Here are the latest numbers on days hunted and fished and money spent doing it....I thought it was stagering!
Granted, most of us on here proabbly spend this much and MORE!....but just remember, this is the average, including the guy who only hunts opening day or fishes a couple weekends in the summer......
The most recent 5 year survey by the US Fish and Wildlife Service found the nation's 13 million hunters age 16 or older spent 17.5 days on average in the field last year. For the 34 million US anglers, the number was 16. Better yet, if you want to justify buying a new rifle or fishing rod trot out these stats:
On average, hunters spent $1,585 apiece on gear and trips while anglers lightened their wallets to the tune of $1,046 each. Total spending by Sportsmen in 2001: $55 Billion!
Now I know most of us can spend the $1500 in one or two quality trips each year, but you got to remember, this is the AVERAGE! I thought it was high when you factor in every single hunter and fisherwoosie......
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-10-2002 15:39: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>
Granted, most of us on here proabbly spend this much and MORE!....but just remember, this is the average, including the guy who only hunts opening day or fishes a couple weekends in the summer......
The most recent 5 year survey by the US Fish and Wildlife Service found the nation's 13 million hunters age 16 or older spent 17.5 days on average in the field last year. For the 34 million US anglers, the number was 16. Better yet, if you want to justify buying a new rifle or fishing rod trot out these stats:
On average, hunters spent $1,585 apiece on gear and trips while anglers lightened their wallets to the tune of $1,046 each. Total spending by Sportsmen in 2001: $55 Billion!
Now I know most of us can spend the $1500 in one or two quality trips each year, but you got to remember, this is the AVERAGE! I thought it was high when you factor in every single hunter and fisherwoosie......
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-10-2002 15:39: Message edited by: Deerslayer ]</font>