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Rob G - You and your big mouth (keyboard)

Good job Rob. As it has been stated on here many times before, you know you're near the target when you're catching heavy flak (something like that).
When rob wins I say we start a go fund me a Nevada mule deer tag fund for him defending our rights.
When rob wins I say we start a go fund me a Nevada mule deer tag fund for him defending our rights.
I'm all for that!

Thanks again for your support. I have no idea what I'm in for but I will know more after talking with some attorneys on Monday.
I'm very thankful for Rob. He did all sportsman across the state a service by getting involved and writing LTE's on behalf of a more sportsman friendly candidate. I think all of us should support Rob in this, so no one else gets this type of treatment. We can not tolerate this.

He claims he was "defamed". Considering the facts that Fin posted, I'm scratching my head. I think he's in denial about the outcome from his trial.
"When elected officials start suing their constituents for speaking out, people should start questioning what the hell is going on."

Amen, and count me in.
Below is my submission to the Bozeman paper. It likely is not jazzy enough to warrant a lawsuit, but hopefully it gets the point across. His lawsuit naming Rob is truly absurd and reflects more negativity on Wittich than on anyone else. It irks me that Rob has to even consult with an attorney regarding this silliness, but it's evident that there are those willing to be supportive ... so don't hesitate to ask, Rob.

Recently travelling through parts of western Montana, it seems the discussions consistently came around to politics, the Trump and Clinton campaigns usually, but Montana issues always, with Art Wittich in the limelight. The old adage, “When you’re stuck in a hole, quit digging” seems appropriate, as Wittich appears intent on keeping his name in the headlines, but not in a favorable light.
Pursuing an appeal of the April court decision regarding his “corrupt” political practices and bringing a lawsuit against a citizen for expressing an opinion in the newspaper touting Bruce Grubbs as a better legislative candidate, Wittich continues to place himself front and center in the public eye. Although his political behavior certainly does not reach the heights of that pointed to in history as noted drama surrounding the corruption of the Montana “Copper Kings”, still it may serve to be Art Wittich’s lasting Montana legacy. Only time can decay and dissipate the stench surrounding news in the public eye that portrays bad behavior.
Best advice to Mr. Wittich, is to quit “digging” and determine some way to affect positive influence on behalf of Montana during the last few months as a legislator.
Thanks, RobG, for exercising the single most important constitutional right, speaking truth to power. That is a practice we must all brush up on, if we hope to preserve public land for public use. I'd be honored to assist with your defense, if needed.
It seems the LTE could be truthful and directed towards a public official. I wouldn't lose any sleep about it.

I once had a large trade organization threaten to sue me in an attempt to silence me for informing their own members about alternative options to their organization (long story). My attorney called their legal counsel and said he wasn't going to wait for them to sue and he was "going to punch them in the teeth." I never heard about the lawsuit again. Stand strong, it'll all work out.

If this guy tries to drag you through the mud, I'll contribute. Good luck.
Good Job Rob!!!! I expect this won't go anywhere but if it does I'll be looking to help out. Keep us posted.
Wow, this is just unbelievable. My guess is this will in no way end favorably for Wittich. Shall you need funds to mount a defense, count me in. This crap needs to come to a halt. Keep at it Rob!
GoFundMe or a similar approach will get a donation from me. Thin skin reactions deserve to be mocked and sometimes that involves a judge. Has Montana gone this soft since my father in law moved away? Heck, last time I was in Helena they did not install stop signs on the side street intersections. You are just expected to know to slow at each intersection which was a different approach than where I grew up in the Midwest.
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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