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Republican or democrat?

Is that why all but 5 R's voted party line at the blast motion to not allow HB 235 (corner crossing) to be heard on the floor?

Yeah, its all just stereotype bogus...
This is how you define "single issue voter."

Do we really believe that that party that is pushing back against gun control, trying to limit government, and standing up for our personal freedoms is anti public land hunter. I have heard over and over again on this site how republicans are only out to protect themselves and their "rich landowner friends." Based on the republican legislators that I have gotten to know, I find this characterization blatantly false. I'm not saying their aren't some R's that don't have our best interests in mind, but the stereotype is bogus.

You need to check the voting records then. Obviously your not following what's going on in Helena.
I know this is a montana board, but there are issues outside of montana folks.
When I first came to this site, I thought it was a hunting site. I have since come to realize that it's a Montana site first, and a Western site, secondly. As TLC pointed out, the country and our problems aren't just what's wrong or right in Montana and the West. The Republican views against Federal handouts, and massive spending bills, certainly seem to be more in line with the interests of the majority of Americans. Use of public lands as income and oil producing assets seem totally proper as a means of weaning us off of foreign oil and providing for our independence. I do feel that the religious right has taken too much control of the GOP, since I believe that abortion is a woman's right, and that religion shouldn't be a factor in determining laws and policies. I can easily agree more with the GOP than the Democrats, though; since I believe we need less Federal Government, fewer social programs, and drastic reductions in spending. I will state that it's unfortunate that third party politics can't function effectively in our nation, and that individual State's Rights have been curtailed under the hobnailed boots of the Federal Tyranny. As I see it, the powers that pull Obama's strings, coupled with the capitulation of the Democratic party to the extremists such as George Soros and Bill Ayer, will effectively destroy our country, and the Rino's in both Houses seem intent on helping them in this endeavor.
Weird that a site owned by a guy from Bozeman, MT would be a Montana site first and a Western Site second?:rolleyes:

When anyone labels people as RINO all it does is push moderates out of the Republican party. The middle of this country is who decides elections and if the National Republican party keeps kicking people out of the tent because they don't pass the purity test they will never win another national election.

We need a strong vibrant, big tent Republican party but I fear that the purity test will mean the tent continues to shrink.

I mean the middle of the political spectrum. The 10% of the swing voters decide national elections. If one party excludes enough of those with purity tests they will become irrelevant.

The stupid part is that fiscal responsibility, individual freedom and small government are winning messages until Republicans outspend Democrats during the Bush years, Abortion is a litmus test and Republicans increase unfunded entitlements with the medicare prescription plan.

So the Republicans either don't believe their own message or when they have power they decide that spending is good.

When anyone labels people as RINO all it does is push moderates out of the Republican party. The middle of this country is who decides elections and if the National Republican party keeps kicking people out of the tent because they don't pass the purity test they will never win another national election.

I would never give up my conservative values to vote for a Democrat who promises public hunting access in one hand than approves gay marriage,

^This is what's wrong with our country. Gay marriage? Maybe we have more important things to worry about?
Nemont, do you think the guy who bought this site from a guy in idaho wants his television audience to be just from montana? doubt he would survive if that was the case. have no problem with you folks from montana talking about the bills you have going on. find some of them interesting. but just because you guys repubs are asses and the dems work for you(?), does not mean that's the way it is everywhere. as I said, look at the facts and figures from illinois. more people not working than we have working. and let's not forget about the dems that ARE trying to take away our guns. hell, they even want to pass tougher laws. the hell with enforcing the ones we have. sounds vaguely familiar to the immigration laws?
^This is what's wrong with our country. Gay marriage? Maybe we have more important things to worry about?

Personal freedoms, personal long as we approve them. It's more important we tell you how to live your life, than support and expand the infrastructure of a billion dollar economy such as the hunting and fishing industry.
We can drive this country off of a cliff. While we vote on "important" issues like gay marriage and abortion. Me and my narrow mind.
Personal freedoms, personal long as we approve them. It's more important we tell you how to live your life, than support and expand the infrastructure of a billion dollar economy such as the hunting and fishing industry.
True. But I'm thinking BIGGER PICTURE.
This is how you define "single issue voter."

Do we really believe that that party that is pushing back against gun control, trying to limit government, and standing up for our personal freedoms is anti public land hunter. I have heard over and over again on this site how republicans are only out to protect themselves and their "rich landowner friends." Based on the republican legislators that I have gotten to know, I find this characterization blatantly false. I'm not saying their aren't some R's that don't have our best interests in mind, but the stereotype is bogus.


Wasn't being serious. Sorry if you mistook it for that.
Nemont, do you think the guy who bought this site from a guy in idaho wants his television audience to be just from montana? doubt he would survive if that was the case. have no problem with you folks from montana talking about the bills you have going on. find some of them interesting. but just because you guys repubs are asses and the dems work for you(?), does not mean that's the way it is everywhere. as I said, look at the facts and figures from illinois. more people not working than we have working. and let's not forget about the dems that ARE trying to take away our guns. hell, they even want to pass tougher laws. the hell with enforcing the ones we have. sounds vaguely familiar to the immigration laws?

Did I say anything about Big Fins audience? There are a ton of people from outside of Montana on this site I don't think that is the issue.

I also didn't say a single thing in support of a single democrat, in Montana or nationally.

How many posts have you started about your legislature? Seems like many posters have started threads on the legislatures from Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana etc. When a Montana bill get it's own thread and guys from Montana share their opinions on the bill, I don't know how that gets construed into supporting Democrat policies in your state?

I guess if you don't like the web content you can ask Big Fin to delete it or post something showing what your legislature is doing to hunters there and let everyone chime in.

actually, yes.

"Weird that a site owned by a guy from Bozeman, MT would be a Montana site first and a Western Site second?"

there have been topics about illinois, chicago, that go very few responses. not a problem. understand no one in the west cares what they do here. it will not affect you in any way.
I tend to lean more conservative, but it is the stuff like these messages that makes it hard for me to want to vote on the same side as anyone that posts this stuff or wears a shirt like that.


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Did I say anything about Big Fins audience? There are a ton of people from outside of Montana on this site I don't think that is the issue.

I also didn't say a single thing in support of a single democrat, in Montana or nationally.

I read into it the same way TLC did, but then again I couldnt take you seriously after reading how you spent an hour or so of your life debating with that Texan and his ideas on money and conservation. ;)
^This is what's wrong with our country. Gay marriage? Maybe we have more important things to worry about?

Yes that is exactly what is wrong with this country. It's the basic breaking down of the traditions and family values that made this country what it is. This thinking spreads into other areas of our society. So we should just let them make a moral wrong into a "civil right" and move on to the other important things? Get married, who cares, but why do they have to make such a large deal out of it and demand the same "legal" rights as everyone else? They are the ones taking up our time and not letting us worry about those other important things you are talking about. By the way, which things do you find more important than the American family?
By the way, which things do you find more important than the American family?

I know a great American family. Two matriarchs raised a daughter and three sons and now they have three grandchildren. Between the four children there is an doctor who was valedictorian all the way through med school; and Iraq war vet who has opened his own automotive business since returning home with his military training; an iron worker who works a 9-5 for a construction company while he builds his own artistic iron-working business on the side; and a comedian who is gaining success touring throughout the west coast.

Talk to anyone of the children individually and they'll tell you the best thing growing up was having two parents available to them at anytime and having dinner every night together at the table....sounds like the ideal American family to me.

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