Caribou Gear Tarp

Shakeing Chicks....

Anybody we invite to our house we know well enough to hug. I mean, I hug the women, and my wife hugs the men. I ain huggin no man, less is he is bigger than me an insists upon it.
Canoe..... I throw one hellova Ward party :) :)

Whiskers, When we meet you know I'm hugging you then right ? :D
Shake if she offers...hug if she moves in, but only the one boob, one armed, slight squeeze tongue in the foot rule on crotch proximity.
All depends on how well you know them. A handshake s perfectly acceptable for someone you've just met... if you've met several times before, an embrace with visable space between you is fine. Only if you're real close is a kiss permitted, but only on the cheek. If your real real close, one hand on her a$$, your tongue down her throat and some breast and crotch grinding is fine!

I've always wondered about this myself. It's so much easier when the woman come to you and initiates the hug. Otherwise, I'm not sure whether the gal is comfortable enough to accept a hug. A handshake between a guy and a gal just doesn't feel right...

I fisk "im all, since moving to Australia which are a nation of thieves bred from convicts you can't let anyone leave your house without friskin 'im, otherwise you'd have nothing left in a week hump :D , back home in New Zealand it was shake ya mates hand and give the chicks a knee trembler against the car :D
Are any of you boys from the South ????? :confused:

The Lady of the house is ALWAYS aknowledged before the husband ! It's perfectly proper to take a ladies hand in yours and (gently) place your other hand over hers. Look her in the eyes and thank her for her graciousness. If you know each other well, a touch of your cheeks and a fainted kiss from the corner of your mouth can be included. A Hug, is simply placing a hand on the shoulder and touching each others cheeks.

Then you bid your farewells to the old man.

Southern Style & Grace ;)
Well said G46...however, good looking female cousins are exempt from your aforementioned gentility.
As a Southern Gentleman I must say if they have a great set of Headlights "Frankly my Dear, I don't give a Damn!" I'm gonna go for the Hug!!!!!!!!!!! hump hump :D John
Jeez you guys are tame. I opt for grope, grab, squeeze, dry hump, lick until I get hit by someone. Then you KNOW you've crossed the line and the boundaries are set. Then it's a sincere apology, maybe something along the lines of "I had more to drink than I thought........", and it's all better. Just ask my ninth wife she'll tell you.
How many of you guys shake hands with a limp hand. I hate that, when your shaking hands shake it like a man not some little Nancy.

Moosie, sure you can hug me, I am old and frail. Besides I like hugging smooth body young guys. OOPS, just kidding.
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