and the Russians were engaged in pacification via executions. This taking of their piece of Poland by the Russians emboldened them to try to conquer an isolated Finland. That's a different story tho. And no you wouldn't be safe to assume anything about me. The term commie socialist just solidifies that there isn't enough difference between them that in practice matters. Its splitting hairs. Further I try to avoid "beliefs". Beliefs of anything don't matter. Its what one knows that matters. The political reality in America today is extreme division; (could it be our universities?); as we're all witnessing this past week and now. Todays D party is now the Demsoc (my term) party of America. They are all in for Socialism. When Pr. Trump was elected it threw the established and entrenched Deep State into a chaotic kneejerk frenzy. Russia Russia Russia! That event shifted the spectrum needle back towards a Republic, but because of the entrenched resistant bureaucrats we are still between a Democracy and the Republic. If Hillary had won as arrogantly expected we would be ruled by the Plutocrats today. Very interesting stuff eh.
It never ceases to impress how many things you have wrong. Most put the Nazis in the facist category of political thought. Examples would be the Hitler regime, Franco in Spain, Mussolini in Italy. Private ownership of property is allowed, until one runs afoul of the government. Then you could expect problems,,, like losing it and maybe tossed into jail etc. They are almost always ruled by an autocrat. Generally it is considered to be right of center, politically speaking.

I could have guessed you were an Ayn Rand devotee.

Hitler admired El Duce greatly and based his brand of Fascism off of his form of govt. The L vs R political spectrum model you're working off of doesn't exist in reality. It perpetuation is however a useful tool to keep the people divided and at odds with each other.
It never ceases to impress how many things you have wrong. Most put the Nazis in the facist category of political thought. Examples would be the Hitler regime, Franco in Spain, Mussolini in Italy. Private ownership of property is allowed, until one runs afoul of the government. Then you could expect problems,,, like losing it and maybe tossed into jail etc. They are almost always ruled by an autocrat. Generally it is considered to be right of center, politically speaking.

I could have guessed you were an Ayn Rand devotee.

We need to rest in facts. As a teacher, I strive to teach the truth without opinions. Take a peak at a funny description of some forms of government. It’s simple and quick. Based upon this, what you know, and other research where does our government lie? Also, I agree Nazi Germany was fascist according to most experts as stated above.

The political reality in America today is extreme division

Totally agree.
Ascribing labels with long complicated connotations doesn't really do anything to further this discourse.
Personally I've found it best to avoid using politically loaded terms. I avoid R and D, socialist + fascist, etc. unless I am referring to the proper noun.

Anyone have a comment pertinent to the privatization of public lands, which I believe is the only reason why discussions of the Bundy's are relevant.
Hitler admired El Duce greatly and based his brand of Fascism off of his form of govt. The L vs R political spectrum model you're working off of doesn't exist in reality. It perpetuation is however a useful tool to keep the people divided and at odds with each other.

Hey, you were the guy conflating Democrats with a commie socialist label in a pejorative way. That is hardly a way to bridge differences.
Totally agree.
Ascribing labels with long complicated connotations doesn't really do anything to further this discourse.
Personally I've found it best to avoid using politically loaded terms. I avoid R and D, socialist + fascist, etc. unless I am referring to the proper noun.

Anyone have a comment pertinent to the privatization of public lands, which I believe is the only reason why discussions of the Bundy's are relevant.

While the Bundy clan would certainly like a public land transfer,,,, you can take it to the bank, that they would protest paying any taxes on the land.

At the end of the day,,,they are freeloaders. The rest of it is their rationalization for why they are entitled to freeload.
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Anyone have a comment pertinent to the privatization of public lands, which I believe is the only reason why discussions of the Bundy's are relevant.
Sure—hell no.

Our ancestors, who lived in small tribes that were dependent on one another to work as a team, would exile anyone who stole or took more than his fair share. The “F-U, I’m special” mentality of the Bundy’s and people like them is no different, and deserves the same sort of social treatment.
Anyone have a comment pertinent to the privatization of public lands, which I believe is the only reason why discussions of the Bundy's are relevant.

Pertinent? No. I just want to Internet fight a pinko commie fascist after trying to move my furniture into a rental with doors an inch narrower than my furniture. 🤬🤯🤯🥵🥵🥵😁. I think Nancy Pelosi built this house.

On the topic at hand regarding public land and the Bundy’s... their so called constitutional claims and self -labeled, patriotism and self-serving ways are a joke that would be funny if that attitude wasn’t so pervasive across the west.

There is always going to tension between the government and the people whom they govern. That’s why we have representation and a say in the laws that govern us. There is a way to work to resolve conflicts peacefully and advocate for uses that harmonize with our interests.
The Bundys have chosen to thumb their noses at this process after losing multiple legal battles that show their claims to not be correct. Going straight to guns puts them into bad guy category in my mind. Right there with looters and rioters burning down businesses.
If all of us "socialist" are Nazi's. What's it like being allied to Nazi's then? Your largest trading partners are Nazi's

Let's see @azelkhntr aka Alex Jones marinate over that
Wait a minute... are the Chinese Nazis too??!??....

I am confused. I think I might have to start drinking.

edit.... I guess I need to slow down when I read. I forgot Rainer was from North of the border. Disregard this post....
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