OYOA Goes to ND for Mule Deer

Best of luck guys. I hope you are able to close the deal. I was able to get out to the Badlands 3 days this past Thanksgiving weekend but was unable to locate the one I've been after or any other good sized deer. It seemed a little slow as far as larger deer but the smaller ones were plentiful and there was some rutting activity going on. Can't wait to see the pictures and read the posts of a successful hunt. Put em down!
Buschy is a liar!

I am convinced that all these deer photos Buschy has been posting over the years, are a farce. He took me to a place called "something something National Grasslands." They should rename is "something something National Wasteland."

For a state to sell a buck deer tag, don't they actually require that a buck live in the state?

What this state lacks for deer, it has made up for in cold, snow, and WIND. Good thing I had my pack full, or there is a good chance I could have been blown down to Missouri.

The temps were not too bad this morning - truck thermo read 24F. By this afternoon, it was colder - supposedly 15F. I think it was closer to -35F, but given the 30+ mph wind, it might only have been 15F, and felt like -35F.

I am not too sure what this area looks like. It was whiteout snow conditions most the day, so Buschy's "hot spot," or what I would call "cold hole," is safe. I couldn't find my way back in there, given how low the visibility was, and I am still wondering how he expected us to see those big bucks he talks about.

He claims to have spotted two bucks today, but I am doubting him. The camera couldn't find them. After a while, I told him I could see them, just so he would stop ranting about the bucks being there.

So, after all this great winter fun, I am excited to go out tomorrow. The conditions are supposed to be near the same, just four degrees colder. Man, can't hardly wait. And to see MTMiller posting pics of T-shirt whitetail hunting, just 100 miles south of here last week.

Hoping Dinkshooter and his camp are still alive. Those tough guys are up here hunting the same general area, and they are sleeping in wall tents. I wussed out and decided on a motel for this trip.


Troy wondering what the hell he got talked into on this trip.

Me smiling as I watch Buschy lead us in circles. In the driving snow, we walked by the same fence post four times this afternoon, so as much as Buschy wouldn't 'fess up, he was lost, or just seeing how long I was willing to walk without seeing a deer.

Tomorrow is the day.
don't let anyone fool you with their upcoming posts on the weather here in North Dakota. It was a springy 55 degrees and sunny skies today......that is if started to hallucinate like I did after walking around aimlessly in a blizzard all day. Crazy cold, windy, snowy, and a bit lacking on the BIG deer side of things....but I'll take buschy's confident reminders "there are big deer here and we WILL see them soon enough" I believe him.

We had a great time, filming was tough, always makes things interesting when you have to add a few layers of weather protection on top of your camera. A few of the dials get bumped from time to time when you add all of those plastic protective covers....normally the color balance button gets hit the most which makes the skin tone on the guys ends up glowing in different shades of blue and red.....I just reviewed the footage, that was bigfin's face in the bright patchy shades of red and blue....I guess it wasn't a misplaced button on the camera, rather normal looking when ones skin is exposed to extreme subzero wind and snow for hours at a time. Hopefully he has an image to post for proof later on. Good times had by all who survived. Unfortunately buschy decided to do a night scout...he said it was a North Dakota thing, so we are due to pick him up somewhere in the ditch in the morning.

Tomorrow is another day. My specialty is sarcasm so I apologize for any offensive material written above...depending upon who is reading it. Lawnboy is a perfect example.

Quote "never listen to a cameraman"
.....I just reviewed the footage, that was bigfin's face in the bright patchy shades of red and blue....I guess it wasn't a misplaced button on the camera, rather normal looking when ones skin is exposed to extreme subzero wind and snow for hours at a time. Hopefully he has an image to post for proof later on.

Wasn't sure who Troy took this picture of, when he showed it to me in the viewfinder. Then, I got back to the motel and looked in the mirror, and shrieked in horror as I realized that that frozen, frostbitten, swollen, wind burned image I had seen on the camera viewfinder just an hour ago, was me.:eek::eek::eek:

Does this guy look like he had fun today, or what?
Hey Fins, (Big and photo) At least you weren't working.:) Oh wait, maybe you were working. Does it make you feel any better that I got to work inside a nice warm house today, putting up tongue and grove pine? Oh and at least I saw 4 bucks chasing does on the way to work. Even if deer season has been closed for three days.

Good luck. Big Fin you better hope the snow keeps on falling. That way it will be easier to get that 15 yard shot at one of Buschy's "monster bucks".
I couldn't find my way back in there, given how low the visibility was, and I am still wondering how he expected us to see those big bucks he talks about.

You need to get a GPS. ;)

Hoping Dinkshooter and his camp are still alive. Those tough guys are up here hunting the same general area, and they are sleeping in wall tents. I wussed out and decided on a motel for this trip.

I got a text from him a bit ago, so I think they're ok. For now, anyway.

Good luck tomorrow...
Good luck guys. Just think the deer don't like that weather either and will be ready to spend a lot of time in the sun with you when it clears. Shoot straight and post success photos tomorrow.
Welcome to North Dakota and our balmy weather! Jeepers BF I thought those of you from Montana hunted in this all the time! I would be surprised if Buschy had on more than a pair of camo shorts a tee shirt and a pair of flip flops for todays hunt! Lets get a picture of how tough he really is!

Just keep pushing the deer out of Gregs Buck Hole and hopefully when I get out there on Friday or Saturday all the BIG BUCKS will be in the area that I hunt and they will be primed for me to screw up another stalk!

By Friday AM it is going to be NUTS! I am sure you will have one down tomorrow and another down by Friday PM!

Must have been a busy day Buschy...NO PICTS! Just remember...........

Tomorrow Morning it will happen~CHIN UP!

Just a Heads up BF...if Buschy puts one down...Here is what to expect...
Phase One...it will take Buschy 50 minutes to calm down to a point that you can understand what he is saying!

Phase Two...it will take him 35 minutes to retell you the story of how he saw the FREAKIN TOAD just standing there!

Phase Three...30 minutes preping the animal

Phase Four...60 minutes taking pictures

Phase Five...10 minutes to cape and quarter

By the time you reach this point the bucks balls are in the gut pile and yours are so cold you can hear them clank together as you walk be to the truck!

Good Luck Guys!
And here I thought you were posting from "Starbucks Butte". I am sure Buschy will do his best to put you and the crew on some solid critters. If you all tag out and have extra time, I suggest driving down to Marmarth for some great red meat.

Oh my..... I will never call Miller ugly again after seeing this picture
Dang Finn that looks like one of those "celebrity mug shots" you see after they get arrested on some drunken charges.:eek: Don't show Kim or she'll be heading over to ol Joe's for lovin. That picture of Troy says it all. I could tell he was a bit steamed by all the in-action you were having.

Good luck pullin the bow back in that weather.:D PhotoFin quit whinin and take some good film. Your not getting the big bucks for crying;) Good Luck tomorrow guys. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow morning sipping my hot cocoa:D Smart move on the hotel choice.
Spending 3 years in Minot I'd opt to go back if the base up there ever gets straitened back out. That was the nice thing about ND. NO one was willing to go out and hunt on the cold days except us die hard guys. Good luck with the cold. If you can stick it out you should (if you can draw with frozen hands)drop a big one. That area is know to have them.
Looks to be -3 with windchill!! Hope all is going well and good luck today.

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