Public land fire sale

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Just got the word from BHA: Congress, in a vote to move forward with a new Debt ceiling, just agreed to sell off 100 million acres of public land in an effort to pay down the National Debt.

Details are sketchy, but it sounds legit. I'm trying to track down details right now.
I'm only getting partials of the deal: Democrats caved on House requests (Bishop, Paul Ryan mostly) to sell off an equal amount of land in acreage that is up for protection. That means that wilderness bills stalled in congress will now move forward, and Toomey, Cruz & Coburn will release their lock on several bills stalled in the senate.

No word on what lands where.
Pull the wilderness bills then.

I tell you what, this chit is getting real old. I just listened to a bunch of wilderness advocates in Lander a few weeks ago railing on about how we need to "compromise" if want to get any new wilderness. If this is the type of "compromise" that is necessary to protect wilderness, then I dont want any new wilderness areas.

Selling equal amounts of public lands to get wilderness designated is not a "compromise" its a give-away of public lands.

I say to hell with it, let the wilderness bills die and lets keep our public lands.

What a crock of chit....
Just heard that Secretary Jewell is saying that the President will veto the bill.

We're getting set up for another shutdown showdown.

Nothing makes me want to throw a chair through a window more than freaking politicians and their BS deal making.

Or April fools day. Lose lose for me...
Reid is sticking up for the deal. Says that the lands will be in AZ, UT, WY & NV. Apparently ANWR is part of the deal too.
Who do we duct tape to the telephone pole? Seriously, what can "Joe Citizen" guy like us do about this? If someone can provide contact info for the responsible parties and probably more importantly for the people that will do the voting on this, then maybe we can help. Still hoping this is a bad joke!
Reid is sticking up for the deal. Says that the lands will be in AZ, UT, WY & NV. Apparently ANWR is part of the deal too.

Eh, no big deal--no lands in Idaho getting sold. Utah is trying to take possession of federal lands themselves, so they deserve it. Nevada is pretty much a wasteland, so again, no big deal. The Arizona and Wyoming parcels are probably Grand Canyon and Yellowstone National Parks, and I support that because when the next gumbint shutdown happens I won't have to change my vacation plans like I did last fall. And finally, thank God for the ANWR sale--we can finally drill baby.
Perhaps the feds just want to profit from the public lands before those states get control and sell the public lands to bolster state coffers. Either case is disgusting!
Okay, so it's an April Fool's joke.

But this isn't:

That's Paul Ryan's new budget. It eliminates the ability of the Fed to purchase new land, and only allows for the sale of public land. There's some I agree with, but a lot that's bad for America and really, really good for the Oil & Gas cartels looking to turn the U.S. into an energy colony.

Enjoy it.
Dammit. I was really looking forward to all that cheap gas and visiting Exxon-Mobil National Park.
Dammit. I was really looking forward to all that cheap gas and visiting Exxon-Mobil National Park.

There's an idea...let's sponor out the Nat'l Parks & Refuge System...I'd visit the HuntTalk Yellowstone Nat'l Park or the Viagra Teton Nat'l Park if it kept crappy landswaps and sales from happening.
And the bar for attention whoredom on hunttalk has been set...

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