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Ranchers complaining about Bush's energy policies!


Dec 23, 2000
Imagine a bunch of ranchers actually complaining about indiscriminate land raping! Guess it's not just the "Enviro Wackos" that are thinking the Bush Administration's environmental policies go a little too far.

Drilling needs limits, critics tell energy council

By Theo Stein, Denver Post Environment Writer

Don't sacrifice Western tourism economies or private property rights to expedite natural gas production on federal lands, the Rocky Mountain Energy Council was urged Tuesday by critics of the Bush administration's energy plan.
"Our ranch is destroyed," said Treciafaye "Tweeti" Blancett, a sixth-generation New Mexico rancher and one of several ranchers from Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming who raised questions about the council.

"We do not have a viable enterprise anymore because of the destruction caused by the oil and gas industry," Blancett said. "What we're asking is that you is do not let what happened to New Mexico happen to the rest of the West."

Rest of the story here
In western Colorado around Meeker, Rifle and Rangely the ranchers are real upset about all the wells being drilled all around their ranches. More trucks and traffic on the roads is leading to accidents and a whole different atmosphere than they're used to. So let's hear from the ranchers about Bush's energy policies! I bet they wish they'd voted for Gore!
The article says the BLM issued 7000 drilling permits in 2003, so far, and the industry group wants to streamline the process to 30 days.....

Why aren't we just using the Oil in Iraq that we won?

If you'ld bother to read the article, you would learn that they are talking about natural gas. IT, Oak, and EG, how do you guy's heat your homes? Natural Gas?

Here is a line from the article that sums it up for me:

"We cannot ignore the potential for fossil fuels on public lands," said environmental consultant Gregg Scott of Denver. "But fossil fuels should only bridge the gap to tomorrow's energy sources."


You start hitting the Mad Dog 20/20 a bit early today? Or did you invite Annie Greensprings over for lunch?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Greg Schnacke, president of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association, singled out environmental lawsuits as a significant problem.

Schnacke asked the council to reduce to 30 days the time it takes to approve drilling permits and to streamline the National Environmental Policy Act requirements for energy development.

Odd isn't it, how the head of the Colorado Oil and Gas Association asked for a streamlined NEPA requirements.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Elise Jones, director of the Colorado Environmental Coalition, said the U.S. Bureau of Land Management has issued 7,000 drilling permits in 2003. Since 1997, the agency has leased 37 million acres of federal land mineral exploration.

"Oil and gas development is important," Jones said. "But it's only one of many different values that make federal land important."

And eaually odd, is how Elise Jones addresses both issues.

Are you unable to understand that an attack and a weakening on NEPA for anything drilling related would likely set precedent on everything drilling related?

This is about the 3rd or 4th post where you have been terribly concerned about Natural Gas supplies and prices. Is there some reason why you care so much about cheap Natural Gas, and don't care about wildlife habitat?

Oh, by the way, are you going to point out which information I had that was inaccurate about the Wild Sheep breeding the domestic sheep, and the rancher having to get paid for destroying the sheep? How many rancher's sheep died because of the Wild Sheep vs. the big bad Wolf that you are worried about?
Looks like we may have to remove the Wild Sheep from some of the lands, as they threaten the rural economies of Montana.

I don't care about natural gas prices. I hope they double or triple since I heat with wood. All the rest of the people in the U. S. who heat with natural gas probably care about the price however. Maybe you and IT heat with buffalo dung?

As for the sheep issue that you keep pestering me about, your sources are not entirely right. Last I heard there was 8 lambs still alive. The others have died of natural causes. We offered, as a good will gesture, to compensate the sheep producer for his loss of lamb crop due to the breeding of a number of his domestic ewes to a wild ram. There has been mention, maybe in jest, that any surviving lambs would be auctioned off on E-bay. You could see the serious concerns if something like this came to fruition? For some reason the producer did not accept this compensation, but was thankful and appreciative for the offer. That is all I know at this time.

Remember this is on private land. This small herd was started many years ago, and was undoubtably a big mistake. Refrain from being a smart ass for one post, and tell me what you or Idaho FNAWS would do in such a circumstance. I would appreciate your insight.


Yes, I can see the serious concern if something like that came to fruition. And it is unfortunate if this band of Wild Sheep may have to be moved/eliminated from some last bit of habitat that is able to carry Wild Sheep.

And as for my advice, I would suggest you work to remove all the Welfare Ranchers off of public lands, in order to lessen this from occurring again. There is plenty of Public habitat, if you get the range maggots removed. You will not need the habitat that is on the private ground.

I would also suggest that FNAWS in MT start working WITH other conservation groups to increase habitat for Wild Sheep, Wild Salmon, Wild Elk, and Spotted Owls (and the like.) In Idaho, FNAWS stood shoulder to shoulder with ICL, CHID, IRU and other conservation groups AGAINST the Air Force's Bombing range. That was effective!!!

Your Anti-habitat stance is hopefully a personal stance of yours, and does not reflect your organization's position on habitat. All of these conservation groups CAN work together, if their goal is truly "more sheep on the Mountain.".

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 09-03-2003 07:28: Message edited by: ElkGunner ]</font>
Here is president Bush`s ph.# !-202-456-1414 att. general[ashcroft] 1-202 353-1555 sen maj.leader [fritch] 1-202-224-3344 callem and let them know how you feel about the issues.
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