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So for those of you in training for your Elk hunt, all going according to plan?

I started just before june 1st walking again on a regular basis. Added the pack and 10 lbs for the 1st week or so then start adding weight. Today pack weighs 42 lbs and did 5 miles. I now live in rolling country so the small hills help. Started going to the ski hill again last week, that really helps this flatlander. Now if I could just figure out how to get AIR at 10,000 feet
I think Fin should enjoy an ice cold DQ treat at the end of every episode of Fresh Tracks, packed in by his trusty Orion cooler. Working episode title-"Oreo Blizzard Bulls"
Happy birthday, Richard! Hope you showered quick and the wife was a bit more "agreeable"!
Believe it or not at 61 I get around better than when I was in my 30's. Focus way more on aerobic training (walking in the hills, boxing, light squats, deadlifts, power cleans, etc.) and eating right. In my 20's and 30's did a ton of Olympic Lifting which was great for strength and manhandling deer, elk and antelope quarters but not so good for walking long distances. Fortunately too, my 27 year old son is an avid "Train to Hunt" nut so he's also a very willing pack mule when we hunt together, which is most of the time..

If only I new then what I know now about diet and aerobic exercise.
I have a heck of a time getting my elk trained,they just go off on a tangent ....or is it just me?
Yep, already bought 95% of the equipment I think I'm going to need (75% of which I probably won't). Money going into the 'Fund' on a steady, healthy basis. Rifle/Ammo development coming along slower than I like, but still plenty of time.

One more 'practice' hunt on 'Lopes, to smooth out the kinks in my equipment/strategies and I'll be locked & soon as I draw a tag....

Unless I draw a PA elk tag this year, then it's a balls to the wall scramble !
Right on schedule at the Newberg house.

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I was doing pretty good until the little mishap on the 4th and had around 1000 miles of intense cardio on the Road and MTB. Now I will be fighting the urge to do what Randy is doing in that picture so I don't turn into Jabba the Hut. I am pretty screwed for the next month, and then time will tell when I can start doing some actual leg workouts.
Well I am not going elk hunting this fall but I may sign up for this race called Titan MOB. It is kind of like the Spartan races. A guy I work with has done these and he put the brochure on my desk.

My problem is I am in good shape not great but I am about 35-40lbs overweight. I still play basketball and bike a lot but I really enjoy eating and drinking!
Living on the East Coast there isn't a lot of training you can do for the elevation, but I run 8 miles 4 times a week on the roughest terrain I can find which in this part of Maryland isn't much. I also hike with 50-60 pounds for 4-8 miles twice a week, but will be ramping that up in the next couple of much. I also do plenty of pushups, squats, and pullups.
Happy birthday, Richard! Hope you showered quick and the wife was a bit more "agreeable"!

Dave you most be joking if you expect me to answer that on a public forum...especially as you might even meet her in just over a weeks time!


I MEANT THE KISS!!!! Yeah, that's it! Maybe we need to get our wives together. Sounds like yours likes the beach type of a vacation. Mine WAS the same way until I fixed her! When I took her out west to the mountains she fell in love! THEN, I talked her into going to Alaska. The plan for the future is moving there! So, if you would ever consider going to Alaska, let my wife talk to yours about it! She'll be good to go. Lots of fishing for you! We're actually planning on going back next year again. See, I have to make my wife happy since she really is not very excited about going to England after all. Nerves, distance, news of terror stuff, whatever. Hopefully, I can make her happy while we're there. That's where Alaska comes in. SHE LOVES IT! That gives her something to look forward to. Plus, I get to go back as well. More fishing and exploring. Going to change the time of year we go this time as well. But that will be another story.
Reading other's posts, i think i need to start on the squats, i take it i start out without any weights?
I think they might help with tight Achilles tendons i suffer from.
Figured I would give this one a bump to the top. I think most of us could use the motivation. Fall is approaching!
Painfully learned a couple months back that my ankle joint is shot so my training regime for has been very differently this year. Had to ditch the high mileage running for Mtn biking, hiking With a weighted pack and more weight lifting. Overall I'll be carrying more weight on my body this fall but suspect I'll also be stronger. Guess I'll find out in September how that translates to the mountains.
Been killing the gym 7 days aweek. Core lifts 4 of the 7, with intense squats and deadlift. PR of 405 3x's lastnight on the squat rack... The other 3 days are low weightd high reps on upper body with intense cardio. Love that stair stepper too! Next week will be throwing in weighed hikes in the evenings. Kuiu ultra 6000 will be fluctuated with weight from 25-70 lbs. still flinging arrows literally every chance i get... Rotating both bows. Just wish i could get my wife to hop on the wagon of #elkshape.... She thinks im a little over board. But i just keep thinking of how the mtns. will wear you down.
Been killing the gym 7 days aweek. Core lifts 4 of the 7, with intense squats and deadlift. PR of 405 3x's lastnight on the squat rack... The other 3 days are low weightd high reps on upper body with intense cardio. Love that stair stepper too! Next week will be throwing in weighed hikes in the evenings. Kuiu ultra 6000 will be fluctuated with weight from 25-70 lbs. still flinging arrows literally every chance i get... Rotating both bows. Just wish i could get my wife to hop on the wagon of #elkshape.... She thinks im a little over board. But i just keep thinking of how the mtns. will wear you down.

Short of going for actual long, heavy mountain hikes, I think this is the best way to do it.
i was getting there, but, small motorcycle wreck out scouting, 2nd and 3rd degree burns to the back of one leg 350 sq cm, hurt inside tendon in the other knee, wife just got out of the hospital with compartment syndrome, pretty bad for a 2 mph wreck, this fall will not be to fun,
Been killing the gym 7 days a week.

I guess if it's working for you, great. However, training non-stop without rest days each week is simply a recipe for chronic injury.
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