All of my young adult life I have looked forward to someday having a kid to pass on my passion for the outdoors. Well, 6 months ago my wife and I had a little boy. Now, don't get me wrong, I am so happy to have the little dude, but with him as come a DRASTIC decrease in my time available to hunt. Along with little dude, I recently opened my own business (1 year), and needless to say, stress tends to pile up. The kicker here is that my way of burning off stress and "recharging" is time spent hunting and fishing. So, I'm stuck in a cycle of being agitated by not being able to get out and hunt, and then not being able to blow off that tension. My wife can tell that something isn't right with me, but she doesn't understand the situation at all. I know it seems really selfish, but I've used this to "get back to normal" my whole life. Anyone else have any experience with this predicament?