Caribou Gear Tarp

OYOA website growth


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2007
It seems that the "most users ever online" continues to change and is now up over 100. I imagine as the new season airs in a month that the number will grow even faster.

Congratulations Randy, I hope the fruits of your labor are reaching your expectations.

....I noticed that too (#'s jump); which is pretty amazing actually; as I'm on a couple other bigger-forums and you usually dont have 'that many online at one time'; even with sites' with more-active members..:confused:?

I think that jump in folks "online all at once" had to do with the Alaska Bear-Hunts' conclusion-online; and only confirms my belief these "LIVE HUNT THREADS" are a hit ( I've infortunately only recently found);?;) The 'views' this place gets in a day, is also staggering for posts and regardless of how many are online at one time, the site is growing fast I agree!

Since that online-meter only grabs 'how many logged-on at one time'; makes you wonder how maany logged-on in one day...? Has to be 10X that..!?

So once the shows start airing again; it should EXPLODE!!

The other big difference is this place is obviously an attraction for 'serious hunters'. You dont see a lot of "I'm buying my first rifle.." posts here. Not that this site shouldn't cater to them per se', but IMO its nice to read one that has guys from out west who can put you on-game on public lands, and you can learn stuff from, even if you've been hunting 10,20,30 years?

Its definately THE BEST biggame forum I'm on...(and since finding it, is the ONLY one)!!!

Which brings me to this ....

Uh, ...I did notice the "new section" by the way, and have just spent two hours over there "playing catch-up";..and still have several hunts to read before I'm done...(will take me several days, but I'm very glad you did it):D.:D?

I should note though; that's probably the first time anyone EVER has taken 'my input or advice' and not said: "...ah STFU Moe" ...after hearing it:(; ...

..So I was seriously perplexed to see BIgFin actually did it after I suggested it.:eek::eek:.?


That probably will never happen again, so forgive me for pointing it out folks?

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It is interesting to see the traffic pick up the last couple months, even though we are not on air. Not sure why that is.

Do me a favor, and go to the other forums you visit and send people over here. Well, sort of......only send the good guys. ;)

We have a lot of lurkers on Hunt Talk. Some have told me they lurk, as they feel intimidated to jump in and post. Some have told me that hardcore western hunters almost speak a different language. Not sure I agree with that, but it did strike me as surprising. Would be nice to learn more about how to continue with a community of guys who are very hardcore hunters and yet allow guys less experienced in western hunting to feel comfortable joining in, the day they register. Will work on that one.

I have specific stats on the forum activity of registered users, and use Google Analytics to measure the entire site activity, whether from registered users or lurkers.

We have about a 6:1 ratio of lurkers to registered users. I wish I knew how to get more of the lurkers comfortable with posting their thoughts and ideas.

With very few exceptions, every new person who has joined in and started posting, has added value to the community. The perspective of new users is always helpful.

So, hopefully it will continue to grow. When the show starts running, I expect some pretty big jumps in traffic.
There is a simple explanation for that date as the most users ever.

It is one of the most special days of the year. Just ask my mother. Most where probably here for well wishing to me.
There is a simple explanation for that date as the most users ever.

It is one of the most special days of the year. Just ask my mother. Most where probably here for well wishing to me.

...the day you moved out of her basement? :D
When you put out a quality product, people show up. This site is better than anything out there, great issues, pictures, guys out there doing it the right way, and usually pretty intelligent comments.Keep up the great work Randy.
This site is no different than most others. You have a core group that speaks back and forth and it is somewhat intimidating for the new guy to say much.
I've been registered here for a cpl years and don't say much for that reason. Kinda like trying to push yourself into a group of friends that have a conversation going.
I don't see that dynamic changing.
I would echo what WapitiBob said. There is definitely a "core" of guys here that know each other personally, from what I can gather, they have met several times, had some beers, etc. Definitely know what they are talking about, and it makes a newcomer kind of scared to speak up. I know I was/am.
I always gotta remind myself about how many guys are actually reading this crap when I post pictures or make comments.
At anytime you can go to the who's online and see how many lurkers there really are. I'm like that on a few other sites, just barely post, but for some reason this site makes me post like crazy.

I found this place last year and just got used to the old site when the new one came up. Gotta say I was kind of bummed this place was going 'mainstream'. Can't imagine what the regulars thought of that. That said, I think the new site has worked great so far, and it seems like all the regulars stuck around, which is awesome.
Some forums you cant browse the whole site unless your a member, maybe that would get people to quit cyberstalking you big fin and get in the hunt.
I don't post a lot, but I always wait for the photos, and the blow by blow ( well...except THOSE blow by blow) descriptions of the hunts, and camps. We've all gotten to enjoy the photography of those people who if they aren't professionals, should be, and the storytelling skills of people with way more vacation time, and jobs that get them out in it. It's all jealousy, and the fact that I get to live vicariously through them. Some of the posters that got me involved in this website don't post as much, and I miss that, although I understand that as peoples lives get more involved, you don't get to do what you want, as often as you want...hell, I don't know what I'm trying to say, I'm just glad I get to play along.
What attracted me to the site and keeps me posting is the fact that by and large the people posting have a passion for hunting and all things outdoors. Egos seemed to be checked at the door and people post their successes in order to share with other members and hear a heartfelt congratulations.
This forum isn't nearly as ego driven nor is there much infatuation with the "celebrities" that seemed to be exalted on other forums. ( That is except for you Big Fin. We all LOOVE you!) :)

For the most part I feel like I'm on the same page with most Hunt Talkers, in what gives my hunting experience meaning and value. I think I could share a camp with almost everyone and have a good time.

This forum has been a lifesaver to me this spring. Between building our house, work, kids, and other responsibilities I have gotten out very little. Following everyone else's adventures vicariously has kept me from going insane.
Heck, I joined for the pictures in the adult section, and damned if they didn't disappear.:p
As one of the lurkers that rarely posts I guess I do it just because I am so overwhelmed with the wealth of knowledge on here that I am too busy absorbing everything to participate. That and I haven't been able to get out hunting enough in recent years to have a whole lot to share with the community. That should change in the coming seasons. And I look forward to reading everybody elses adventures abroad.

I can relate. I joined this site in 2001 and didn't post a lot. I did however read lots of posts, ask occasional questions and learned an enourmous amount. The guys on this are passionate about hunting, knowledgable and flat out know how to "get it done." As a whole, they are a very impressive group!

Another thing I have noticed is if you do beat the odds and draw a good tag, members here are more then happy to share any information they may have or put you in contact with friends or family who have hunted the unit you drew. That networking and information is priceless and appreciated.

Without a doubt, being a member of this site has both motivated me and made me a better hunter. I continue to learn something new every time I log on.
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As an east coast guy I can always learn by "lurking". I dont post unless I feel I can contribute but after hunting out west the last four years I feel I understand the debate. This website is great and I love hearing all the different opinions.
I would echo what WapitiBob said. There is definitely a "core" of guys here that know each other personally, from what I can gather, they have met several times, had some beers, etc. Definitely know what they are talking about, and it makes a newcomer kind of scared to speak up. I know I was/am.

I can honestly say I haven't had a beer with any of these guys:D I've only hunted with 2-3 of them and don't know 90% of them but that shouldn't deter someone from posting pictures and throwing in their 2 cents. Heck you can learn a lot about them just by their avatar:eek:
I wasn't here in the early days. Bowsite pretty much chased me here as I got sick of the holier than thou stuff over there. Some guy killing WT does out of a tree stand judging me if I pull out the gun and kill a bull, just cracks me up. Lots of good photography and story telling here. Not sure why anyone would be afraid to post. Just don’t be an ass and you'll get along fine.

I miss the CE and SI posts from a few years ago; they could make you cry laughing. It has mellowed a bit.

I’ve met a few folks from here. Fin is fine to talk to after you convince the body guards you are not going to harm him. Buschy was great to meet, you will rarely meet someone with as much enthusiasm, cracks you up. Probably get out and tell secrets, I mean scout with Oak this summer. Still need to meet Elmer Buzz for sure. Would like to BBQ and BS with NHY. To many other to list.

In the end, it is just the internet though:D

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