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Seek Outside getting heat for hosting gun control nut Ryan Busse

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@Big Fin Randy, could you kindly allow this 79S guy to create his account? He appears to be having TROUBLES.
I have no idea who he is. If he registers and it shows up as a known online/forum problem in the software we use, I just delete them. I don't have time to worry about approving someone who might already be a reported problem somewhere else.

I used to have an account at 24HCF. I haven't been on there for a few years, until I hit your link. I hardly have enough time to be on HT.
A very enlighted bunch in deed.

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Damn. Guy must have known me a long time ago. So long ago it was back in a prior life when I must have been an insurance agent.

Typical stuff for the internet ...... "back when I knew him" and he has no idea I've never been an insurance agent. But wants to make the crowd there think that "he knew me." If he knew me, you think he'd at least know what I did for work the last 35 years.

This shit is so strange, you can't make it up.
I have no idea who he is. If he registers and it shows up as a known online/forum problem in the software we use, I just delete them. I don't have time to worry about approving someone who might already be a reported problem somewhere else.

I used to have an account at 24HCF. I haven't been on there for a few years, until I hit your link. I hardly have enough time to be on HT.
You are missing a whole lotta crazy it appears.
Damn. Guy must have known me a long time ago. So long ago it was back in a prior life when I must have been an insurance agent.

Typical stuff for the internet ...... "back when I knew him" and he has no idea I've never been an insurance agent. But wants to make the crowd there think that "he knew me." If he knew me, you think he'd at least know what I did for work the last 35 years.

This shit is so strange, you can't make it up.
There are those special places on the internet where you can get your full dose of conspiracy theories, phony rambo-bravado, mysogeny, made-up history, made-up legal theories, made-up science, and miscellaneous slander just one click away. Appears 24hCF is just such a place. Despite the obvious efficiency, I for one will pass.
Damn. Guy must have known me a long time ago. So long ago it was back in a prior life when I must have been an insurance agent.

Typical stuff for the internet ...... "back when I knew him" and he has no idea I've never been an insurance agent. But wants to make the crowd there think that "he knew me." If he knew me, you think he'd at least know what I did for work the last 35 years.

This shit is so strange, you can't make it up.
I liked the part about how we flew into that place via helicopter in Wyoming to hunt elk.

I missed that flight I guess...
Damn. Guy must have known me a long time ago. So long ago it was back in a prior life when I must have been an insurance agent.

Typical stuff for the internet ...... "back when I knew him" and he has no idea I've never been an insurance agent. But wants to make the crowd there think that "he knew me." If he knew me, you think he'd at least know what I did for work the last 35 years.

This shit is so strange, you can't make it up.
Another potent reminder of the intrinsic merit of the HT level of moderator proaction. Thanks again, Randy.

I noticed you fired your salvo and ran...but if you're still around to follow up on the collateral damage:

You do realize that Seek sells tents and backpacks, not guns, right? I'm as pro-2A as the next guy and I also like the Seek Outside products, their small business model, and I've met them and they are very nice people to boot, so they get my business. I know them better than I know some lurker who seemingly contributes nothing to this platform except for poking his head in to tell a bunch of strangers to hurt the livelihood of a bunch of other strangers because he doesn't like who they talked to once on a podcast. Look at the photos on their website or blog and tell me if you really think they are anti-hunting or guns. Yeah, you're wrong, and you're literally no better than Ryan Busse in my opinion, but you don't have to apologize to should apologize to the Seek Outside folks.
I personally own a Seek Outside stove. Like it so much, I was considering purchasing a tent.
I also choose to support a small company, rather than a big one. I’ve been on their website a lot.

Haven’t been around because I have been working 13 hour days, and don’t have the need to get on my phone any spare second that I have.

I couldn’t care less what you think. I am simply stating that I will not spend my money at a company who is not in full support of my 2A rights. If you disagree, good for you. I accept that.

I am not an uninformed poster on this subject. I have my opinions and values, and they do not line up with Busse or Kevin. That does not make them bad people. I certainly do not owe anyone an apology for my opinion. I guess my previous ingenious apology was taken seriously.
While the killing of section 230 all together would pose that risk, my reading of the two SCOTUS cases is that what is being challenged is not the hosting of third-party content - the plaintiffs agree up front that is fully protected by 230 - but rather that social media algorithms that promote recommended content to users creates liability for harm resulting from the amplifying and targeting of extreme content to at risk users. Even if Google and Twitter lose under this argument the only effect I could imagine at this point for HuntTalk is needing to turn off the "similar threads" feature the latest version of your forum software has.
Did you follow any of that hearing today? Read that plaintiff's attorney had a poor showing in front of the court
Damn, that is a funny thread. Supposedly I get tags from state agencies. Got offered one from Iowa a long time ago; turned it down. But, they claim to know me and how things work in my world. Hilarious.

I guess clicking a link every three years or so will suffice to see not much has changed over there.
Damn, that is a funny thread. Supposedly I get tags from state agencies. Got offered one from Iowa a long time ago; turned it down. But, they claim to know me and how things work in my world. Hilarious.

I guess clicking a link every three years or so will suffice to see not much has changed over there.
I was a bit buoyed by one post where I was (indirectly) called a green decoy for suggesting there are “boundaries” to the 2A. I didn’t think I had enough public land hunting cred to be a green decoy. ;) Take that you haters, I am a public land hunting somebody today ;)
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