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Requotable Quotes- Say it Again

Gerald Martin

Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
"There is great value to the soul of Montana in the opportunity of the working man being able to sweat and suffer his way to an elk. To have those chances not swallowed up by the politically connected - I think that is beautiful, and I think that is in danger. Whatever hunting becomes here, if the working Montanan can't participate, or is left to play a different game with the scraps, we will have destroyed something virtuous." - Bret Lian
aka @Nameless Range

Share something that someone has said that resonates with you…
Man who stand on toilet is high on pot…
Confucius. 🤣😂🤪

Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen… W.C.

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. JK R….

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. M.A.

I could keep going. None much from here that come to mind though…
"There is a delight in the hardy life of the open. There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy and its charm.
The nation behaves well if it treats the natural resources as assets which it must turn over to the next generation increased and not impaired in value. Conservation means development as much as it does protection.

-Theodore Roosevelt, August 31, 1910.
Have you ever spent the late afternoon
Watching the purple shadows deepen in Arizona desert?
Or seen a herd of Elk plough their way
Through waist deep snow on a cold Colorado dome?
Did you ever see the sun go down in Hawaii
Or seen the stormy waves break over the rock bound coast of Maine?
Or have you ever see an eagle fly up out of the mists of Alaska?
Or a big October moon hanging full over the still Dakato badlands?
Have you ever tasted the gumbo in New Orleans, Bar-B-Que in Carolina
Or the chicken wings in Buffalo?
Have you ever had Brunswick stew in Maken, or cornbread in Burmingham?
Or briskets slow cook over hill country mesquite wood?
Did you ever drink the water from a gurgling branch in Utah
Or, stand on the mountain above El Paso Del Norte
And see the lights twinkling clear over in Mexico?
Did you ever jingle horses in the pre dawn stillness of a perfect Texas day
And watch their shodded hooves kicking up sparks on the volcanic rock?
Or attended a truck line on a foggy Carolina morning
Or heard the distant love song of a lovesick whipperwill
On a pristine Tenneesee late night?
Have you seen the faces on Mount Rushmore or stood at the Vietnam monument?
Have you ever crossed the mighty Mississippi
Or been to the daddy of them all in Cheyenne, Wyoming?
Or seen the mighty Volve run out on the football field on a chilly autumn afternoon?
Did you ever see the Chicago skyline from Lake Shore Drive at night?
Or the New England follage in the fall
Or the summer beauty of the Shanandoah valley
Or Indiana covered with new snow?
Did you ever seen a herd of wild horses running free
Across the empty spaces in Nevada?
Or, caught a walleyed pike out of a cold Wisconsin stream?
Or, marveled at the tall ship docked in the harbor at Baltimore?
Did you ever see the early morning dew sparkling on the blue grass
Or, the wind stir the wheat fields on a hot Kansas afternoon?
Or, driven the lonely stretches of old Route 66?
Have you ever heard the church bells peal their call to worship
On an early Sunday, in some small town in the deep south?
Or pass through the redwood forest just as the sun was going down?
Have you ever been to Boise or Batchlee or Boford or Billings?
Have you ever passed through Sanford or Suffacer San Angelo?
Have you ever seen the falls at Nigara?
The ice palace in Saint Paul?
Or the Gateway to the west?
This then is America!
The land God blesses with everything
And no Effel Tower: no Taj Mahal
No Alps; No Andes
No native hut; nor Royal Palace
Can rival her awesome beauty
Her diverse poplulation, her monolithic majesty
America the Free!
America the mighty!
America the beautiful!
I pledge alligence to the flag of the United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands
One nation under God indivisible
With liberty and justice for all!

Charlie Daniels.
Have you ever spent the late afternoon
Watching the purple shadows deepen in Arizona desert?
Or seen a herd of Elk plough their way
Through waist deep snow on a cold Colorado dome?
Did you ever see the sun go down in Hawaii
Or seen the stormy waves break over the rock bound coast of Maine?
Or have you ever see an eagle fly up out of the mists of Alaska?
Or a big October moon hanging full over the still Dakato badlands?
Have you ever tasted the gumbo in New Orleans, Bar-B-Que in Carolina
Or the chicken wings in Buffalo?
Have you ever had Brunswick stew in Maken, or cornbread in Burmingham?
Or briskets slow cook over hill country mesquite wood?
Did you ever drink the water from a gurgling branch in Utah
Or, stand on the mountain above El Paso Del Norte
And see the lights twinkling clear over in Mexico?
Did you ever jingle horses in the pre dawn stillness of a perfect Texas day
And watch their shodded hooves kicking up sparks on the volcanic rock?
Or attended a truck line on a foggy Carolina morning
Or heard the distant love song of a lovesick whipperwill
On a pristine Tenneesee late night?
Have you seen the faces on Mount Rushmore or stood at the Vietnam monument?
Have you ever crossed the mighty Mississippi
Or been to the daddy of them all in Cheyenne, Wyoming?
Or seen the mighty Volve run out on the football field on a chilly autumn afternoon?
Did you ever see the Chicago skyline from Lake Shore Drive at night?
Or the New England follage in the fall
Or the summer beauty of the Shanandoah valley
Or Indiana covered with new snow?
Did you ever seen a herd of wild horses running free
Across the empty spaces in Nevada?
Or, caught a walleyed pike out of a cold Wisconsin stream?
Or, marveled at the tall ship docked in the harbor at Baltimore?
Did you ever see the early morning dew sparkling on the blue grass
Or, the wind stir the wheat fields on a hot Kansas afternoon?
Or, driven the lonely stretches of old Route 66?
Have you ever heard the church bells peal their call to worship
On an early Sunday, in some small town in the deep south?
Or pass through the redwood forest just as the sun was going down?
Have you ever been to Boise or Batchlee or Boford or Billings?
Have you ever passed through Sanford or Suffacer San Angelo?
Have you ever seen the falls at Nigara?
The ice palace in Saint Paul?
Or the Gateway to the west?
This then is America!
The land God blesses with everything
And no Effel Tower: no Taj Mahal
No Alps; No Andes
No native hut; nor Royal Palace
Can rival her awesome beauty
Her diverse poplulation, her monolithic majesty
America the Free!
America the mighty!
America the beautiful!
I pledge alligence to the flag of the United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands
One nation under God indivisible
With liberty and justice for all!

Charlie Daniels.

Yeah that one I pretty much had memorized. 😄😏
Dogs are evidence that there is a God. Their longevity is evidence God is either a cruel one, or one that requires the human to sit up and pay attention to every moment for these snippets called canine life are painfully fleeting and gloriously spectacular. Magic.
—Tom Reed pg 46 January 2022 Wyoming Wildlife.
Not many can cut to the heart of something—from the trivial to the profound—with the wit, head-scratching intelligence, or economy of language better than our own @noharleyyet. I honestly thought he might be Tom McGuane when I first joined HT.

This one always stuck with me, though I had to do some digging to find it. NHY, sort of facetiously summing up the points another member made about all that is wrong in our country:

So the illusion is that shirts vs skins or commie vs fascist is actually a rigged shiny coin boxing match?
Kenetrek Boots

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