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NRA On The Hot Seat - Exposed or Attacked?

Randy what other orgs can we start supporting? I never supported the NRA but can't argue they will be tough to replace if they get dissolved.
I agree, there are lots of people who vote Democrat and are gun owners/pro 2A. For many there are other political issues more pressing than gun rights that affect how a citizen votes. I was speaking specifically about elected officials and the potential for a shift in political power between parties. The likelihood of enacting significant gun control measures would increase greatly if Dems controlled the House, Senate, and Presidency. Just because a gun owner votes for a specific candidate doesn’t necessarily mean that elected official will stick up for their interests (ie 2A, gun owners). We see this dynamic quite regularly with public land hunter advocacy. I know lots pro-public land hunters who vote consistently Rep and their elected officials consistently vote anti-public land. While politicians are beholden to their constituents, they are also heavily influenced by their national party leaders and those agendas. To think otherwise is quite foolish. I also agree that gun owners rights should not be an R or D issue (its in the Constitution), however the future of gun ownership will be decided by courts and politicians, of which the later is most definitely R or D. I strongly believe the NRA went astray when it became a completely partisan organization, it was strongest as a non-partisan organization focused solely on gun owner advocacy. However, the ascension of staunchly anti gun leaders and trend away from moderates in the DNC drove the NRA in this direction. It also left moderate Dem/Rep gun owners in a very difficult position.

To be fair, identifying the NRA (and its gun owner members by association) as an active terrorist group seems a bit extreme, even by today’s hyper-polarized political standards.

Based on the greed and corruption in the NRA, you are correct, gun owners deserve and can do much better.
Thank you for the well-spoken reply! And you’re right about the terror thing, but it was deeply troubling to me. I appreciate your ability to not just go off the rails, I enjoy healthy debate.

You are spot on about the guns/public land stance.
This might not be popular here, but in general I find Black women take no shit, push things forward, and get my praise. Slow clap for Letitia James for doing what needed to be done to at least put pressure on this corrupt organization.

Unsolicited opinion...I’m hoping a better pro 2nd Amendment advocacy group replaces the NRA, root and stem. And does better at seeking bipartisan support, even if it means some compromises ... I don’t need an AR or 30 round magazines, and as the parent of a toddler who will soon be school age in a country with a chronic inability to deal with its frequent school shootings, I’d prefer others didn’t either.
I stopped supporting the NRA in the 90’s when they seemed to have no idea that I was a member; I would renew the membership, and two months later they would be telling me my membership had expired.

I started actively campaigning against the NRA after 9/11 when they took the stance of arming pilots to shoot passengers.

I believe they became an active terrorist group a few years back when the NRA took the stance of arming teachers to shoot children.

I love the 2nd amendment, I own dozens of guns, including military weapons, Guns however, are not the only important thing about our Country, our Constitution, or our future.

They also ONLY back Republicans for political elections, they give Senator John Tester of Montana an “F” rating.....come on! The same for Bullock.......we can do better.

But they don’t back all Republicans. Romney was never endorsed for his presidential run. I thought their grading system was pretty arbitrary.
This might not be popular here, but in general I find Black women take no shit, push things forward, and get my praise. Slow clap for Letitia James for doing what needed to be done to at least put pressure on this corrupt organization.

Unsolicited opinion...I’m hoping a better pro 2nd Amendment advocacy group replaces the NRA, root and stem. And does better at seeking bipartisan support, even if it means some compromises ... I don’t need an AR or 30 round magazines, and as the parent of a toddler who will soon be school age in a country with a chronic inability to deal with its frequent school shootings, I’d prefer others didn’t either.
if the NRA gets dismantled it may not be the worst thing that ever happened to us. They’ve proven themselves to be just as corrupt as anyone else in Washington. I stopped being a member five years ago. Hopefully GOA or another group will fill that void and learn from the mistakes of the NRA.
If they go down. I hope Wayne and his cronies at least get some time over it. To hell with then.
This might not be popular here, but in general I find Black women take no shit, push things forward, and get my praise. Slow clap for Letitia James for doing what needed to be done to at least put pressure on this corrupt organization.

Unsolicited opinion...I’m hoping a better pro 2nd Amendment advocacy group replaces the NRA, root and stem. And does better at seeking bipartisan support, even if it means some compromises ... I don’t need an AR or 30 round magazines, and as the parent of a toddler who will soon be school age in a country with a chronic inability to deal with its frequent school shootings, I’d prefer others didn’t either.
This clearly illustrates why we will struggle to find common ground with a gun organization. I don’t care if you don’t want 30 round magazines. You don’t have to have them. I’m not giving up mine and any organization that goes along with that can also kick rocks.
This clearly illustrates why we will struggle to find common ground with a gun organization. I don’t care if you don’t want 30 round magazines. You don’t have to have them. I’m not giving up mine and any organization that goes along with that can also kick rocks.
You misunderstand.
I don’t want you to have them and would support groups that want to take them away from you. 😉
This clearly illustrates why we will struggle to find common ground with a gun organization. I don’t care if you don’t want 30 round magazines. You don’t have to have them. I’m not giving up mine and any organization that goes along with that can also kick rocks.
When GW and the majority let the assault weapons ban run out, it did more harm than good.

In 1998, no one cared or needed 100 round drums for anything, and it was fine.

If the ban had stayed in place, we’d have less opposition to guns, but when we refuse to talk about it, we make ourselves vulnerable.

The right to bear arms already has restrictions; an “arm” can be anything from a rock in hand, to a nuclear weapon.......we as a civilized society need to come together on where that line is drawn.
When GW and the majority let the assault weapons ban run out, it did more harm than good.

In 1998, no one cared or needed 100 round drums for anything, and it was fine.

If the ban had stayed in place, we’d have less opposition to guns, but when we refuse to talk about it, we make ourselves vulnerable.

The right to bear arms already has restrictions; an “arm” can be anything from a rock in hand, to a nuclear weapon.......we as a civilized society need to come together on where that line is drawn.
You’re totally speculating, but OK.
Why do people always jump to a nuclear weapon. LOL. I’m fine with the line where it is.
Actually that is untrue.Here’s where I want the line. Suppressors are no different than any other attachment to a rifle, shotgun, handgun. They should be cash and carry.
restrictions on barrel length are also stupid. 16 inches restriction on AR is just an arbitrary number. If someone could set me down and truly explain how a 12 inch barrel is more deadly than the 16 inch barrel I would love to hear it. in the real world. in the real world.
No I clearly understood you. For a brief second I hoped that your post was sarcasm but you clearly fall into that group pro second amendment with an asterisk beside it.
Just so there’s no confusion the asterisk means that you really don’t support the Second Amendment.
There in lies the problem any group that you would support which I will assume would be Bloomberg-based are not going to have a whole support from most gun owners. Reference my first post there a gun owners(you) and then there are people who believe in the Second Amendment(not you)
You’re totally speculating, but OK.
Why do people always jump to a nuclear weapon. LOL. I’m fine with the line where it is.
Actually that is untrue.Here’s where I want the line. Suppressors are no different than any other attachment to a rifle, shotgun, handgun. They should be cash and carry.
restrictions on barrel length are also stupid. 16 inches restriction on AR is just an arbitrary number. If someone could set me down and truly explain how a 12 inch barrel is more deadly than the 16 inch barrel I would love to hear it.
I agree on suppressors, unfortunate that they got the name “silencers”, you and I both know they are not quiet
Might wanna tap the victory lap brakes...they ain't dead yet and I sense some whiz bang fund raising efficacy from the 'slow clap' celebration.

Like I said, lawyers, gins, and money....strange bedfellows.


Love it.

This kind of action makes good press, but will take a long time to play out. NRA counsel is looking at the new yacht magazine as we speak.