OYOA Cameras go to Wyoming for Pronghorn

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Spent most the day cleaning and drying gear following a very destructive bighorn sheep hunt. Have replaced and re-packed what we need, and we are headed to south central Wyoming for a chance to try find a good pronghorn.

Oak has offered his eagle eyes to help us find Big Hank. He will meet us on the unit. Given how much time he has spent in Wyoming the last month, he might qualify for residency. I doubt we will top the buck he shot up here a couple weeks ago, but we sure will try.

I wish we had the normal full week to put into this hunt, but a Wyoming elk hunt later next week, cuts this hunt down to a four day endeavor, if that. Regardless, it is chasing pronghorns, and I am not sure what I could do that would be more fun than that.

Yes, Bessy the Moo Cow will get a chance to do her magic on the pronghorns of the Red Desert. Hopefully she can provide cover for me, Oak, and a camera guy. Due to scheduling issues, this hunt will be a one-camera shoot, rather than our normal two-camera hunts.

Hope to be posting some pics of a big pronghorn by Monday. With any luck, we will have coverage that will allow us to give multiple updates each day.
We're going to find a bigger buck than mine, Big Fin. I drove past your unit on Sunday and saw LOTS of lopes just from the highway. Wish I would have had some time to stop and glass.
BF and Oak,

Unfortunately the Red Desert goats have no idea what is descending on them:eek: No doubt a bruiser goat is living on borrowed time. Have a great hunt guys!!
Good luck guys. I'm sure Oak is ready for some time spent with a more refined hunting partner rather than the hoodlums he was running around with last week. ;)
We got here in time to do some hunting this evening. Looked over probably 100 bucks, but nothing big. But, Fin is a sucker for goofy/ugly antelope, and we saw a very cool buck. Oak named him the "Joker" buck. His horns come up and then droop over his head like he is wearing a jester's hat. I tried to shoot him, but Oak wouldn't let me.

After much persuasion, I relented and let the buck walk. I am saving him for the last afternoon. If I don't find a big one, or an uglier one, I will come back and look for the "Joker" and shoot him faster than Oak can realize what I am up to.

The scenics tonight were great. And, we got some great antelope footage, which allows us to get serious about the hunting for the next few days.

Oak is as much of an antelope nut as I am, so it is fun to look over these bucks with him. He seems more patient than I, but that is a good thing.

Hope to have a pic to post by this time tomorrow.
Good Luck guys! Though . . . as per the TV show, I don't know if one bullet will be enough Randy. :D
Oak is about ready to use a bullet on me. 80 incher at 100 yards and I set the camera guy on an angle where the brush blocked clear and complete video, so I never got the OK from the camera guy. Buck is now about a mile away. We are off to find him.