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  • Hey Dan can you pm me my father pulled the 19-2 tag for this year and want to get some tips on the area thanks
    My son and friend are in the same situation - i believe you were in, they have 13 points and plan on putting in for area 19 once and be done - any help would be greatly appreciated, it would be a rifle hunt.
    I only spoke to one and they were nice. They took me out and let me camp on their property. Then a local guy walked in past my camp and told me I couldn't be there, and I told him I could all's you need to do is get permission from the landowner. He packed miles to get where I was. Someone turned me in for camping there, I'm assuming him, and I was right. I did my homework well. I am a retired game warden.
    Give me your number Il will call you sometime. Dan
    570 - 716 - 2318
    Hello! I ran across an old post regarding unit 19 in WY. My daughter has a youth cow tag, wondering if you'd have any info you would be willing to share? We just came back from several days of hunting, saw some bulls but no cows. I'm not sure where the cows head later in the year (we may go back end of December or Jan. depending on weather). Thank You!
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