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Some stuff it just too funny

Speaking of the industry, I get such a kick out of seeing the Michael Waddell's Bone Collector(tm) logo with the ghost muley/skull thing, when the damn show is built around semi-farmed whitetails. Also, I have it on good authority that you become a bonafide deer genetics expert after watching at least two episodes...

I saw his book in the bookstore today and right away wondered how many ghost writers he used to produce that tome.

Give me a flat spot big enough for a tent and a fire, plenty of Dinty Moore beef stew, some good companions hunting public land, and let me enjoy the experience without worrying about what size rack I'll get.
I had a talk with a number of the “Hosts from another show” about back country hunting and how they go about doing it. I mainly wanted to know how they get everything out once they got it on the ground. All three laughed at me and said that is what GPS and the outfitter is for. “Just mark the spot on the GPS and send it to the outfitter, load up your pack and head on to the next hunt.”

Mind you I am not against booking a high fence hunt or using an outfitter, they all have their place. We took my dad on an fenced Elk hunt in Idaho after he spent the last 5 years taking care of family members with cancer. He had the time of his life. 6 months later he passed away in his sleep.

Tarheel said it all, it is about the experience and spending time with good companions. It’s about the guy on this site that went well out of his way to help a young man with cancer fulfill a dream.

The little fork horn I got this year on the Mule Deer hunt my dad and I planned for six months (which he didn’t make) means more to me than any other “Booner” rack I have on my walls. I would gladly trade them all for just one more hunt with my dad and grandfather.

Anyway.. I get a little worked up when I hear others marginalize another’s great work. Fin keep it up. You are doing it right in my book. I have spent the last 2 months getting caught up with your site and this feels more like home than any other “hunting” site I have been on.(sorry for being long winded)no off to some therapy.)
I think a lot of it is ignorance on the part of the producers. They think that is what people want to see, but no one I know can stand watching any of them. I just subscribed to the Sportsman Channel again last year after being without it for quite a while because of the ridiculous hunting shows it was showing. The main reason I subscribed was because of all the great things I was hearing about OYOA. Now I never miss an episode and the last couple of weeks they have had older shows on I hadn't seen yet. Keep up the good work.
Great post Randy.

Definitely a boneheaded comment from the producer.

The "Real American Hunter" is a dieing breed. Thanks for what you're doing to keep blue collar hunting alive.

Wouldn't want to produce a show of "does & dinks" but get me a fat southern red neck chasing hogs and you got yourself a deal.
so many of the shows have bland personalities as well. I really enjoy someone saying this is why we think the game is in this location and this is how we are going to hunt them.

If I ever hear "This has been a great hunt. This is what it's all about" from another guy who sat in an trailer house on stilts with a guide, I am gonna be sick!