NRA endorses Trump

Trump can NOT beat Hillary!!! In a post on this site a month or so ago... a poster (can not remember who), showed a map of the states and how it would be impossible for Trump to beat Hillary. The electoral college is all in favor of the democrats. Also stated that the Repubs. would lose the Senate. After that post I just decided if the contest was already decided I would stay home on election day and NOT vote.

good luck to all
the dog
I figured they would lean to Hillary. Not the first time I was wrong in this cycle. ;-)
Trump can NOT beat Hillary!!! In a post on this site a month or so ago... a poster (can not remember who), showed a map of the states and how it would be impossible for Trump to beat Hillary. The electoral college is all in favor of the democrats. Also stated that the Repubs. would lose the Senate. After that post I just decided if the contest was already decided I would stay home on election day and NOT vote.

good luck to all
the dog

Trump also would never be the nominee many said as well, he was looked at as a joke when he announced, yet he has continued to gain traction and support. I wouldn't underestimate how bad of a candidate Hillary Clinton is just yet.
My person take is that although a lot of people really hate the idea of a power hungry, liar, that is completely sub-servant to big money, running the country it's still better than Drumpf.
The South Park episode of "Giant Douche and Turd Sandwich" has never been more accurate...
My person take is that although a lot of people really hate the idea of a power hungry, liar, that is completely sub-servant to big money, running the country it's still better than Drumpf.

Here's another way to look at it. Would you rather see a career politician who lies, scams, and makes money off of side deals, or someone who makes money off of owning businesses and has a stake in the game because of it? Trump owns businesses that rely on the economy doing well in order to make a profit. I don't care if our president is a loud, rude, douchebag as long as he puts a pen to what is right for the country. It's not a popularity contest. There's a reason both sides hate the guy, and it makes me like him more because of it. The left and right established political clubs are out of control and need to be bitch slapped. Trump is that bitch slap. If the guy does half of what he says he is going to do he will be just fine.
Who would be dumb enough to believe trump will do anything he says, let alone half of it?

I can understand wanting to put the establishment on notice...but Trump isn't the way to do it.

In case trump was asleep in 9th grade civics class, he still has to work with congress...he's not the king he believes himself to be.
If you hate Trump so bad why don't you just turn your guns in NOW... Its not perfect but its better than the other Candidate... get over it.. And Obama doesn't think he's the King? Give the man a chance we cant do any worse
What he said get out and make your vote count for something. They have tried to end Trumps rising all along and he defies the odds every time. And I do believe he will do it in November also.
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If you hate Trump so bad why don't you just turn your guns in NOW... Its not perfect but its better than the other Candidate... get over it.. And Obama doesn't think he's the King? Give the man a chance we cant do any worse

Like I said, nobody is king...we have a congress for a reason. Get over it.
Who would be dumb enough to believe trump will do anything he says, let alone half of it?

I can understand wanting to put the establishment on notice...but Trump isn't the way to do it.

In case trump was asleep in 9th grade civics class, he still has to work with congress...he's not the king he believes himself to be.

You know Buzz, I once believed what you just stated. "Checks and balances" until I see all of these "executive orders" that are written and congress has no part in the say. I don't care what party they are just plain wrong.

good luck to all
the dog
Executive orders can, and are, over-turned via courts if found to be unsupported by statute or the Constitution.

Congress can also overturn an executive order by passing legislation that conflicts with it.

There are "checks and balances" even with executive orders.

The fear mongering by the NRA is just that regarding any President banning guns via executive order. Any executive order that conflicted with the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution would be struck down via congress and/or the USSC.

Facts matter.
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Here's another way to look at it. Would you rather see a career politician who lies, scams, and makes money off of side deals, or someone who makes money off of owning businesses and has a stake in the game because of it? Trump owns businesses that rely on the economy doing well in order to make a profit. I don't care if our president is a loud, rude, douchebag as long as he puts a pen to what is right for the country. It's not a popularity contest. There's a reason both sides hate the guy, and it makes me like him more because of it. The left and right established political clubs are out of control and need to be bitch slapped. Trump is that bitch slap. If the guy does half of what he says he is going to do he will be just fine.

About my take on the matter, hopeful! An 82 year old pt of mine told me if he had one wish it would be to be able to read books 20 yrs from now that talk about this election. His next comment was about 'slick' potentially going back to the White House.
If you hate Trump so bad why don't you just turn your guns in NOW... Its not perfect but its better than the other Candidate... get over it.. And Obama doesn't think he's the King? Give the man a chance we cant do any worse

Once again someone saying if a Democrat is elected they will take our guns away. Yesterday when pandering to the NRA crowd trump said "If Clinton is elected she will abolish the 2nd amendment." Really? Give me a break.
Whether Hillary will abolish the 2nd amendment or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that she WANTS to do that. It probably would not happen, but still, why support a candidate with that viewpoint?

One thing I heard her talking about is how she feels gun manufacturers should be liable anytime a person is shot with one of their guns. What she would like is to allow gun makers to be sued every time someone is killed with a gun, which obviously the intent of this would be to put all of them out of business.

Can't take away our gun rights? Okay, then we'll make it so there are no guns to buy, or at least the price of guns will be so high that most people can't afford to buy them.