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Ready to pack out an elk?

Yes I am most certainly ready! Love the video! I loaded my 6500 fine, love it but certain can be done better - I need a hands in class. I bought my MR from a hunt talker and used it last season!Maybe I buy that bag!?
I'm itching - going to get my pack right now and screw with it!
Note: I usually just throw a 50 Lb bag of dog food down the hatch and strap it up tight like bones meat bags as you do here.
Kind of torn on that question. It certainly isn't the part of the hunt that I look forward to the most, but then again it means a successful hunt so ..... I'm in!

My office is on the sixth floor of the building, I have been taking the stairs since April when I applied (111 vertical steps, that's 13,520 Ft-Lbs. of energy as I figure). I usually do it three times per day hoping to get into better shape. I know it isn't much of a workout but it is better than doing nothing.

I was thinking about strapping on my loaded Alaskan Pack Frame for my stair walks, but I haven't mustard up the nerve yet. I suppose even though I would get some looks I would just smile since I know the reason behind it.
Thanks for the link and the reminder to get busy on some prep work! (I am NOT ready)
i have been trying to get ready: gym 3-4 days a week and at least 5K heavypack hikes on weekends, dam i am getting old!

as far as the MR video it seemed like a lot of work to set pack up for meat hauling... not negative towards MR packs but maybe its just the way the video was presented seemed like lot of buckles and moving things around. i have a eberlestock and i just undo 1 zipper and my bag opens up but maybe thats why is so heavy! heard many great things about MR pack and i even thought about them as a future pack from all the positive reviews but that pack he is using aint for me!

Great video. Packing meat is always nice.

I was a little disappointed that they didn't pull the rib meat (especially on a bow kill). Lots of good meat left in the field. I know that they aren't legally required to pack that out in MT.
Hopefully I will be heping my son pack out his bull at the end if his hunt this year.
My partner is ready to pack my bull out, he is terrible at field dressing an animal!
Great video clip. Thanks for sharing. Getting the itch already!
Agree'd great video clip. I will have to tell my 14 yr old son about it, I am sure he will watch it a few dozen times!!!
Just watched the video ...please answer this for me ..why do you pack out the bone ...
seems like alot of extra weight .
never could understand that .
cool pack though ..lots of clips and straps ...guess it worked for him just fine .

its getting closer by the day ...

Thanks for the video !!

I was thinking about strapping on my loaded Alaskan Pack Frame for my stair walks, but I haven't mustard up the nerve yet. I suppose even though I would get some looks I would just smile since I know the reason behind it.

For a few years I'd do the same with my crew cab mowing lawns in prep for my Dall sheep hunts. I have one complex with about 2 hours of push mowing and I'd strap the loaded pack on to do them. I often wondered what the people thought looking out their windows seeing a guy mowing with a backpack. Even though it wasn't climbing it still conditions your shoulders to the weight.
Lucky for me my job gets me in shape for hunting season. As a wildland firefighter I have to hike all summer long in some steep country with lots of weight on my back . But by the time hunting season rolls around I'm in good hiking shape
i have been trying to get ready: gym 3-4 days a week and at least 5K heavypack hikes on weekends, dam i am getting old!

as far as the MR video it seemed like a lot of work to set pack up for meat hauling... not negative towards MR packs but maybe its just the way the video was presented seemed like lot of buckles and moving things around. i have a eberlestock and i just undo 1 zipper and my bag opens up but maybe thats why is so heavy! heard many great things about MR pack and i even thought about them as a future pack from all the positive reviews but that pack he is using aint for me!


It takes me all of a couple of minutes to get a bag of boned out meat loaded onto my MR pack. Yes, putting it in the bag is faster. However, then you have to put it in a garbage bag so you're not putting your gear in a bloody bag.

Different strokes for different folks.
As an old fart way past my prime. Hauling out meat is never that much fun for me. When I was young I loved it. I was a competitive powerlifter, and seeing how much meat I could carry was fun.

Those days are long gone, and now old and riddled with injuries the pack out needs some changes on my part. I'm stubborn about hunting solo, but my friend has offered to help me get the meat out. He's not a hunter, but is only 35 and in good shape. I might have to take him up on the offer this year.

My pack is over 35 years old, and pretty beat up. I might have to break down, and buy a new pack for my friend to use. :)
Great video, thanks for sharing. I think I'm ready for the pack out, manage to keep in fairly good shape hunting all year. Packed out a red deer on the weekend, but that was probably equal to an elks back leg!
Yes! Love packing meat out, especially if boned out, because I know every ounce that feels heavy on my back will taste delicious in the coming year.