Recent Elk hunt in CO


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Well, after last years 370 bull on our colorado trip, i decided i would hold out for a big one.......This will be my first attempt at posting videos so we will see if it works.

Here are a couple of the bulls i passed on the first couple days. video is a little shakey, happened pretty quick so didn't get tripod down. shoudl be able to get the gist.

If it doesn't work, someone can fill me in on how to do it:)

Saw 16 bulls, 11 over 300 and one bull of a lifetime..........rubbing on 400"....

Ill maybe post more info if these first couple work:):);)
I have like 5 more videos and for some reason photobucket keeps saying its runnign into an error..............ill work on it. And unfortunately, there is only about 1 second of video of the real big one before i shot.............

Yes thats correct, before i shot. And no there are no pictures:eek::eek::eek:

I will definately get the jackazz of the year award on this trip..................:)

will throw more up if i get these dang things working. Long story short, passed on ridiculous easy shots at 4 bulls that were right around 320 to 325. 330 was my minimum goal and although they were "slam dunk" shots, i let them walk. Then, without much explanation..........had 4 bulls over 350 in "slam dunk" shooting range including the giant bull that was somewhere between 390" and 400".............don't even ask.

He was almost within arrow shot of this bull that we killed last year on the trip..... Almost same exact bull only about 10" wider and didn't have 10" broke off the G1.

Draft....Coordinates: Here you go

39o 44' 38.32N 105o 01'12.31 W

Good luck! Hope you find him there, send pics when you kill him so i know for sure if he made the 400 mark..


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Dang...Do you do the math in your head prior to deciding wether or not to shoot?? Just curious you passed on a 325 bull because he didn't meet your 330 minimum??? Getting within 5 inches score wise on an elk without using a tape has to be pretty difficult. Damn some of you are too damn picky!! :)
Well, thankfully those bulls will be around next year when I have a tag. :D

Did that bull you guys killed last year have a big tumor on his stomach?
Not until a 460 grain brick put one there:):)

Fowl............only do the math when it looks close:) The only reason i passed on those bulls was that clearly the g5's were holding back a little score. I would have been happy with a 325 bull for sure but knowing the caliber of bulls in the area, just wanted to hold out for mr big. And, well, it was the right decision as i finally got my opportunity, just didn't capitalize on it. Felt like a rookie again:)LOL

I guess i can laugh now but trust me i was about in tears at the time.

Can't pack home a 350+ if you are boning out a 320:):) Plus i arrowed a 320 last year so i need to move up the chain:)
Incredible. Congrats. In CO? You must be hunting some really limited unit. How did you get 2 tags in a row? Or some primo private land? I'm definitely not taking anything away from your hunt, please don't take it that way, I'm just trying to figure out how this is possible.
His wife buys him a LO tag and he has access to/through a huge ranch in the SE corner of the state, I think. I don't think he had a tag last year though.
Yep, colorado.................and no private land even near it, and nope no hard to draw area. Thanks for the cover though Bambi...........And people think there are no big bulls in the OTC units:) I hope they all keep thinking that.........

Just a year, Bambi will be coming out of SW CO with a 350+ bull and will be shot within 800 yards of the one we killed last year, the one the year before, the one i missed this year.......etc..:):) We just rotate years on who gets a tag, that way its easier to not argue over who is shooting which 350+ bull........lmao

I have a buddy that lives in Grand Junction and hunts the same general area we have. Hes been hunting it for 20 years and has never seen but one bull that would go over 330. We just found a basin way back in that the big bulls just absolutely love. Not sure why, but dont really care as long as they stay there............

Bambi, meet you in Grand Junction about Sept 12th 2011............ bull!? but you did have a blast right!?

If i am reading that right you missed or something else happened!

sounds like you had fun! You see Kyle's buck!?
There are no big bulls in Colorado OTC units for sure.

Do they make one of these for Muzzy hunters? On order for me as we speak.


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Brandon, came home with no bull..............saw some big ones, even got to scare some with some shooting skills that i think i superceded when i was about 5 years old.

Got a couple more videos, even of the big bulls but just a little embarrassing missing a handfull of bulls over 350 in a matter of 2 those will stay on the computer.

Dink..................when you get done reading your idiot book, can i borrow it!

I was going to tell people i was hunting with a spear just so i had a valid excuse for blowing such easy shots......:):)
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