Caribou Gear

"Rude and unethical" hunter seeks feedback

You have as much right as anybody to be there hunting on public land as anyone else. It wouldn't be the first time I've seen an outfitter place his camp on a main road or trail to try and keep others out of his spot even though it is all public land.
I think the only way that guy is right is IF you killed your buck in the same meadow he was hunting AND he was physically there first.
Does actively hunting vs holding a spot for a client matter factor into the equation? It does for me. If someone is actively hunting a meadow then steer clear, but not for someone holding a spot.
I've been there too. Some guys look at a guy hunting alone as a chance to play bully. Congrats on your buck!
I killed the buck in the same meadow and he was physically there first. The meadow was approximately 2 miles long by 1 mile wide.

I think the only way that guy is right is IF you killed your buck in the same meadow he was hunting AND he was physically there first.
I don't know what these outfitters rules are , but public is public....there could be a guy 200 yards away and kill an animal and there is zero you can do, it's public land. I say screw the outfitters, after all I have read here I would have told him to kiss my a$$, it's public land.
If he was merely 'holding' a spot and not hunting it, he has no complaint, I'd tell him to go jump in a lake. I'd prefer to say "go pound sand", but everyone who responded above already used that one...
You should have kicked his ass. If he is worried about you shooting a yearly buck as a outfitter he is really desperate.
There are people like that everywhere. Ignore them and enjoy your venison. Congrats on your buck!
I would've talked to the camp that was already there, before I sat up camp next to them. Common courtesy seems to be lost a lot of times under the, 'I have just as much right as you' arguement.
Public land- use your best judgment. If the meadow was 2 miles long and 1 mile wide, it's not like he has the right to claim the whole thing in my opinion. I'd try to hunt a part of the meadow away from the other guy- to give the other guy some space. In general, I don't think you did anything wrong. Public land is public. As far as him reporting you, I'm with most of the other guys - he can stuff it. What the hell is he reporting you for exactly?
As others have said, you should report. Most everyone has a smartphone with a video camera now a days. Who was the outfitter?

Congrats on the buck! Enjoy the venison.
Screw outfitters and guides. Guiding and outfitting should be banned completely on public land. I realize there are some good ones, and I realize there will always be conflicts on public land. Money exasperates the problems though. The guides and outfitters are trying to make a dollar, I get that, but that motivates them to be even more possessive of public land. To make matters worse, the government gives them permits for certain areas so they gives them a feeling of ownership.

If the guide was much of a hunter to begin with, he wouldn't be as worrried about blocking off a couple of square miles of land and trying to run everyone else off.

There is no such thing as 'first come first served' on public land. That would imply temporary 'ownership' of a spot because someone got there first. Yeah we can bring ethics into the conversation but I always get amused at those conversations. One guy will shoot a deer at 800 yards and then turn around and complain that another guy is using a camera, so it's a pointless debate.

Anyway congrats on the deer. You did nothing wrong and didn't have to try and run someone else off to kill a deer.
outfitters think they own the land. they always harass me and or ride through the spots im hunting. glad you got your buck.
Hummm....using Public land for the purpose of personal profit and then claiming a 'right' to deny your access?? I'm just glad that moron didn't confront a few of the Vet's I've had the honor to hunt with. Super nice guys, but Never/ Ever try to tell them they can't hunt anywhere they d@mn well please on the ground they defended.
You've no idea how lucky you are. We're you more experienced you woulda given him my usual answer "It's my F'n National Forest!!" Or perhaps something a little more delicate. Seriously though that's an awesome story and you'll appreciate it more as the years go by!!

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