Prank call

Interesting thread. Some of you should move to Oregon. Then you could complain about 1. Mandatory reporting, 2. There is a fine if you don't report, 3. The questions are dumb, 4. Most hunters lie anyway, and 5. ODFW does nothing with the data they collect. You could have five complaints for the price of your one.

Just observing that you're complaining about the same things that everybody else complains about, too. People in Oregon think Montana is the promised land.

[QUOTE="QuazyQuinton, post: 3136351, member: People in Oregon think Montana is the promised land.

For the record, it's not. Spread the word. mtmuley
I was called. Asked me if I filled my general deer tag? Yup. Deer b tag? Nope. Unit number? Told them.

The guy who called me also asked me if I enjoyed my trip to Montana, had I been there before, etc. I suppose he had to have been a FWP employee but I didn't ask. We ended up having about a 10 minute conversation after he asked me his survey questions.
Sure seems like there is a wide range of questioning with the calls in Montana. mtmuley
Finally got my call yesterday afternoon. Before we started I told him I'd happily input detailed information into the FWP website if given a chance...of course that's not his job but he said he'd note the comment as it seems to be a growing trend from those he talks to.

Anyway I got asked the full gamut of questions...days hunted in each unit, harvest info (general location and number of points for buck and bull), wolf sightings with locations, moose sightings, upland birds, and waterfowl. I bet we were on the phone for 10 minutes which is by far the longest I've talked with an FWP surveyor ever.
They called my wife and asked her about upland birds. Never did ask her about her elk/deer combo. She asked me why they didn’t ask her(she was excited about her success). Simple answer...I don’t know baby?!?
The calls have started...antelope and moose for me. A very old sounding woman called around 9am. She had no idea where my moose unit was (she was referencing the Deer/Elk district). I explained that I had a very complex, detailed write up for the local biologist and the biologist was already aware of what I saw during the hunt. At any rate, the calls are starting

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