Off season workouts


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Since it is almost considered the off season I was curious to hear what people do to stay in shape. I am lucky in that my job alots me time during the day to work out. I usually just hit the treadmill for 45 minutes or so but that gets really old. I am looking for something that might be a little more entertaining that I can do indoors. If you can call working out entertaining.
I have been using kettlebells. Helps to break up the monotony. When the snow melts a bit, I throw on a weighted pack and walk the hills in the neighborhood.
...oh and if I had the appropriate number of kitchen passes, which this year I don't. A January Arizona or New Mexico archery hunt is a fun way to break up the monotony and is also a motivator to stay in shape through the holidays.
I'm going to do a round of p90x this spring. Finishing up a round on saturday. Got a spring bear hunt to stay in shape for. Want to start to do some crossfit stuff this spring. Not much equipment here in town though.
After hunting season but before the snow melts I do body part workouts. day 1:chest/tris, day2: abs/lower back, day 3: back/biceps/shoulders, day 4: legs (squats,lunges,etc.) basically just strength training during this time. Once the snow melts, I continue this workout but spend two days a week on lower body endurance/cardio (more focused on hunting conditioning than the winter workout). One day of cardio/endurance is spent running (generally 5-7 miles keeping heart rate around 170 bpm and the other day i load up the backpack with weights and hit the hills for about an hour. Lots of workouts to do, but this has worked well for me and prepared me well for my mtn. goat hunt this past fall.
Lift 4 times a week, 10-13 weight lifting exercises. Warm up for the lifting is to run a mile. Alternate days between a hard mile and a light mile. After the lifting, I spend anywhere from 25-35 minutes on different machines, shock the body. I am about to change this though, been doing it for a year and it tends to get stale. Will do some homework and find a new plan.

During the summer I try and run outdoors as well. I also make a habit of climbing very large hills with my pack on because honestly nothing is like hiking in.
I've been doing crossfit 2-5 days a week since the season, which is what I did before the season as well. I find it fun and enjoy going, so it's no chore.
I have started working out with the P90x dvds, I plan on starting my 90 days when I get back from my R&R. I will also be doing Insanity, which is 60 days and more conditioning(some say easier) than p90x. I will start running more in the spring and hiking the treadmill at max incline with a backpack this summer.
Good ol Fashion Love making........... And if you have a partner, you'll burn more calories ;)

I haven't been doing much. But I will start training for the Bosie 70.3 Iron Man in Jan. I won't be hitting the gym too hard but I'll be running , doing spin class, and Swimming. I would say Swimming is the best workout. Low Impact. Good for breathing control and is jsut flat out good for your core. Unfortunately the 70.3 has 56 of the miles in the bike portion :(

Start Swimming a couple miles a week. It's not that hard, doesn't take that long, and you'll feel great !!
Just lift weights and try to bulk back up from all the weight loss from hunting season. I love this time of year. I can eat anything and everything. Put on 10-15 pounds and then start up the cardio sometime in May.
Deer season doesn't end here until the 31st. I'll let you know on the 1st :)

Actually I have done a past round of P90X and for 10 months last year I spent jogging and weight training 5 days a week. The last two months of this year have been spent eating fast food, candy bars and up to two Pepsi's a day. The 12 pounds I have gained has ruined the optical inch that I worked so hard for. :D
I'm signed up for a training group that starts in January inprep for a Half Marathon Trail Race that is in April. There is another 30K race in March I'd like to do if I can get my mileage up in time. To do that I
have to increase my long run distance 13 miles in 10 weeks.

We are lucky here on the Coast that we can get out on the trails year round. We have wind and rain for sure. If I was in Snow country I'd be cross country skiing and snowshoing
Remember, there is no such thing as bad weather...Just bad clothing choices.
My routine is tough but fairly regimented. Monday, 2-3 beers while watching MNF. Tuesday, drink 3-4 beers while bowling. Wednesday -rest. Thursday, 3-4 beers while playing in the pool league. Friday and Saturday - play it loose and see what happens. Sunday - Have a couple beers while watching football.

Wow as I type that I think I may have a problem....HAHA. Thank god I have a job that gets me fairly good excersise or I think I'd be really out of shape, instead of just a little.
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