
Boom!!!! Seriously though, what are some of your thoughts on score? I would put this bull in the upper 340's bracket just looking at him.
I agree with Rosco.
Looks like just a tad longer on the beam than GH's bull this year, but otherwise almost identical.
Not that it matters, but I don't see 370 on that bull. Maybe 355. Awesome pictures Mt.Miller. And yes I would shoot in a heartbeat.
Kaboom!!! "Crap I shot the little raghorn behind him!!" that's what I would of done. That's a great bull. Would be the biggest that I have ever shot. I'll throw out a guess of 358 on the score. I think Greenhorns is heavier. Ok maybe 365:D
Here is my guess:

First of all, his body is enormous. Looking at his chest, his back, and his hips, this is not one of those miniature bulls that will fool you by having a small body and making his antlers look comparatively large. His head is very long, making me think his G1 and G2 are very good. He is the real deal.

For bulls that I think have the mass, beam length, and width to score over 350, I use the basic frame that gets me to a starting point of 200. That would be main beams of 50", mass of 30" per side, and a width of 40". Add that up, and you are starting at 200", and then just add the tine lenghts.

This bull looks to have that kind of mass, and maybe even longer beams, and slightly narrower width. I will net the longer beams with the narrower width and start from 200, and think I am being conservative as a starting point.

My guesses for tine lenghts are:

G1 = 15
G2 = 16 (the side view of his these tines compared to his head size make me think this are at least that long)
G3 = 18 (the arching sweep to these tines make me think he has this length)
G4 = 21
G5 = 12

Total tine length per side is 82". Combine both sides and you have 164", plus the 200" base, and I conservatively get 364". I think his beam lengths are closer to 54" and his G1-4s are over my conservative estimates, so I will add a little more and give him a 370" gross score. Beams that reach that far back on a bull of this body size are well beyond 50".

Even if I over-scored him, hanging my tag on him would be a dream event. But, I am thinking I under-scored him and will be even happier to load that dude in my Mystery Ranch.

I might be completely out in left field, but that is how I do it when I see a bull. Not that the score matters on a bull like that one.

You just shoot him and worry about scores later.
I think Fin is on the money on this guy. He is built very heavy in the body. The side shots show just how far his fronts curl upward, giving him a much better score than the pictures from the front look.
Yep...Shooter!! I think he looks like a solid 360+ bull... with such less experience fondling antlers like those, I STILL have to be skeptical he'd go 375.... But..?????
Just got back to the computer and saw Fin's guess and compared my numbers. I had:

For a total of 79 in inches of tine length. Then I gave him around 50" length and mid 40" width. I had no clue on the mass and I'm sure I'm off there. Pretty close to Fin's numbers otherwise. All I know is that I would be having cracked lips from my huge smile.:D I think his mass is the only killer for going higher but what do I know. Some of you are fortunate enough to be typing and looking up at 340+ bulls hanging above you computers. Someday:rolleyes:
54 beam, 16, 17, 18, 20, 14 for tines, 26 for mass, 44 inside. I'm not off by much, and there's not a whole lot of deduct. He's a booner, no way no how he doesn't net over 360, but I'd bet he nets over 375.

Don't use long-armed trophy pictures to compare to a bull on the hoof, apples to grapes.
bigfin - your numbers and mine were almost identical exept I gave him 16"thirds, 20" fourths and 10" fifths.

My first guess of upper 340's was just that. I hadn't run any numbers I just wanted to see if my first guess was anywhere close. I've learned that my first guesses in the field are usually on the high side.

That bull does have a huge body. My first impressions from the first two pictures were that the main beams weren't overly long. The last two make me second guess that impression.
I wouldn't say that being 7 points different from your highest guess is that far off especially when we are just guessing. I posted the picts of bulls that I thought looked similiar and their scores are pretty close too the guesses that have been made. 368-375 is kind of splitting hairs on big bulls. If anything I have realized that my guess of 358 is low.
Bart, I wasn't referencing your guesses, and didn't even read any other posts other than seeing 340 thrown out there somewhere, which is way way low. Just guesses I know. I also think almost any field picture such as those, tend to exaggerate the size of a rack. Just looking at all the good photos miller posted, I can't see any weakness on that bull. The 5th tine being the only short one, and it's still 14". I think all my numbers are absolutely as low as they can be and that bull is a lot better than most mignt be thinking. Put that one on the ground and a hunter in there with a longarm pose and I think it'll look a whole lot bigger than both those dead ones.
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