RIP Swiss Family Robinson

I signed up for an Amazon subscription every three months, for my oil and air filters. When they show up or reminds me to go do it.

that's really wise. i still far too often find myself running to oreilly or autozone for filters because i was never proactive and forgot to order more and now is time to change the oil haha
I signed up for an Amazon subscription every three months, for my oil and air filters. When they show up or reminds me to go do it.
Make sure you’re ordering from a verifiable Toyota source. There’s a lot of fake shit floating around out there.
Also... after 7 years of oil changes I'm wondering if I should finally splurge and buy a new crush washer for the Sub
Amazing delivers these too. I think they’re about $0.50 a piece.
My 2011 Honda cr-v is self changing for oil. Just need to add a quart every 2 months, which reminds me it might have been 4 months since I checked. Maybe I should replace a filter, but I am tempted to see how long this can go.
My first car, a 1976 Chevy Monza had that "feature" as well. I'd roll into the service station and tell 'em "fill up the oil and check the gas please".
So pepper is the next thing the hoarders are after? 😨

Husband to wife: “I said prepper, not pepper!”
The paper products were in plentiful supply, napkins, paper towel and butt wipe.
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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