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One stick is weak but a bundle of sticks is strong.

Thanks for the link, Harley ... even though you still can't resist a smart a$$, attempt-at-demeaning remark. But no concern, as I've conceded to Riley, humbly I'm ignorant, as well as stupid ... but I am an excellent reader.
Nah, when I really wanna demean I'll address you as a knucklehead....I'm also an excellent reader.
Anyone care to contribute something worthy to the original post? If so, please chime in. Otherwise, take it elsewhere.
Great post. I have always thought that the hunting and fishing advocates have always ignored the hiking and equestrian crowd. We are in this together!
SCI does support trapping now not sure if they always did. As far as my views on Jews I view them like I do everybody else on a case by case basis. Not really into socialism and not sure what it has to do with anything. The point I was trying to make is for unification of all sportsmen. Didn't mean for my 2nd post to become a political one . I try to stay out of other people's politics and religion.

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