Sleeping bags


New member
Dec 23, 2000
We are packing in, on foot with horses to carry the gear.
I just checked another web site and "Slumber Jack has a -5% rated bag called the "Hunt king" it looks great but its kinda heavy at 8.5 lbs. I'm also looking at the Coleman Magellan, rated at +10 but very light, 5 lbs
I want light cause who knows, next year it might be backpacks.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-28-2002 01:21: Message edited by: Anaconda ]</font>
I have an REI bag that wasn't too terribly expensive and it definitely does the trick. I over bought the bag (it's rated at -30), but the nice thing about it is it weighs around 5 lbs. When we go in we're always real concerned about keeping the weight as low as possible. I would also look for the synthetic bags because they dry out much easier than the down bags.

Good luck!!!!!
Having camped in Colorado in November, I have one peice of advice for you.

Which ever bag you decide to buy, buy two of em, then stuff on inside the other. Then you'll be comfy. I sure wish I had done that.
Flytier, Don't let the ratings fool you. Those are survival ratings not comfort ratings. I have a Slumberjack that weighs about 4 1/2 pounds and is rated for -5. I've slept in the snow in New Mexico in it and froze my butt off because my feet got cold. I've learned that it I take a dry towel and stuff it in the bottom of my bag and wrap my feet in it, I stay toasty warm most of the time.

Nothing can spoil a good hunt like not being able to sleep. Go for the best bag you can afford and be comfortable.

I been thinking about getting a new sleeping bag so I don't freeze my but off this fall ( Colorado, 10,000 ft, Nov. think we might see a bit of frost ? )
I don't want to spend a mint cause most of my camping/hunting is warm weather, so I'll only use it once every two years or so.
Anybody have any commits on these brands ?

Slumber Jack
Back Side

I'm looking at bags rated at +10% down to
-10% in the under $100 range.
You packing in or just camping? If your just camping, then I would say bring along some extra blankets and save yourself some cash. If your packing in, then I would say to buy to most expensive and light weight bag you can find. There is nothing worse than elk hunting from a camp in the deep woods and not being able to sleep let alone walk the next day cause you didn't sleep from the cold. Make sure your buddies are not gay also, cause you may need to do some snuggling if you go cheap.
I jsut bought that -5 REI bag. $199. GOOD DEAL !!!! The weight is .. WELL.. LIGHT and it compresses to NOTHING with a $15 sinch bag.

When I go backpacking/hunting Ialways wear 2 pair of socks. IALWAYS change socks at night and put on a fresh pair before I hit the hay. There will be no SWEAT moisture in the new pair and you will stay TONS warmer. Jsut what I do, Hopefully that helps !!!
I have an REI sleeping bag aswell.The rating is -15 but that nylon is sure cold,so I put a light weight fleece sleeping bag inside of it and I stay toasty warm.Hope it helps ya ;)
Anaconda, I suggest you get that bag rated at -30 F. I've hunted in Colorado, in early Oct., on four occasions, camped three times at 10,500 feet, north of Durango, and one time at 10,000 feet, north east of Paonia. I assure you, it will get very cold at night.

I have had for many years, a bag filled with five pounds of Northern goose down rated at -20 F,which has always served me well, even in -20 F nights. (That's the lowest I've been in.) I also have a flannel liner for it. Makes it easy to climb into, rather than freezing when that nylon hits your flesh.

Even though it is a fantastic bag, I also always take an extra wool blanket, to throw over it, especially around the shoulder area. Comes in mighty handy to help me get a good, warm night's sleep. (Also comes in mighty handy to wrap around my shoulders in the middle of the night when I have to get up to water the snow outside the tent.)

In my opinion, on an elk hunting trip, the most important thing is to get a good night's sleep. I can put up with mediocre food, sorry horses, and bad weather, but a good night's sleep is imperative!

Have a good hunt... but don't scrimp on that bag.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-28-2002 23:45: Message edited by: Leanwolf ]</font>
If you are packing in and are staying mobile , covering lots of real estate, then you will want to go for a lightweight bag. The biggest thing is what you pack it in. Get a draw bag that is waterproof, not only for the bag, but your clothes as well. Someone mentioned clean dry socks at night and if I don't pack anything else in the clothing dept. I will at least pack socks. Your feet are the most important aspect of your hunt. Hell, I don't worry about the sleep nearly as much as the mobility. Of course I am far from normal. Most people call me retarded! HA HA. Hey If you are getting the gear packed in or are setting up a base camp with easy access don't worry about the weight. Any time you go light you pay for that aspect. I have had a down bag for years and am very happy with the results. I have never tried the synthetic so I can't tell ya what those are like. Anyway if it is only 30 or 40 dollars difference, get the better one.
My advise is to go to your local surplus store and purchase an old army extreme cold weather bag. They're a little heavier & bulkier than some of the above mentioned bags, but they are very, very warm. We used them extensively when I was staioned in Alaska and in Germany when I was in the service, and I have used one every year since then when hunting in Montana.
Also, try wearing a thick pair of cotton socks when you go to bed. They will keep your feet warm, but still let them breathe so they won't get cold in the middle of the night.
Hope this helps and gives you another option.

To add a couple of things for comfortable sleeping (you may already know this, so bear with me):
a) wear a knit cap to bed --- you lose a LOT of body heat from your head at night!

b) you're better off wearing a minimum of clothing (socks optional) inside your sleeping bag; you typically can perspire over a quart of moisture at night, which, when trapped against your body under a layer of clothes, can make you feel colder. If you're still cold, pile extra clothing, etc. on TOP of your sleeping bag ...

Don't have the catalog in front of me, but Cabelas has a Slumberjack rated at 0 degrees at 4lbs for $109. I bought one but have not used it yet. Planning on using a flannel liner if needed.
ALSO.. if you buy DOWN.. LIEk I DID..... the thing that Breaks down the "down" is Body oils..... WEAR a Stocking (BAKLAVA) and thermal undies... WILL prolong the life of your bag.....

BUT like I said Before.. Change socks at NIGHT, so there is no Moisture in them.... PLUSS keeps your bag from STINKING... . Except from the beans you just ate :eek: :eek:
Thanks for the advise everybody.
I decided to get a "Slumberjack Packlite II
rated at -10%, and a fleece liner.
The Packlite is very light & compact at under 4 lbs and rolls up to 13" X 18", and I figure with the fleece liner it should be pleanty warm. Sports Authouity had it on sale at $82.
If I'm still cold the first night, I'm going to feed DS a couple cans O beans, now that will heat up ANY tent !

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 08-31-2002 00:32: Message edited by: Anaconda ]</font>
Watch it Dan! :mad: know I don't snore or fart!

Like Rockymountain....I too like the heavyweight army bags on the horse pack ins.
Weight is no issue, at least when we are talking 5 lbs or 10 lbs on your sleeping bags, so heavier is better in that situation.

The bag you chose will do fine Dan.....we'll have good heat.
in colder climetsyou need to make sure you have dry close on to sleep in you hunt all day an you sweat you my think you close are dry but there not

i change close when i get in a sleeping bag
i put a pair sweat pants on an clean socks every night

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