Sportsmen beware, unless you're only an archer...

Up until this year, I have always believed the lesser-of-two-evils argument. I've always held the belief that it was 99% likely that one of two things were going to happen (one of the D or one of the R candidates would be President), and using your vote on something with a 1% likelihood was a futile act of signaling.

I get it now though, the outcome that is still 99% likely exceeds my personal threshold in terms of poorness of choice. I would rather signal, and hope enough Americans do to, that the establishment takes notice. I also feel you are deluding yourself if you think Trump will fix those things that we all hate about the establishment. That's where he has everyone of his followers fooled. And Hillary is the embodiment of the same-as-usual, which is disenfranchising Americans from our government so much, as to now be a legitimate existential risk to our nation. We are looking down the pike at 4 of our last 5 presidents being father/son, husband/wife. This seems anti-democratic, and more like feudalism. It's so obvious.

The Democrats will nominate Hillary, their weakest, most obviously corrupt candidate in the last two decades. And what do the Republicans do? Abandon conservatism entirely and nominate a man who exhibits everything you don't want in a leader. Tactical idiocy.

I plan on writing a candidate in. I'm interested who others would consider as a good write-in candidate.
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I did cast a vote for Trump, I wrote him in against Rosendale. That dude is nuts.
Really refreshing to read these posts. On another hunting/sportsman based-forum in my state, anyone who doesn't seem to worship the feet of Trump is essentially exiled and critical thinking isn't applied on political discussions. I wasn't a hunter and didn't own a single gun during the last election. I voted for Obama... Definitely not completely happy with the 1st president I was able to vote for but a least now I own two guns and a bow and can call myself a hunter. At this moment I will be writing in a candidate as well.
Pappy Van Winkle is his name, and he is a great candidate. :)

Actually, despite my sarcasm about the election, I've always taken great pride in my civic duty to vote and it really embarrasses me that I am seriously to the point of thinking I should be drunk to vote. It's a cesspool of candidates for sure.
Actually, despite my sarcasm about the election, I've always taken great pride in my civic duty to vote and it really embarrasses me that I am seriously to the point of thinking I should be drunk to vote. It's a cesspool of candidates for sure.

In the presidential race, it is. But there are still good candidates who need your support down-ticket. Vote for them gladly, hold your nose and take a shot for the write in candidate.
I'm done with the "Least offensive of two assholes" falsehood that a write-in vote is a vote for the candidate someone fears. Reality is, one of these two are going to be President. Right now, I can't see myself voting for either one. My write-in vote is getting whittled down to a few remaining possibilities, with Harley or Nemont still in the running. And yes, I have both your names and addresses, so if you find yourself as a write-in result, don't be surprised.

Really, if I vote for the "least offensive of two assholes," my choice still stinks; I've still voted for an asshole. I'm done with that. I value my vote too much to give it to either one of what I have seen from them so far.
Jim Beam is what I drank when I was broke how about some Thomas H. Handy Kentucky Rye?

I will bring the booze, dogs and steaks

The NRA lost me a long time ago with their extreme views and alarmist crap. For example, I really don't think it is a good idea for people to be openly carrying assault-style weapons into shopping malls, but they can't even promote that level of gun responsibility. The NRA will be able to scare their membership, 1-2% of Americans, into buying more guns and ammo, but just the fact that Hillary can win the presidency and openly slam the NRA shows how they have lost touch with the average American.

That reminds me... better go buy my ammo now since the morons will surely have the shelves clean this fall.
Im not a huge fan of trump, but considering how much of a lying a-hole Hillary Rotten Clinton is, I could never vote such trash and live with myself.

Remember this is the same bimbo that lied in front of congress about Benghazi, lied about using a private unsecure server (while trying to cover it up), and has been using the "Clinton Foundation" as a political/personal slush fund. And that's just the tip of the iceberg with ol hilldog.

Do I think she would be able to criminalize the ownership of firearms? No. Do I think she could be successful in over regulation of firearm ownership or purchase? I don't know. Do I think she would do all of the above if she could? Yup.

No thanks.

Now continue the anti conservative rhetoric...
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