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Over 300 records equals "lack of documented sightings" to Dubya


Dec 23, 2000
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD class=articleBody align=left>On different frequencies

Radio-collared Canada lynx are stuck in the middle as the USDA, forgoing state data, is ordering strong protections scrapped.

By Theo Stein
Denver Post Staff Writer

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Tracking surveys of radio-collared Canada lynx show the shy cats have been located hundreds of times inside the White River National Forest since the state reintroduced them to southern Colorado in 1999. Yet a top U.S. Department of Agriculture official in December ordered forest officials to scrap strong lynx protections in the new management plan for the forest based on the "lack of documented lynx sightings."

Ongoing state studies show lynx were recorded within the 2.3-million-acre forest at least 300 times. Biologists identified 43 individual animals - including two females that denned on the forest's southern boundary last year - based on their unique radio-collar frequencies.

"From our standpoint, that's a highly significant area," said Rick Kahn, the Colorado Division of Wildlife's wildlife-program manager.

On Tuesday, David Tenny, deputy undersecretary of the USDA, said that until a regional lynx plan is finished, White River National Forest officials should consult with the state to evaluate whether projects - from ski-area expansion to thinning - could affect lynx habitat.

Tenny said his decision to overturn the lynx portion of the 2002 White River plan was based on information that was available in 2000, when the new plan was being developed.

No one at the Division of Wildlife was contacted about more recent lynx data, Tenny said, because the state had appealed.

"When deciding an appeal, you really don't consult with an appellant," Tenny said.

He ordered the White River lynx rules set aside to make them consistent with regional regulations under development.

The forest's rules were based on an assessment developed by biologists to ensure the survival of lynx, which are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Colorado's reintroduced lynx are considered an "experimental, nonessential" population.

Last February, the Forest Service released a draft blueprint for managing lynx in the southern Rockies, excluding the White River forest, that contained exemptions for oil and gas exploration, transmission lines and forest health projects.

That regional plan, agency planners acknowledged, could damage lynx habitat and not significantly improve the cat's chances for survival in the southern Rockies.

The White River forest was excluded because lynx were addressed in the management plan nearing completion.

Until the regional plan is finished, Tenny has instructed White River forest managers to apply the overturned standards "where there is clear, documented evidence" of lynx activity.

The use of the forest by lynx appears to be increasing as the cats recolonize the mountainous western portions of the state, added Kahn of DOW.

Environmental groups criticized Tenny for ignoring the state lynx data.,1413,36~53~2726944,00.html<!-- cdaFreeFormDetailByName.strSQL = FreeForm_GetTextBySectionIDPaperID @Name = 'ArticleAd', @PaperID = '36', @SectionID = '53', @ArticleID = '2726944', @Filter = 'Section', @LiveFilter = '1', @DateTimeContext = '2/26/2005 10:38:35 PM' --><!-- ArticleAd BEGIN: -->
good article.. hope everyone likes these bumperstickers.


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thanks for YOUR OPINION !!! IT. dont bother replying.. i have BETTER things to do ..


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OK now you got "your royal pain in the ass hippie homo highness" back all you dickheads talk about is your endangered species bullshit. If there are 300 sightings-----THERE MUST BE MILLIONS OF THE FREAKIN CATS!! How many cats do people actually see when in the field? This site is full of butt sucking enviro whackos that have nothing better to do than spout a bunch of commie propoganda. I hope Dubya limits your ability to abuse the court system ands cancels all funding for your welfare assed jobs. DRILL ALASKA NOW! :BLEEP:
Ya know what, I travel a lot of the country out here, I do see some places that are being covered with dirt to a very large extent, or the Earth is getting damaged in one way or another, but on the other hand, I see by far larger expanses where nothing is being done, I walk thru areas that look to be untouched by man, or those places that were damaged are getting harder to see, Mother Earth is reclaiming in her own way and time frame every thing that is forgotten about for even a short time.

These places that are being "Damaged" are by no means the largest segment of our fine country.

If you look on a map of the U.S. and put a line around all of these areas that are being touted as "Huge" regions being laid to waste, one would more than likely find that they won't even make a small spot in the area that they are destroying...
Elkchsr- I think there would be a lot of little black spots all over your map if you were to look at them. First you would outline all the cities as a start. Then all the clean up areas from there. Take a way all the spots where mining, clearcutting, and other extrative industries have done their work. What you have left would be a lot smaller than you would think. I've never seen a pie graph to compare different land areas within the US but I would bet there is a lot more "touched" areas than "untouched" or protected vs. unprotected.
Ringer, maybe you should read the article. It says tracking surveys of radio-collared lynx show they've been in the forest hundreds of times. See, the lynx here are re-introduced and all have radio collars. It makes it really easy to collect data on what areas they use. All you have to do is put a couple of antennas on the wings of an airplane like this:

Then you can pinpoint the location of each lynx to within about 300 yards, even if they live in country like this:

or this:

It also makes it easy to know how many are here (around 120). All the Dubya had to do was ask the DOW and they could have told him how often the lynx use the WRNF.

Cheese, here's some of your small spots. Looks good to me.



Ringer, "This site is full of butt sucking enviro whackos that have nothing better to do than spout a bunch of commie propoganda. I hope Dubya limits your ability to abuse the court system ands cancels all funding for your welfare assed jobs."

You should be glad some of us are here to tell the truth.

BTW, all you administrators, how do you feel about ringer's abuse? If you have any integrity at all you'll suspend him. You suspended Elkgunner for a lot less.

sage, "......i have BETTER things to do .." I hope one of them is to educate yourself. Good luck! :D
Pleeese kick me off here and put me out of my misery! How would you like to sit down and talk to people who always sound like a broken record? "the sky is falling!, the sky is falling!" I am glad you guys get to sit at a computer all day and get paid to put out political tripe on a website. Maybe Dubya will pinch off your gas supply or the dams will get breached and you won't have any power for your computer timewasting. Wonder how many of you could last in a real job.
ringer, Maybe you aren't able to understand del's sticky at the top of SI.

"Knock it off with the personal crap


That includes following someone around on another forum and starting crap there as well.
You will be banned from SI until Admins decide otherwise."


I'll be real interested in seeing how our administrators handle this.

BTW, I've always had a real job. After the last real job of 26 years in the oil business I started an advertising company a couple years ago. Nothing like the real world of being a small business owner! :)
Isnt it funny how the anti-enviro whackos cant refute anything posted here with any facts or even come up with an intelligent reply? I wonder who's right and who's full of crap? Gee, let me think about that for a couple seconds. They sure arent short on stupid bumper stickers and a bunch of BS though.

Ringer, GW likes some FS projects enough to fully fund them through FY06 ;) hump
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