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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
Tic-Toc, the deadline to apply is coming up. Who's in for NM this year?
I'm in for elk & mulies in local units. cool:
I'm in. Deer, elk, and I will be drawing pronghorn (in my dreams).

Sorry to folks that I did not get NM covered in the "Ask Randy" segments. I've been on the road almost non-stop since February 16th. Just haven't had time to do anything.
I am in however New Mexico has never given me much love. I applied for elk, antelope, and sheep. Good luck to all that throw their name in the hat.
I'll be in, just need a few more days to get all the details figured out. I'll be in the outfitter pool but doing a DIY hunt. Crossing my fingers that lightening strikes twice!!!
Since I live less than 100 miles from the New Mexico border I will be applying for pretty much all species like I have for the last 5 or 6 years. Going to change up my 3rd choice options a little so hopefully I won't mess up and draw 2 tags the same week in different units like I did last year.

I've done pretty well on drawing some tags some years and struck out completely in other years. With 100% random drawing odds, you never know although the odds seem to keep getting worse and worse on most of the units I apply in. Especially after the 6% limit kicked in.
I'm in for elk. Been lucky in NM and I hope it continues. Maybe the fact that I'm a former resident and likely will return upon retirement helps me??
Definite for oryx and elk, Still have my OIL draw for oryx, Drawn 3 hunts, but want that OIL tag for Rhodes Canyon.

Have my shopping cart ready, but still deciding antelope and deer. Antelope is an impossible draw, but fun hunt. Mule deer in NM is way down; I will probably pass.

With the changes in the Valle Caldara lottery, my odds are better and I may put a ticket in both bull elk and cow elk rifle. Lottery now limits all purchasers to only 1 ticket per hunt code. For the cheap hunter (me) , it is more attractive.
I'm in (or will be once I've made my mind up) for elk, deer, ibex, oryx, and antelope. Wish me luck on those last three, even as a local! :)

I only started hunting 2 years ago and I am still waiting for my first elk tag despite putting in easy draws for last cow as my 3rd choice each of those years.

At this point I'm interested in branching out from 17 and am thinking about 13 and 15 (probaby in Hanks area!), maybe even 16E after seeing some of your shows there, BigFin. Does anyone know much about 21A? I'm curious since I noticed they added a cow tag there for this year. At the end of the day I really just want to draw, expose my boys to hunting, and I love seeing new territory in my great home state.


P.S. If anyone draws in 17, 13, or thereabouts and needs a body to help pack out give me a shout. I'd love to camp & help. Hell, I'll even you give you a place to stay in Socorro!
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Living in Socorro, do you do the off range oryx. I live too far away (Roswell) to do the month long hunt.? Socorro is right there, Nice way to spend a weekend.

Your offer of help and lodging was classy!
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Gonna pass on NM this year since I drew Wyoming Elk.

Living in Socorro, do you do the off range oryx. I live too far away (Roswell) to do the month long hunt.? Socorro is right there, Nice way to spend a weekend.

Your offer of help and lodging was classy!

I put in for off-range every year, although I may have a buddy with a badge so I'm leaning towards that as at least one of my choices this year. We shall see around the end of April. The way I look at it is that I should draw it at least once in the next 20 years, almost the same with Ibex.
Anyone know the skinny on the 10% outfitter pool oryx hunt ban? I read in the regs they were not going to let anyone hunt who draws out of that. Why doesn't NMF&G just dump them into the unguided pool? There's already way more welfare tags than necessary anyway! And the odds for either are pathetic.
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Zim, No info on that,I'll ask a G&F guy.
I get in trouble with buddies(outfitters)when I say there should be no OF pool. And all LO tags should be ranch only. I'm in RO unit,works for me and my little 140.
I do know there are many changes coming again,at least that's rumor. Hopfully better for NR too. Rumor of LO tag changes too,who .knows. Head of E-plus made no mention last week when I met with him.

Ephraim,PM me. I can give you some info on my area. You've been in 17,one of the most rugged for sure.
Zim, No info on that,I'll ask a G&F guy.
I get in trouble with buddies(outfitters)when I say there should be no OF pool. And all LO tags should be ranch only. I'm in RO unit,works for me and my little 140.
I do know there are many changes coming again,at least that's rumor. Hopfully better for NR too. Rumor of LO tag changes too,who .knows. Head of E-plus made no mention last week when I met with him.

Ephraim,PM me. I can give you some info on my area. You've been in 17,one of the most rugged for sure.

Hope it gets better! This guy's going the other direction though. Regular/memorials/house/HM114.pdf

I'll be in for elk, not sure what I'll put in for yet though.
NM, Oregon and CA offer pathetic odds for NR. I do like visiting NM but probably have hunted my last hunt there unless NR allocations improve.

Stuck a nice bull my last hunt there in 2012 but no tags drawn, even 3rd choice since, in either pool. I'm riding the line this year on tags in AZ, UT & OR but who knows, could get shutout of all three even with 50/50 chance in each.
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