Sitka Pre Season Savings

Sept 13th...

2 weeks from today, and none too soon! Stan, I know you've got a couple beasts on your short list --- it'd be nice if all this rain doesn't cause them to mosey too far from where you've been seeing them. Never going to complain about too much rain here in the Southwest, tho. Hope you find the one you really like while he's still intact!

I'm leaving early in the morning to check my cameras for my sheep hunt. I know all this rain now will make the water catchments less visited; will be good just to see some animals ...
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Stan, you hanging around Diamond Point again? Looks like the two bulls Glen and I was last time up there.

I want to know what that guy on the right scores!!!
The top bulls shall remain nameless until after the hunt. This guy is a looker though, how many points do you count.

Yikes! It looks like he's got an extra branch up there. I was correct - I would not know what to do with that tag. Probably shoot another calf with antlers like last year. I guess since you're gonna let him walk, I might as well apply there next year.

This guy is cool, he's moved to several different spots this Summer. Not an absolute giant, I love the look though, any guess on the score? He's not wide, inside spread is around 35ish.

I suck at field judging but I'd venture 335-340 on him. He's cool looking for sure but his 4s look pretty short next to those long 3s. Pretty good mass on top, but is that with the velvet still on?
Hurry up and get here already!

Wow Stan, plenty of great bulls with lots of character! Hard to see the 5th on the right side, but might be close to 16"-18". I would guess this bull to be 385"-390".

The top bulls shall remain nameless until after the hunt. This guy is a looker though, how many points do you count.

Looks like a 6x9, I would guess to be in the lower 380's.

This guy is cool, he's moved to several different spots this Summer. Not an absolute giant, I love the look though, any guess on the score? He's not wide, inside spread is around 35ish.

Really cool looking bull I don't think I would pass up anywhere. Somewhere near 355-360".
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Stan, I'm sitting here with the 4 yrear old granddaughter and she just named him 'Curly Top".
I leave in a week. The bulls were gathering cows and sounding off this past weekend. Hopefully the weather holds, can't wait.

The elk in your cam photos just keep getting bigger and better.

Better start making room for another head on the wall.

Can't wait for a grip & grin photo !
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