Pending Archery World Record Sheep

I find it quite impressive, maybe even more so for the guide. Roe seems to be one of the best in the business. I'd love to see Johnerson's videos with that hunter and guide especially.
My friend was there to witness and film the kill shot. The scouting didn't start until he bought the tag. Nice try though. So unless you or anyone else has any first hand knowledge of how the whole deal went down without speculation you might want to keep it to yourselfs.


Didn't scout until tag was bought- Complete Bullshit-LMAO

Lawnboy- Nice Try? Actually my "speculation" was right and your "first hand knowledge" was completely wrong apparantly. Sucks when you go stand up for your buddy only to find the story doesn't add up. Ol "Flare" has propably been photographed hundreds of times and passed around the table from Reno to Bozeman and e-mailed around the globe to pump up bidders for the auction.

Yea pretty sure my friend was lying. :rolleyes: He went out multiple times all summer long after the tag was bought to scout. Whether someone else photographed some big rams out there I don't doubt it. Wonder if it it was the same ram that Fin labeled flare on the one episode? Nah that one got shot too. Must only be one flared big ram out there. Not trying to argue with you but when you know and talk to someone who was actually there versus internet speculation I'm going to believe them. Carry on. I'm a lover not a fighter.
Congrats to the ram for growing that big. The rest of the details make me sick. Seems like I get more disgusted with what hunting is becoming every year.
At least it was done with a bow. I think it's cool that someone can hit a balloon at 900 yards, but the long range stuff gets under my skin a little bit when it comes to killing an animal that far away. Word has it he has a family, provides for them, and obeys the law. Thats much more than a lot of guys do these days.

If I had invented the fake hyrniated disk or whatever it was and I could afford these types of hunts I would do it, too. For a while, then I would make ways for family and friends to do it so i could see how pumped they got.
He's a hammer with a bow, and a hunting mutherfucker. Looks like he also kicked some serious ass in the medical device industry.. Hate the game, not the player. Congrats to Jim Hens.
Auction tag outfitted hunt and a gang of guides. Doesn't get any better than that.

Propably had pics of this animal at the convention where the tag was "purchased" instead of being drawn by others who had applied for 20+ years in the draw. The true essence of hunting at it's finest.

Most if not all western states auction wildlife off to some degree whether it's SCI auction tags,transferable landowner tags, commissioners tags, etc... It truly amazes me how this turns into a "gray area" for the people on this OYO adventures forum which I thought stood for DIY hunts on public land like are depicted on the show.
A few of the guys that regularly shoot big animals on here are leaving out that they bought the tag (land owner or voucher).
I just want to say I was not trying to single out az402. I know nothing about him. I just wanted to quote that photo.

[OBLIGATORY]. Maybe if he learned to hunt, he would not have had to shoot from 84 yards. [/OBLIGATORY]

Goddamn. Our local troll is getting lazy. It took him quite a few posts to come out from under his bridge.
Sounds like a jealous little crybaby insecure bitch to me. Change your login name to that because I doubt you're really an elk magnet.
Sounds like a jealous little crybaby insecure bitch to me. Change your login name to that because I doubt you're really an elk magnet.

Maybe you guys should trade Login's cause your no Greenhorn either.;) But seeing the stud bulls you've smoked you may be an elk magnet.:D
Sounds like a jealous little crybaby insecure bitch to me. Change your login name to that because I doubt you're really an elk magnet.

I really didnt mean to offend you SORRY. I was joking when I said those comments about him. Not tastefull I know Im sorry. Besides im really not a homophobe. I live next to a lesbian. I have spent many hours googling and researching lesbians so I dont say anything to offend her. There is no need for name calling. Im on your side if you want to share a two man tent with him who am i to judge. Really im on your side I wish they would just let people like you get married maybe then you wouldnt be so angry all of the time.
Best of luck at the next tag auction.
I doubt you're really an elk magnet.

Id kill a lot more big bulls if I just shoot at every big bull that stoped at 85 yd. But I would wound a few also the good news is I just wouldnt post about the wounded ones just the ones I found. Then everyone would think I was a crack shoot with a bow;)
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