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Oath keepers???


Sep 25, 2015
Not sure if this belongs here if not please move to the right place. But anyways they posted a like on their FB page and I agree with some of the views but definitely not on public lands. I really don't understand how people could willingly want to give up these lands back to the states that will just sell them off. Is there some kind of brainwashing going on that I'm missing?

Here's a link https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1412768638756798&id=182483688451972&ref=m_notif&notif_t=like
The lands in question never belonged to the states. This "give back to the states" crap is just that. Crap.
The founder of Oath Keepers is Stewart Rhodes.

"Stewart is the Founder and National President of Oath Keepers. He was born in Fresno, CA and comes from a family of hard working migrant farm workers..... After college he worked on Rep. Ron Paul’s (R, TX) DC staff."
I know who Stewart Rhodes is and am not meaning this to be a negative thread I support the constitution and is why I originally joined oath keepers a couple years ago, but I cannot support people who support giving our public lands back to the states to sell no matter how many good their intentions.

The founder of Oath Keepers is Stewart Rhodes.

"Stewart is the Founder and National President of Oath Keepers. He was born in Fresno, CA and comes from a family of hard working migrant farm workers..... After college he worked on Rep. Ron Paul’s (R, TX) DC staff."
I understand what you're saying. I was responding to this part of your post below. Did you click the Ron Paul link? That's where the "brainwashing" came from.

I really don't understand how people could willingly want to give up these lands back to the states that will just sell them off. Is there some kind of brainwashing going on that I'm missing?
There are many of us on this forum who have served in the military and/or in public office who have sworn the oath to support and defend the Constitution on more than one occasion. It is not an original concept instituted by the Oath Keepers. One problem with many Oath Keepers is that they seem to want to support and defend rights which do not exist and they often decry actions by authorized agencies as being unconstitutional, when the criticism comes from misreading and misunderstanding the Constitution. (The Bundys are of that same ilk.) In the case of PLT, the assertion that public federal land should be transferred "back" to the states is a ludicrous notion based on serious misinterpretation of the property clause of the United States Constitution.
The Oath Keeper-style belief is based on the simplest and most-illogical reading of the Constitution, imho.

One can even be a strict Constitutionalist and still admit that the very Constitution in question gives Congress the ways and the means to create legislation. The Bundy-style clan forgets about authority given to different jurisdictions by the very Constitution they claim to espouse.
Thanks for the reply SA. I should of also stated that I quit my membership after the bundy deal started. I know I fell for the oath keepers being prior service and supporting LEO Orgs.
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