PEAX Equipment


Nice!!! Sounds like he's getting ready for the two major tasks he has ahead of him in MT, shooting a pronghorn and baglicking...
Got home just now.. , here is a few pictures. LOTS of lopes, lots of dinks, I shot one of the better I saw in 2 days of looking. A lot like last years, not tall, but good mass. Green as can be and easy to spot them as you can see. Probably looked at over 40 bucks a day easy. Saw one about 16" but the night before the hunt I bumped him into the next county on a fluke encounter as I was scouting out a high vantage sniper hill for the opener. You can see my rental truck in the back ground... real tough hunt hey?? I think I even attempted the short jog off the road to get the legal distance from a maintained road:D someone drove right by him, either not seeing him or passed him, i stopped, looked, got out the spotter on the grass, said good enough, grabbed the gun, laid down prone, slow squeeze, boom ! THUMP!! buck disappears, I take that long hike (legal distance from road) back to truck, crack a beer, toss another in the cooler and haul both out to the lope.
As i was taking these pictures 2 more lopes died in the same pasture, and it was a little scary as some real bad shooting was going on and bullets were whizzing around. 3 Mexicans walked out to ask if they could help drag mine out after they got theirs out but I had mine quartered already. I said "took a few shots hey?" he said "yea, i have not shot my gun for a couple years":eek: Nice of them to ask if i needed help though! that was cool of them. They walked back to the road jibbering spanish... something about Cervesa?

Lots of little ones like this...


Here is mine


2 beers in @ 6:30 AM!! celebration time!
Nice buck! I'd say 14 1/2" long and score of around 78, without adding anything up.
Great buck Mr. Schmalts. Glad you made it so much work. Who says it has to be hard to be fun? Oops, I think someone is gonna make a smart ass comment about that last sentence.

Congrats and thanks for the pics.
I was scouting while you were hunting. Saturday evening found the buck I was hoping survived last year.. although he's past his prime now. His left side is stunted above the prong.. :( Saw some nice ones, but only one intersting buck, about 5" horns both come down over his eyes... ugliest damn thing I've ever seen... next to this sweatshirt my pal put on.. WTF?
nice sweatshirt, it's a joke're not spooning with Blake these days are you?????

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