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Our Christmas wish to Hunt Talkers

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
I know this is a few days early, but given I hope to be busy with my son during his week back in Montana, I am writing this now. Many of you send Kim and I cards, emails, and Christmas greetings. We thank you and we are grateful for all the wonderful blessings we have in life; your friendship being on that list of blessings.

The link below has caused me to think about what I am doing for Christmas to share some of the blessings in life that we have. I posted this last year and it has stuck with me ever since. When I read it a year later, it still strikes me as remarkable.

With that, here is what I posted this morning on my FB page so all my family and friends will know why they are not getting a card from us this Christmas. That includes some of you on this site.

I am writing this Christmas note in hopes all who read it will take it the right way. My family is very blessed to have more than we need, in all aspects of life. We have a stack of lovely Christmas cards from family and friends that numbers in the hundreds, each representing great people who are part of our lives.

A story of a friend's act of kindness last year has made us think about what we are doing to truly express the spirit of Christmas. Last Christmas, this friend saw a person who he had never met in more need than he was; a young mother needing shoes. In the spirit of Christmas, he bought her a pair of shoes. That motivated me to think about what I am doing that might make a small difference to someone not as blessed as we are at our house; in essence, the true spirit of Christmas.

In past years, we sent cards by the box full. Our manner of spreading our warm thoughts to those we love. As great as it feels to be thought of at Christmas and to let others know we are thinking of them, there seems to be a deeper meaning to the spirit of Christmas.

Kim and I decided that this year we would not send Christmas cards, and we would not be buying each other gifts. Rather, we want to do something that will make a difference; albeit a small difference, and hopefully a meaningful difference to those who might be spending the Holidays in a different situation than we enjoy.

The Food Bank is the recipient of a lot of our donations; cash and food. It provides an important basic need that most of us can easily take for granted - food. When I bring my food donations to the Food Bank, it is always strikes me how fortunate I am. With that, this year, all of our Christmas budget is going to the Food Bank.

For those of you who send us your amazing cards, we thank you. I hope you don't think we are forgetting you at this time; we are not. We think of you all and our hope for you and your families is a wonderful Christmas, along with wishes for health and happiness.

You won't see a card in your mailbox from us this year. Rather, our donation to those who are hungry will be done with you in mind, thinking of your kindness to include us in your Christmas greetings. Your appreciation and thoughtfulness motivates us to do this. I hope you understand.

With that, Merry Christmas to all of you. May the spirit of Christmas be alive and well, not just today, but every day.

With that, our family sends our Christmas wish to all of you. I hope your life is blessed with health and happiness. May your family and friends be many and may the spirit of Christmas make your season full of meaning.

Thanks for all your great support and the wonderful joy you give to the Newberg family. We are as grateful as we are blessed to know all of you.

Merry Christmas!
God bless and Merry Christmas to all. Don't ever get so busy in life that you forget to take the opportunities to make a difference in someone's life, no matter how big or small it may seem to you at the time.

Thanks Randy.
You are swimming against the cultural tide on this one, and I congratulate you for being a thinking family who chooses to make a difference where you can.
Merry Christmas to all! Definitely agree with paying it forward and helping out others who are not as fortunate, throughout the year, and not just at Christmas. Reflecting on my blessings, I am very thankful for the friends and family in my life. Hope you all have a safe and fantastic holiday season!
Great idea Randy. As a middle school teacher I have seen the importance of the local food banks and the impact they can have on helping the children in our local communities. Even though the economy has improved for many in the past year, there is still a great need for those of us who can to help out our chosen community support organizations. Here in Boise, the news was reporting that the Salvation Army "Red Kettle Ringers" fundraiser is way lower than past years because nobody uses cash anymore to do their Christmas shopping. Another great organization that helps our communities less fortunate. Merry Christmas to all.
Getting to know you somewhat this past fall, I am not surprised at the least by your generosity. We try to do much the same, although we still "cave" and buy the kids and other close family members gifts (although sometimes it has been "given in your name...."). My wife's Christmas gift for the last few years has mostly been a box of cherry cordials....ssshhhussh, don't want to blow the surprise ;).

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours, and all the Hunt Talk family members.
Randy, Much better than giving just to give when we all know if we want it most of us just get that thing (Present) when we see it though the year. I always look back at the time I spent as a Jaycee when we delivered Food and Toys to the less fortunate. It was a time when if you were on a government program you were hurting, so Bless you and your family for doing the right thing. John
God bless and Merry Christmas to all. Don't ever get so busy in life that you forget to take the opportunities to make a difference in someone's life, no matter how big or small it may seem to you at the time.

Thanks Randy.

Spot on JLS!!
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year! May your holiday season be spent with those close to you!
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