Yeti GOBOX Collection

Off season workouts

my new weight loss/excerise/strength training/cardio workout for the next 5 months will be the MT legislature.

It's also my tolerance for alcohol building regimen.
So this morning I did a Core body workout with those 1/2 Ball things and the big 2.5' balls and stretchy bands.... The instructor was a NATZI. My fat rolls hurt bad already today.................
I am going to try something currently at 135-140 weakling.Mainly whant to get my lungs and legs in better shape.I am going to do some bikeing when the weather is better.Some running is in the plans.
MOOSIE, if you ever decide you wanna do more than the local 70.3 Come down to my neck of the woods for the Vineman 70.3
Sells out fast, and has expensive fees, but I could put you up and we usually work run aid station at mile 2/11.

I run with a guy who does the Vineman 70.3 every year...
I do some lifting, mostly free weights, 3-4 times per week.
I don't really have a set cardio routine, but it usually consists of some elliptical, stair climber, cross country skiing and snow shoeing. Some weeks I may only get a day of cardio, some weeks I may get 3. In the summer I get enough backpacking and hiking in that I don't worry about much else other than lifting.
I just started in again at the gym a couple of weeks ago after my Sept-Nov break, and am just getting to the point where I can sneeze without feeling like my abs are tearing.
2rocky..... If I traveled to a place to do a IronMan they'd expect better results then I do :W:

But the offer is very much appreciated !!
Moosie I do want to know where you got your BEEF Jersey. Do you have a contact at the Beef board?

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