Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Shot my lope today....


New member
Nov 24, 2003
Only thing is it was a she. I am trying to get some footage of hunts and I got her perfect on video. A slight quartering away shot. If she would of gve me any other shot I would of. I hit her she ran straight away from the camera and died within 75 yds. Got excellent footage. Wish I knew how to post it.
Plus this is my first lope with my bow. So what better way to break your cherry than with a female.LOL
Congrats on your shot Sider! Nothing wrong with a doe, I always get an extra anterless tag myself when they are available...good eats!
Way to go Sider, I am looking forward to seeing some pics. Were the buck working the does at all. We have seen a few bucks around here starting to move some does, shile others are still solo, or bachelored up.

Congrats again.
Here is the pic. I cropped it alot because she bled really bad down her sides and she was spitting up blood before she tipped over. So had it all down her front. She was a older doe though.
MT no I didnt see anybucks chasing doe's. But I believe the herd this doe was out of had 16 doe's and had a buck in there. He was pushing the doe's around. She came in a different time also alone. So who knows. I have seen bucks and doe's come in by themselves before alone. Didnt see many bachelor groups of bucks though. Some of the bucks where alone. They said around here give them another week or so. I usually hunted antelope up till elk season opened so dont know exactly when the rut starts.
But here is the pic. First time with wifes digital on timer.
I'll take your word on the lope being in the pic.....cause it is too dark for me to see anything but a silouette ;) ............congrats on you kill all the same!
"Hey you got a cookie????????????????????????????? " ;)

Cool pic Doeslayer (Besides the Fact you need some Light in it next time ;)

Keep the Footage, We'll throw it in the Video this year
Originally posted by Deerslayer:
I'll take your word on the lope being in the pic.....cause it is too dark for me to see anything but a silouette ;) ............congrats on you kill all the same!
Hope you dont mind supersider but I lightened the pic up to make it easier to see. ;)

I have a mini DV and need to figure out how to copy it onto a VHS. Have to send a copy north to John of my hunt. Not a problem Moosie.
If you want a copy I will record it also for you.
Are you putting some hunts together of peoples hunts on here?
I am going to try and video a couple elk hunts also. Then have mule deer hunts to of my kids and my archery hunt.