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:eek: :eek: :eek:

|oo |oo |oo

Tell me you guys aren't serious???

You honestly don't come up with a $20 profit?

Think of it as two different transactions...instead of a horse let's pretend the first animal bought and sold is a pig, the second one is a duck.

You pay 50 for the pig. Then sell it for 60. Ten dollar profit, right?

Then you buy a duck for 70, and sell it for 80. Ten dollar profit.

$20 profit total. Get it? :confused:

Geez I thought Moosie would be the only one who couldn't figure this one out. ;)
Profit $20
Net profit $10, minus $200 vet bills, $50 for hay, $20 for the leed rope that got broken, $175 doctor bills when it kicked you, $15 to pay the kid down the block to shovel poop.
minus $440, yup thats about right. You made out good, cost you less than five hundred bucks and a cracked leg bone.
This thread has turned out pretty funny....
I'm glad it got started....It is good that it looks like Moosie put more effort into it than some of the students I read about in the first test. ;)
The way it was portrayed, we were following a formula called "Permissive Leadership", meaning I allowed the group to speak first and then followed thru with the answer, or what I perceive the answer to be.
This allows all in the group to submit their answers first with out any other interference, especially from the one conducting the questions. This a technique the Japanese have been using in their corporate meetings, it gives all a chance to voice their opinion with out worrying what the higher ups want them to say.
It has been shown with this type of interaction with the decision making process is usually 76% right as compared to studies 36% where there is no feed back from any one, only their answers.
It also shows that in this type of scenario, there is about 1 in 5 that answers incorrectly.
This is all actually lumped into a thinking type atmosphere called "Group Think"....
And ending on this note.....
This turned out kind of fun...
I will have to see if I can find any other questions that we could follow along with...
Thanks All... :)
Because you truely cant calculate profits without all possible can talk revenues based on the numbers though.

...I look at it the same way as A-con...your lucky to break even with horses!
yep, 20$ is the answer...31 replies and I finally figured out I was wrong the first time...good post must work in human resources...

..relax OutdoorsChick, it's friday...thank God
No, I am just a dumb fire fighter... ;)
It is a question that is in a course I am taking. Besides, the Human Resource industrie won't pay enough and I would have problems listening to others issues all day long. :D
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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