SD archery antelope down!

Thanks for the kind words.

I'd guess 13 inches on the length... I've never put a tape measure to any of my critters, I'll take a stab at it tonight.
T-bone the Arrow Flinger. Not as Impressive as the Turkey you killed with your 2 year old by shooting in it the head with a broadhead at 50 yards.... but I'll still give you some Kudos :)
Awesome, congrats. You guys are really making this hard on me this year being as how I might not spend a single day hunting.
14 4/8 on the long side, 14 on the short. Better than I expected.

Any one care to guess total score?
I'll say 74 'ish. I'm not good at judging lopes though. It's a great lope with a bow, no doubt. Great job.